
Serena's POV

It's been 2 days since the twins were born and today I get to see my little baby girl. The doctors said that the reason why Mckenzie was born so small is because she was more pushed to the back and she wasn't full term. I didn't carry full term either but Tristan is a healthy little boy, but the doctor is keeping an eye on him so that nothing can go wrong.

"Serena?" I heard the familiar voice that belongs to "Mom?" she, my sister and Justin walked into the room. I smiled up at them, "How did you guys get here mom?" I asked her. "Well Luke called me and informed me about you, he bought 3 plane tickets and we flew out yesterday." She said hugging me.

"How are you sweetie?" Mom asked "I'm good mom thanks, I have a healthy little boy and a very little girl that's in the NICU." I told her looking down and she started to rub my back.

"Serena?" "Yes Jas?" I asked my sister "When can we see the babies?" She asked and I just smiled and looked up at her.  "Soon Jas, I'll ask the nurse when she comes in, in a few minutes." I said and she nodded.

"Hello Justin." I said looking at him "Hi Serena. How are you?" He asked

"I'm good thanks and you?" I asked really wondering how it's going with him. "I'm good thanks."  He said looking at Amanda who came in.

"Hello sweetheart. How are we doing today?" she asked me looking at my guests "I'm good thanks. Amanda this is my mom, Elizabeth. That's my younger sister, Jasmine and that's my friend, Justin." I said pointing out who everyone is.

"It's nice to meet all of you, I'm Serena's nurse, Amanda." she said smiling "Serena do you want to go and see your baby girl?" She asked me and I nodded while having a big smile on my face.

"Can we come with her nurse?" Jas asked and Amanda said yes, they thanked her and got up. Amanda came to help me but Justin asked "Nurse can I please help her up? I'll take her to where her daughter is."Amanda nodded and said "Come with me so i can show you the way to the NICU."

Justin helped me up and we walked out together, he held me up and I held on to his shirt. I'm still a bit weak in my legs that's why I need help. "Serena?" He asked almost in a whisper "Yeah?"

"Look I've liked you for a long time now and I know that you don't feel the same way over me, but I just wanted you to know that. Serena I know how happy you are with the guys and how close you are to all of them especially that Luke guy, I don't want to stand in the way of your happiness. So I decided to move on, only to keep you and the babies safe. Enjoy your life with your children and with the guys and forget about me. It's better this way and know that you'll be safe now." He said just as we got to the NICU, I was too shocked to even reply to this.

He helped me over to a seat and I sat down, my mom and sister standing behind me. "I have to go Serena, it was nice seeing you again and remember what I said." He said looking down at me "Okay Justin. Goodbye." I said asking for a hug "Goodbye Serena." He said hugging me for the last time.

I watched as he walked away and with that Amanda appeared in front of me with a wheelchair. I got in and she took my to where McKenzie was. When we got there I could see how small she really is.

"Can I hold her please?" I asked and Amanda nodded getting my baby out and giving her to me. "Oh baby she's really small, what's her name?" Mom asked "McKenzie Elizabeth Jones" I said while looking at my girl. I played with her small hand and she held onto my finger "I'm here baby girl, mommy's here." I said bringing my lips to her forehead and kissing it. "Amanda how long does she need to stay here?" I asked "About 1 week and if she recovers fast she'll be able to go home." She said and I nodded.  "Can we try and put Tristan here with her, maybe that could help her." I suggested "That's a really good plan, I'll go and get him real quick." She said and walked of.

"Jas come here." I said and my sister came to me and stood in front of me. "This is McKenzie." I said to her and she smiled. "Serena move Mckenzie to one side and I'll give Tristan to you." Amanda said holding him in her arms.

I did as told and Amanda put him down in my arm, I smiled up at her and thanked her. "Oh Serena you have guests in your room." She said still standing there.

"You can take McKenzie and put her back in." I said looking sad for a moment, I didn't want her to go but I know she can't be outside of the NICU.
Amanda took her and after she had done what she needed to do, she pushed me back to my room.

1 Week Later

Me and the babies are back at Liz's house, just for a while just until the twins are old enough to be on tour with the boys.

"Oh honey their beautiful." Liz said looking down at them, my mom and sister went back to South Africa 4 days ago and I really miss them.

"Thanks Liz."

"McKenzie looks like you Rena." Andrew said, yes that's my nickname. "She does but she has her father's hair and Tristan has my hair colour." I said looking at the sleeping babies on the little bed we made for them in the living room.

McKenzie had a good and fast recovery but she's still on the small side.
