1 Year ago

Serena's POV

I was at home just chilling and doing sweet nothing, my uncle came over to get me to visit my grandmother. He kinda lived with her to help her out with the house, she was struggling to keep her head above the water.

As we walked to my grams house I saw a white truck outside the yard. "Do you know who's truck that is?" I asked my uncle. "No I don't know Rena I'll jog over then you can go in." my uncle said. I nodded my head yes.

As I walked in I greeted my grams and I saw a man sitting on the sofa, he looked so familiar. He grinned and said"Hey honey, remember me?" I smiled from ear to ear. "Daddy!" I squealed and ran up to him and hugged him as tight as I could, he started to laugh "Sweety... I can't ... breath" he said "Sorry daddy its just I've missed you so much, I haven't seen you in like ... uh ..." I trailed off counting the years.

"6 years." I managed to say. "I know honey I've missed you too, but I'm here to stay." he said. "Promise?" I asked. "I promise, I love you sweetheart." Dad said. "I love you too daddy!"
