Funeral PART 2

Serena's POV
*July 1st 2013*

As we walked into the church a woman gave all of us a funeral letter with a photo of my grams on it, she was happy smilling. I miss her so much.....
We took our seats and a song started to play in the background Celine Dion - Goodbye's the Saddest Word (listen to this song while reading). Not long after the song started the priest came out, but the song still played.

"We're gathered here together for the loss of a friend, mother, sister, grandmother and an aunt. She was a great person and will forever be remembered that way, she reached all of her goals in life, she was the happiest person to know ..."
I got lost in my memories of my grams...I was pulled back into reality when the priest said "Now we will give it over to Serena, she wants to say something." the priest said.
I stood up and tried to stop sobbing, I walked over to the mike and I started talking.

"This poem is written by Dani Alexandra:
If Grandmothers had a meaning
I'll tell you what it'd be
if you were close to yours
like mine was close to me.
Grandmothers are always there
to lend a shoulder and dry your tears
to comfort you in everything
and help conquer all your fears
Despite all the wrong you've done
and all the wrong you'll do
a grandma will always be there
and unconditionally will love you
A grandma will inspire you
to follow your every dream
she tells you "you won't be alone"
because you're going to be a team
Grandmas are always busy
although their hearts are tame
they tell everyone about you
so everyone knows your name
Grandmas will keep everything
from when you're young till now
and when you dance on Broadway
for her you'll take a bow
Without grandmas we'd be lost
and our tears would not be dry
and we would not be encouraged
to spread our wings and fly
To my grandma I say "Thank you"
my heart will always be
with you everyday, and I know
you're here with me."
11 June 1939 till 27th June 2013
"I miss you grandma :( ..." I finished, and everybody were looking at me with blood shot eyes from crying.
I wiped my tears away and puched the lumb in my throught down.

*3 days later*

"Daddy!" I called for my dad. I'm sick in bed. "Yeah Serena, what's wrong? Do you anything?" he asked."I'm fine dad, I just need this one thing, can you do that for me and promise me please..." I asked"Yes sweetheart, anything for you and you know that" he said."Daddy- ...."
