Last phone call

24 January 2014

Serena's POV

I'm in my room listing to 5 Seconds of Summer and looking at my ultrasound pictures. 5 Seconds of Summer is really good and I like their music, yes I know that they told me that I've been a fan of the band but I can't remember anything...

"Serena!" My mom called "Coming mom!!" I got up and opened my door to go to my mother. "Yes mom, you called me?" I asked "You're Father's on the phone, he wants to talk to you." She said and I nodded taking the phone from her.

"Hello Dad." I said and I know my voice doesn't sound like I'm happy to talk to him its just I miss him.

"Hello honey, how's things there?" he asked me "It's good daddy I just wish you were here. I miss you a lot." 

"I miss you too baby, I almost won some prize money and if I won, I would have paid it all into your bank account." I nodded and realized that he couldn't see me. "That's awesome daddy, but don't waste all of your money to win prizes. But thanks for trying daddy." I said "I know sweetie but I do it for you and nobody else and you know that, right?"

"I know dad and I appreciate it." "I know you do Serena." He said and I could hear he's crying.

"Why are you crying daddy?" I asked with tears brimming my eyes. "I just miss you honey that's all." "I miss you too Daddy. When are you coming back to visit us?" I asked and I heard him swallow hard. Okay what's going on?

"Baby, I'm in the hospital and I'm a little bit sick I'll come visit as soon as I'm better." "Promise me please daddy?" I asked him and I know he's crying a bit harder now "I promise sweetheart."

"Thanks daddy." I said "Serena?" He asked "Yes Daddy." "When I die someday please take care of yourself, the twins, your sister and mother please and be the strong girl I know you are, promise me that you will do that please Serena."

"I promise daddy. But don't talk like that, you're not going to die any time soon daddy and I don't want you to die. Please stay with me forever daddy." I asked crying "Sweetheart everybody die and when my time comes, I'll be waiting for you and I will be by your side forever. Remember you may not see me then but I'll always be with you wherever you are. I promise baby girl." He's full on sobbing now a d I am too "Daddy I need you so please come back." I said

"I know you do honey. I'm going to bed now. I love you Serene, GOODBYE." He said "I love you too Daddy, bye daddy." I say

"I LOVE YOU BABY ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT." "I love you too daddy and I will I promise." I said and with a last love you abd goodbye my dad hung up leaving me in tears cause that is actually the first time he said 'I love you'.

"Mom dad said 'I love you' for the first time." I told my mom after going into the house again.

25 January 2014

I was sitting in the living room when my mom came in looking like she's seen a ghost. "Mom what's wrong?" I ask.

"Serena your dad is in a critical condition and they don't think he'll survive so they want all his children there to talk too them but I told them we don't have anything to get there. I'm sorry honey, his aunt will keep us updated." She said and I'm in tears now.

Oh no! That's what dad talked about last night! No he can't die! I'm crying harder now and when my sister came to wipe my tears away I just gave her a hug and went to my room.

*Later that night*

I couldn't sleep so I went to sleep with my mom and sister. I fell asleep in their room and even in my dreams I see my dad.

26 January 2014

*4:00 am*

I wake up to my mom's voice on the phone, she's in the living room and I can hear what she and the other person on the phone is saying. "I'm sorry but he passed away a few minutes ago Elizabeth." My father's aunt told my mom "I'm so sorry aunt Tieks I'll tell Serena. Take care and please let us know when the funeral is." My mom said and now im curled up in a ball crying hard into my pillow.

"I'm so sorry Serena." My mom came and hugged me in a bone crushing hug, I just cried harder now. "I d-didn't e-even g-got t-t-to say g-g-g-goodbye" I said through the tears. "He called you 2 days ago to say goodbye Serena, he knew he wouldn't see you again." Mom said. 

"I m-miss h-him m-mom." I said and then hickuped.
