
7 July 2016

Today is the twins' 2nd birthday and I'm 39 weeks pregnant, no I don't know the gender of the baby because I asked the doctor not to tell us. Luke has been so supportive and really over protective, when the twins cry in the middle of the night and I want to stand up to go look on them, he will say "don't worry I got it." and I love him for that.

The twins were already downstairs and enjoying every moment with their two grandmothers, aunt, uncles and dad. Yes all father they know is Luke and I am planning to keep it that way, its safer for the both of them.  I quickly picked up the two boxes that laid on my bed with the twins' presents in them and walked out of my room. When I woke up this morning I was feeling a little unstable on my feet but I didn't say anything cause I want the twins to have the best birthday they can have and not spend it in a hospital.

"Luke!" I yelled while standing by the stairs, he ran up to me and asked me what was wrong.

"Please help me get these boxes down, I need to hold the railing because I feel kind of unstable on my feet. Don't worry Luke I'll be fine." I told him and he took the boxes out of my hands and walked into the living room where everyone was. You may think that I'm making this like its a disease but I feel really uncomfortable down there. 

"Happy birthday sweeties." I said as I walked into the living room, they came running to me and hugged my legs "fanks mommy" they said and I smiled "Your welcome babies." I said and when they've let go of my leg I went to the couch and sat down. "Tris, Kenzie please come here." I said and they came to me, they climbed onto the couch and sat on either side of me, I gave them a hug and a kiss on the head. "Luke please bring those two boxes here?" I asked him and he did.

I gave the blue box to Tris and the pink one to Kenzie. "Open them." I said and they looked up at me with big smiles, I bought a toy for Tris that he wanted when we went to the store 2 days ago, with a teddy bear with his name, birth date and time on it and I bought the same small teddy bear for Kenzie with her name, birth date and time on it and I bought her a toy she wanted too.

After they opened it they said their thanks and played with their new toys. "You are doing such a great job raising the twins as a teenager and with one baby on the way. Serena you are such a great mother and I am so proud of you." my mom said with a smile.

"Thank you mom. I learned from the best!" I said nudging her a little, she smiled at me and gave me a hug and rubbed my belly and that's the moment the baby decided to kick my mother's hand. We both laughed and she smiled at my belly. "I love you too baby." she whispered to the baby inside me, she stood up and walked to the kitchen where Liz was making coffee.

"Hey sissy." Jas said as she came to sit next to me, she has grown up so much. "Hey sweet pea." I said smiling at her "You wanna feel?" I asked her and  she nodded her head, I took her hand and placed it on my belly. The baby kicked my sister's hand and she looked up at me and smiled. "This is so amazing." She said and I laughed at her, but she was too concentrated on my pregnant belly to hear me laughing.

I'm so proud to have the twins in my life because they have changed me for the better and I love them so much, they made me realize what it feels like to truly love someone so much that even the thought of them not being there scares you. Even if some days are bad and it feels like I'm going to lose my mind, I know that I have two amazing children that would make it all better. I know I'm about to have another child and I know that I would be the happiest girl here, I'm still scared that something may go wrong again.

The twins and my unborn baby is my whole life and I can not lose that and I can't lose Luke, Liz and the guys.
