
14 July 2016

Serena's POV

I woke up to a wet feeling in my pants. "My water broke!" I yelled and Luke was up in a blink of an eye. "Lets go." He said and I laughed at him.

"Luke we have to grab my bags and tell your mom to watch the twins while we- " I was interrupted by a sharp pain and Liz running into the room. "Luke take her to the hospital now!" she said and Luke helped me out of bed and down the stairs.

On our way to the hospital I kept getting these contraction pains and it hurts like hell. We finally pulled into the emergency lot and Luke stopped the car and he ran to my door, opened it and helped me out. We got into the emergency room and Luke yelled "I need a nurse please." Two nurses were at our side quickly and asked what happened.

"My girlfriend is about to have the baby and she is full term." He said and the nurses nodded helping me into a wheelchair.

"Let's get her into labor and delivery!" One nurse said to the other one as they strolled me down the hall

11:00 AM

"Come on last push!" the nurse said and I gave one very last hard push and out was the baby.

"It's a girl!" the one nurse said and I was so happy.

"We're losing her!"

Luke's POV

"We're losing her!" the nurse said and I looked over at Serena and her face started to lose color, her beautiful blue eyes were starting to go a white dull color. Her warm hands were getting cold, her blush colored skin went pale, her red lips went a pale blue color. I started to shake her lightly "Baby, please don't leave us! Not again." I said with tears streaming down my face.

"Sir you need to leave now, please." the nurse said and I did as told because I know the drill.

I walked into the waiting room and everyone's sitting there, their heads immediately turned to me. "No, not again!" my mom said and I nodded my head.

"The baby is healthy and its a baby girl, but Serena-" I said and started sobbing.

"When the nurse said its a girl, she started to lose consciousness and her face went pale, her eyes a white dull color, her hands went cold. Like she was slipping into another world leaving us." I told them and they were in tears.

"Daddy?" Tristan and McKezie said looking sad "Yes babies." I said

"Mommy?" they asked and I nearly cracked but I held it together.

"Mommy will be back soon sweeties." I said with a small smile and they nodded.

4:30 PM

"Its getting late and we haven't heard anything yet." I said while walking up and down the waiting room.

"Luke you just have to be patient." my mom said

"Mom this is not the first time she almost died, remember when we all had to say our goodbyes because they couldn't safe her. I am not saying goodbye again!" I said with tears in my eyes.

7:30 PM

"Luke Hemmings?" a doctor asked and I jumped up.

"Yes?" I said

"You can come and hold your daughter." he said and I nodded following him.

"Do you have any news on Serena doctor?" I asked him and he went stiff.

"No sorry sir." he said and he opened a door, I walked in and he said "The nurse will help you." and he walked away.

"Sir you can come with me." She said and I followed her.

"Here is your little girl." She said and smiled.

I thanked her and picked up our baby.

"Hello sweetheart, its daddy." I said and a tear fell out of my eye and landed on her cheek, I wiped it away with my thumb.

"You look so much like your mommy, you have her eyes, lips and her hands." I said with a small smile.

"Sir we need to complete your daughters birth certificate, what will be her name?" She asked and I wrote it down.

Addelynn Darcy Jones

"Thank you sir." she said and I nodded.

"My sweet Addelynn." I said and then I heard my name being called.

I turned around and there stood the same doctor who brought me here.

"I have news on Serena." he said and walked over to me.

"She did pass away, but we got her back. The next time she dies she must stay that way, because if we safe her again her heart will keep failing and she would have to be on life-support and will be declared brain dead in a few weeks. She is resting now, but as soon as she wakes up we will call you. Take your baby home and go rest." He said and I thanked him.

I took my daughter to meet her new family.
