I'm sorry

Serena's POV

I was sitting with the twins when I heard my flight got called out. I stood up and put the twins back in their carriers.

One of the workers here helped me push my luggage cart to the line that was forming by the gate.

I heard heavy footsteps and a "Her flight is boarding!" and I would recognise that voice anywhere, Mikey.

I turned around and saw the 4 running and dodging people. "WAIT!" Luke yelled out of breath, everyone stopped at what they were doing and turned to look at him. He walked up  to me and his hands grabbed the carriers to put them down.

"Serena I'm really sorry for what I have done, I'm sorry that I'm such a foolish person not to see how hurt you really were and still is. I'm sorry, will you please stay and if not for me, stay for my mom and the boys, please." He asked me,  everyone around me were gawking at us.

"Luke-" I started but was interrupted by everyone. "Stay!" They chanted and even the guys chanted with the people.

"Luke you really need to work on stuff." I said and the people got quiet. "I'll stay, but its for the 4 of you and your family." I said and everyone cheered. Luke smiled and picked me up spinning me around while hugging me.

"This thing between us needs to end right now." I whispered in his ear and he put me down "Why?"

"Because I don't want to get hurt again." I said

"I'm sorry."

*At the Hemmings Residents*

"Oh dear Serena I'm so happy you decided to stay." Liz said while she and her husband hugged me.

"I'm happy too." I smiled at them, the twins were in their cots and our clothes were put away. Ashton came around the corner and looked at us.

"Serena do you want to go for a walk?" he asked me, I looked at Liz and she nodded her head. "Sure Ash." I said smiling.

We walked out of the front door and down the street. "Serena what happened to your wrist?" Ash asked pointing to the bandage Liz put up earlier.

"Luke gripped my wrist way to hard and because of what happened to me I can get bruises easy." I said and he looked furious. "Ash its okay now." I said and Ash walked over to a bench to sit down. He grabbed my wrists but not hard, just so he can look at them.

I will admit that I did cut myself while I was kidnapped, how do I remember this you ask? Because I've been having dreams about it.

"What's these?" Ash asked running his fingertips over my self inflicted scars and some of the scars that Drew caused. "Oh that's just the scars of you know, the stuff that happened to me." I said looking away from him knowing a part of that was true.

He lifted my chin up so I could look at him, he put his wrist down so I can see it. I look down and saw some old scars, I ran my fingertips over them "Do you know what they are?" he asked and I nodded "Self harm scars" I said.

"Ash please tell me you didn't do this." I said looking up at him. "I did Serena, but that's a story for another day." He said pulling his wrist away. "Tell me what really happened here, cause I know some of that was not the truth." He said.

"While I was kidnapped, I found sharp objects and I would cut myself just to make sure I'm still alive. Some of these scars where cuts that Drew made when he saw the fresh cuts on ny arms. He would always get so mad and he would cut deeper no matter how hard I yelled and pleaded for him to stop. I would always cut myself whenever my scars were almost healed. I just needed to feel alive. It took the pain and everything away." I said and Ash hugged me.

"I will protect you I promise." Ash said
