
Serena's POV

1 February 2016

Its been 2 weeks since our date and lately I have been feeling sick. I think I know the reason but I still find myself looking for the answer. I was on my way to see a doctor to know if my suspicion was right.

I pulled up to the office of the doctor,  I switched off the engine and climbed out of my car, I locked it behind me. I walked into the waiting room and I was about to sit down when the doctor came out. "Ah Serena, you are just on time. Come right in." he said with a smile.

I walked into the room area and sat down on the chair. "So what seem to be the problem miss?" he asked "I think i might be pregnant again and I just wanted to make sure that my suspicion was correct." I explained to the doctor and he nodded.

"Lets do a quick ultrasound." he said and I nodded. I walked to the bed thingy and I sat on it getting ready to lay down. I pulled my shirt up and the doctor switched off the lights, he came over to me and he turned the machine on and put the the cold stuff on my stomach.  He moved the wand around a little bit and then he smiled at me. "Congratulations you are going to be a mother. Do you want me to print the photos out?" he said and asked, I nodded and he walked away. I took one of the paper towels and wiped the stuff of off my stomach.

I can't believe I'm going to be a mom again, don't get me wrong I love being a mother. I am just shocked at the moment.

"Here you go Serena. Have a nice day." He said and handed me the ultrasound photos. "Thank you doctor, have a wonderful day." I said and walked out, I walked to the receptionist and made my next appointment for 5 March.

I walked to my car and unlocked it, I climbed into the car and just sat there staring at the photos. Suddenly there was a knock on my window and I dropped the photos on my lap and looked at the person standing behind the window. Ashton!

I rolled down my window and looked at him in shock, "Hello Ash!" I said with a half smile. "Hey Rena, what are you doing at a doctor's office?" he asked and I thought of the perfect answer to tell him. "I will tell all of you once I get home okay? Please tell the boys to go to Luke's house." I asked him and he nodded, we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

I pulled into the driveway of Liz's house (My house too) and I climbed out of the car after switching off the engine. I walked up to the front door and I took in a deep breath.

I opened the door and walked in, I went to the kitchen and there was Luke giving the twins food. "Hello baby! Can I please talk to you in our room?" I asked him and he nodded "Mom will you please watch the twins while they eat?!" Luke yelled for his mother and she yelled an okay back. Me and Luke walked up the stairs and into our room, I closed the door behind us and sat down on the bed. I handed him the ultrasound photos and said.

"Luke I'm pregnant again."
