17 Weeks

Lukes POV

2 weeks later

Today I'm taking Serena to her ultrasound appointment and she's really excited cause she will be able to find out what the genders of the twins are.

"LUKE!" Serena called, I ran up stairs and into her room. "What's wrong?" I asked panting a little bit.

"Nothing just wanted to ask if you were ready." she said laughing at the face I made.

"Oh okay. I'm ready and we can go to the doctors." I said taking her hand in mine, I felt sparks go of when I touched her hand. I know its weird but still.

*At the ultrasound*

Serena's POV

"Hello dear, the doctor is ready to see you now." a friendly nurse said and I smiled up at her thanking her.

We stood up and walked into the doctor's office and I immediately went over to the bed so that the doctor can put that gel on my stomach.

"Hello Serena. How are we today?" She asked me "We're good thanks doc." She nodded and smiled at Luke.

"Is this the father?" The doctor asked.

Luke's POV

"Is this the father?" The doctor asked.

"No doc this is Luke and he's just a friend." Serena said looking at me and then frowning at the hurt expression on my face.

I really like Serena I thought that maybe she'll have the same feelings for me too, but looks like I'm wrong. I don't even know if she felt the sparks I felt every time we hug or touch. I'm such a fool.

"Look there." The doc said pointing to baby A "That's where we can see if its a boy or a girl." she said holding her finger at the screen.

"Baby A is a .... Boy." She said happily and Serena turned towards me smiling. "Baby B is a.... Boy too. Congratulations on having two boys Serena, I'll go and print out the pictures for you real quick and I'll see you in about 4 weeks again." The doc said while she turned around leaving me and Serena alone.

"Luke what's wrong?" She asked wiping the gel of off her stomach. "Nothing why?"

"You seem a little off." she said looking down at her still growing tummy while pulling her shirt down. "Its nothing really." I reassured her and she just nodded.

*4 Weeks Later*

We're back on tour and Serena's with us. I can't believe that my mom let her go on tour with us, its fun having her here, but sometimes ot hurts me cause she's really close with Ash and I don't know what's going on between the two of them.

"Luke you've been really quiet these past 5 days, what's going on?" Ash asked "Its just... Complicated." I said turning away to go to my bunk but he grabbed my arm as he said "Please tell me."

"What's going on between you and Serena?" Oops I shouldn't have said that.

"Luke, we're just close friends that's all. Why?"

"Because I fucking like her okay!" I snapped and ripped my arm out of his tight grip and went to my bunk. I pushed the curtain close and got my phone out and went on Twitter.

Serena's POV

"Because I fucking like her okay!"

Luke snapped at Ashton, that's a new one.

I wonder who Luke likes. I have liked him ever since he woke me up by screaming. Funny I know, every time he hugged or touched my arm or hands it's as if sparks went off inside of me and its a feeling I can't describe.

The twins started moving inside of me and it's a funny feeling at first but I'm used to it now.

I have my hands on my stomach while sitting in the living room watching some music videos of 5SOS, weird I know but I like it.

Suddenly I felt a kick and then another more in the back and that one hurt a lot. I let out a loud grunt and Michael came storming in. "Serena are you okay, what happened, is it the babies, are they coming?" He threw all these questions at me and I just laughed.

"It's nothing Mikey. The babies just gave me a little kick for the first time and Baby B gave me a very painful one in the back." I said and he smiled.

"Can I feel, please."

"Sure you can. Here give me your hand." I said while he gave me his hand and sat next to me. "Oh you're watching our music videos." He said "Yeah I like 'em."

I took his hand in mine and placed it on my 21 weeks pregnant belly. I felt a kick again once Michael's hand was on my belly. "I felt it!" He yelled and all the boys came rushing in even Luke. "What did you feel?" Asked Calum.

"I felt the baby kicking." Mike said and suddenly all the boys were surrounding us saying how they want to feel it too.

"Okay! Calm your toes!" I said and the room fell quiet. "Here Calum, sit next to me and give me your hand." He did so and his facial expression was really funny.

When Calum was finished, Ash came and felt them kick too. Now it was Luke's turn.

He sat down next to me and he put his hand on my stomach. I felt 3 kicks and I was really shocked, with the others the twins only gave 1 kick but with Luke 3. They must like him.

"I felt them." He said smiling at me and giving my stomach a kiss.
