Meeting Luke

Serena's POV

Its been 2 weeks since the nightmare and I'm 14 weeks into my pregnancy and my bump is getting bigger by the day.

Yes I'm still sleeping in Luke's room, my room is almost finished.

I got out of bed and went downstairs to gwt some breakfast. "Morning Liz." I said as I walked into the kitchen, she looked up at me and smiled "Morning Serena. Did you sleep well?" She asked and I nodded.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked and Liz replied "Someone's hungry today" I giggled and said "Yes I kinda am, but remember I have two babies to feed too." "Of course you do honey." Liz said and gave me a plate full of 3 strips bacon, 1 egg (I don't like eggs that's why only 1), 2 slices of toasted bread and 1 sausage.

"Thanks Liz, it looks amazing. Oh and when can we go to the doctors to see how the babies are doing?" I asked.

"We can go tomorrow or next week." She said and I nodded, eating my breakfast.

Luke's POV

I want to surprise my mom and dad so I told Jack that I'm coming home in a month or 2, but I'm going home today.

"Luke go and get your bags we need to go to the airport right now!" Ash yelled, I slumped over to my bags and picked them up.


*In Sydney*

I'm on my way home now, the rest of the guys went home with their families.

I'm wondering if my mom's home, she usually goes out shopping this time.

I turned into the driveway and saw my mom was home, I got out of the car and grabbed my bags. I went to the front door and opened it up.

"I'M HOME!!!" I yelled through the house, my mom came running to me "Luke!" She said happily and hugged me. I hugged back.

"I missed you so much, I thought you were coming back in 2 months." she said "I wanted to surprise you mom so I told Jack I'd be home in 2 months time. And I missed you too mom." I said

I took my bags and went up to my room, my door is closed weird. I opened my door and saw a pregnant girl on my bed napping.

Who is she?

"MOM!!!!" I yelled, I know that I shouldn't have yelled because she was sleeping. "Uhm sorry I woke you." I said turning around only to come face to face with my mom.

"Luke! Don't you have manners, Serena was napping cause she's tired and now you yelled and woke her up." My mom said sternly.

"I apologized mom. Who is she and what is she doing in my room and in my bed?" I asked.

"Luke this is Serena, Serena this is Luke." Mom introduced us.

My mom explained everything to me and I understood all of it. I went to the living room where Serena was and sat down next to her. "I'm sorry." I said and she looked confused.

"About what happened to you and how I behaved."
