Nightmare came true

Serena's POV

I woke up in a strange room with nobody to be found. I heard voices downstairs, screaming at each other. "We have to let her go!" The following shocked me. "No, we are not going to do that, cause I need to make Serena suffer!" It was Drew who said that. I can't believe he's doing this to me, I mean like I never did anything to hurt or make him angry.

I went back to the bed and sit on it. I'm so hungry and thirsty... I miss my own bed, my house, my mom and dad and my sister. Thing is I'm a daddy's girl... I don't understand why Drew kidnapped me, everything is still a bit blurry for me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Drew coming into the room. I notice the tears on my cheeks from crying earlier, Drew saw them and he came over to me and lifted me me up and the next thing I didn't expect him to do, he threw me across the room and my back hit the wall, I screamed in pain. He ran over to me and lifted me up by holding my neck so tight.

I struggled to breath cause he was holding my neck to tight and I could feel it bruising. I started to scream for air and he threw me on the ground again, I started to cry hard...

"STOP CRYING BITCH!!!!" Drew shouted at me. A guy came in and he ran over to me, surprisingly he helped me up and held me like he was on my side to protect me.

"STOP DREW! YOU'RE HURTING HER!!" He shouted back at Drew. "NO I'M GETTING BACK AT-" Drew screamed back, I couldn't hear anything anymore cause I passed out.

*The next day*

I woke up in a different room, but it was cute. I went downstairs only to find the cute guy from yesterday... "W-who are y-you?" I questioned with a raspy voice. "Oh, I didn't know you were awake, I'm Justin Hunter." he said and came to hug me but I ran away to the room, I looked in the mirror and my neck were a purple color and I had a few bruises over my body.

I heard a knock on the door and opened it up a little "I won't hurt you, I ran away with you last night to protect you." Justin said "Can I trust you?" I asked. "Yes you can." "Justin I wanna go home, I just want to see my friends and family." I cried, he came over to me and hugged me, I cried into his shirt.

"I know you do, Drew is a pathetic lunatic to kidnap you." He said "I wanna protect you and take you hom-" he was interrupted by screaming from downstairs.  "JUSTIN! WHERE ARE YOU? I KNOW YOU TOOK SERENA!" how did he find us...??

Drew bursted through the door and ripped me away from Justin's embrace and I started to scream and cry, he threw me on the bed but I got away and ran to the door but he got a hold of my arm and pulled me back, I fell to the ground and screamed in pain. "You think you can escape this huh?" Drew asked but I didn't answer him "ANSWER ME YOU SLUT!" He screamed and Justin screamed back at him "DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT TO HER!!" Drew punched him in the face and he blacked out.

Drew took me away and he dragged me down the stairs (he had my hair in his hands) my arms, legs and body began to get bruises all over, I screamed in pain and he stopped in his steps and picked me up, but he threw me down the stairs. "Now you got down the quick way.

*1 week later*

" Drew where are you taking me?" I asked, when I tripped over something, I can't see anything cause I'm blindfolded. "Some place nobody will ever think of finding us." He said. Drew kidnapped me 1 week ago and all he's been doing was abuse me. "Drew you have to let me go, please." I pleaded "No Serena, I will not let you go home. You wanted to run off with Justin, so its your own fault." He said.

"Drew I passed out, so I didn't know anything until the next day!" I said.

I remember this. NO it can't be. MY DREAM!!!!!
