Midnightmoonlace- book

1. Book name: I've To Glass
2. Author: @midnightmoonlace

3. Summary of book: Eriu lives in the Earth Lands and she's the princess. Life seems to be good, and she spends most of her time researching the Changing Lands, the neighbour which disappeared into history. But disaster strikes and Eriu finds herself thrown into the cruel world with danger at every corner. She has to learn to not rely only on her family and friends, but on herself as well.

4.how many chapters are in the boom already? There are 5 which I've written but they aren't all posted yet.

5. If it is not complete how many chapters do you expect your book to have? About 10-19 chapters. Depending on what unplanned twists I decide to add.

6. When and how often do you update? Once a week on Saturday night.

7.is your book in first or third person? 3rd person

8. How did you get the idea to write the book? I thought about writing a fantasy book for a while, and one day, Eriu's character popped into my mind. And I just had to write a story about her!

9.Do you get votes and comments? Nope, sadly. :( I just started it.

10.do you dedicate chapters? Yep :)

11.what genre is your book: Fantasy

12. Do you like your cover? Yeah, I think it's simple but enough to attract some readers.

13. How long do you expect to be working on the book? For a couple of months, longer maybe if school gets in the way.

14. Will you or someone else edit your book when your done? I'll edit the book.

15. Will there be a sequel to the book if it is not already?There's a planned sequel ;)

16. Who was your favorite character in your book? I really like Enki, Eriu's youngest brother. He's like the rock of the family - always there for his siblings and keeping it calm when the worse comes to worse.

17. Do you like the questions? Yep! They were fun to answer.

18. Would you recommend this interview to friends: Definitely! :)
