
Luke's POV

2 days later

We found out that the doctors made a mistake and McKenzie's rib wasn't broken.

The doctors said that because she was the smallest twin she will have problems with her lungs and breathing. They gave us some medication we have to use until she turns 4 years old and if its not better by that time the doctors will have to do some more check ups.

Serena is going to be released today and we're all so excited about it.

"Luke let's take Serena out for dinner tonight." My mom said.

"That's a good idea mom." I said smiling.

"Daddy?" Tristan asked

"Yes baby?"

"Sissy?" He asked.

"We will get your sister when we go and get mommy, okay sweetie?" I said and he nodded, the twins have such a strong bond with each other.

2 hours later

We were at the hospital now and I'm signing the release forms of McKenzie.

"There you go." I said and gave the papers to the nurse.

I walked to the room my baby was in and just as I walked in her eyes lit up and she said "Daddy" with a smile.

"Hello baby girl. Daddy's going to take you home." I said and picked her up, she hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. I picked up her bag and we walked out of the children part of the hospital.

"Let's get mommy." I said and McKenzie squealed happily.

Serena's POV

I was sitting on the hospital bed waiting for someone to come and get me. As I scrolled through my phone the door opened up and I heard "Mommy!".

I looked up and there stood Luke with my baby girl. He walked up to me and kissed my cheek. "How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"Better now." I said smiling and he put McKenzie on the bed and she immediately hugged me.

"I missed you baby." I said to her "Miss you." She said and I smiled.

"Are you ready to go home?" Luke asked and I nodded.

Next day

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and my sister kicking me. "Jas!" I said, nothing.

"JASMIN!" I yelled and she sat up quickly. "Yeah?" She asked "Stop kicking me and its time to wake up." I said and she nodded.

I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen.  "Morning!" Mom said

"Morning mom!" I said and smiled.

"So today is your last day here?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes unfortunately mom." I said.

"Well let's make the most of it!" She said happily and I smiled at her. She put a plate in front of me and put two pancakes on it and gave me the syrup.

"Thanks mom." I said and took the syrup and squished a little on my pancakes. I started to eat it and when I finished I took my plate and washed it.

I walked to the living room and saw Michael and Calum playing with the twins.

"Good morning!" I said cheerful

"Good morning! Someone is in a happy mood." Michael said and I nodded.

"Morning Serena!" Calum said smiling.

"Mowning mommy!" The twins said looking up at me. I kneeled down and hugged them "Morning babies." I said and as I stood up I kissed them on their foreheads.

I have a feeling that this is going to be a good day!
