
Elizabeth's POV

"I came as soon as I heard." Someone said and I looked up, there stood my little girl and Drew. "Mom!" Jas said with tears in her eyes.

"You stay here!" Drew said sternly.

"She's my daughter you bastered!" I yelled.

"I know she is but I want my children and I don't care what that bitch says. I have to see my children!" Drew said

"She's not a bitch, she's a sweetheart and will do anything for her children, family and the people she cares about. I lost my chance to be in her life by taking the easy way out. So don't you dare call her a bitch because you have no idea what she's capable of doing and what she's been through. You are the reason she's like she is now! Why don't you just stay away!" Justin said as he stood behind Drew with two security guards.

Drew turned around and faced his once best friend. "How dare you?" He asked but Justin just stood back as the security guards took Drew away.

Jas ran to me and I pulled her into me. "Mom?" She asked.


"How's my sister?" She asked and I told her everything the doctor told Michael.

Luke's POV

"I'm going to take the twins home now so that they can sleep in their beds and when they wake up eat something and then we'll come back." I said to my mom and she nodded.

"Ash will you please help me carry Tristan to the car?" I asked him and he nodded. 

I picked McKenzie up and walked out of the hospital to the car with Ash following me. I opened the back seat's door and put McKenzie in her car seat and buckled her up. Ash did the same with Tris.

"Thank you Ash." I said to him.

"You're welcome mate." Ash said and just as he turned around to go back I said "Ash, please keep her safe."

He turned around and looked at me nodding and then he walked away.

I drove home and after I got the twins in bed I sat down and switched between the channels on the tv.

I decided to take a shower and go to bed.

8 January 2016

"Daddy!" One of the twins yelled and I quickly rushed to their room, there sat Tristan shaking his sister's lifeless body.

I ran to him and looked if she was still breathing but barley. "Tris she's still alive. Put your shoes on and let's go to the hospital." I said to him and he nodded.

I called my mom so she would wait for us at the hospital, so that when I park she could get Tris out of his car seat while I have McKenzie in my arms.

I picked McKenzie up, with Tris behind me and walked to the front door, I unlocked the door and went to the car. I opened it up and put McKenzie in her car seat, next I picked Tris up and put him in his car seat. I closed both doors and climbed into the drivers side, I started the car and reversed out of the drive way.

At the hospital

My mom was standing at the door of the hospital, so I stopped there and climbed out of the car. "Morning mom. Will you please park the car while I find a doctor who can help me with Kenzie please." I said on the verge of tears.

"Sure sweetheart." She said and I toom McKenzie out of her car seat and went into the hospital. "I need a doctor please!" I yelled and soon there were a nurse at my side.

"What's wrong love?" She asked.

"I don't know, I woke up to my son yelling and when I got in their room he was shaking her and her breathing isn't stable." I said crying now.

"Okay how old is she and what's her name?" The nurse asked while she took her from me.

"She's one year old and her name is McKenzie Elizabeth Jones." I said and the nurse rushed off with my baby.

I fell to my knees and cried, I can't lose both my girls.

"Mate what's wrong?" Calum asked and I looked up.

He helped me up and we walked to the waiting room,  I explained everything to everyone sitting there.

2 hours later

"Michael Clifford?" A nurse came in and he stood up. "Yes?" He asked.

"Is everyone in this room friends and family of miss Jones?" The nurse asked him and he nodded.

"Okay you can now go see miss Jones, she's in room 309." The nurse said and walked away.

We walked to the room and as soon as we entered Jas ran to Serena's side and hugged her. "I missed you so much!" She said crying.

"I missed you too sis, I'm happy you're safe now." She said and next she looked at me.

"Hello." She said with a small smile.

"Hello baby!" I said and walked to her and gave her a kiss and a hug.

Everyone had their turn to say hello and then my mom walked in with Tristan.

"Mommy!!" Tristan yelled and he squirmed in my mother's arms.

My mom walked faster and she put Tris on Serena's bed and she said hello. Tris and Serena cuddled for a moment and had their mother son time.

"Where's McKenzie?" She asked and at that moment the doctor walked in.

"Luke Hemmings?" He asked.


"Can I talk to you, outside please."

I followed him outside and he gave me a look.

"What's wrong doc?" I asked.

"McKenzie has a broken rib that punctured her lung. We are still doing tests on how it broke and why it broke, but she is stable now and we draind most of the blood in her lung."
