Book- onederstruck-

Book name: Opposites Attract
2. Author: onederstruck-
3.summary of book: Faith Patton walked into a Psychic Readings Shop not knowing that it will change her life forever. Eight months from then, she will meet a mysterious boy who screams trouble but she can't seem to stay away. Ryland is a fallen angel. He has been damned to earth for eternity and lost his wings. To get them back and return to heaven he has to be redeemed by a pure soul. That pure soul is Faith. She is the only one who can help him. At first he was just going to use her but he starts to fall for her. Will Faith be able to save him or will Faith need the saving instead? many chapters are in the boom already? 17
5. If it is not complete how many chapters do you expect your book to have? Possibly 30
6. When and how often do you update? About once a week your book in first or third person: First person
8. How did you get the idea to write the book?: It honestly just hit me one day that I wanted to write about fallen angels and also write my very first wattpad book. Then I thought about this one book that involved fallen angels called "Hush Hush" that I read in high school and it gave me a lot of inspiration to just go ahead and write
9.Do you get votes and comments? Yes but not many you dedicate chapters? I use to when people would make me covers
11.what genre is your book: paranormal
12. Do you like your cover? As of right now, yes! But I do get sick of the same one easily c:
13. How long do you expect to be working on the book? Maybe for one more month or so
14. Will you or someone else edit your book when your done? Nope. Unless I magically gain a crazy amount of reads
15. Will there be a sequel to the book if it is not already? I'm not quite sure. Right now, I have no clue how the book is going to end so for now, I don't think so
16. Who was your favorite character in your book? My protagonist c:
17. Do you like the questions? yes (:
18. Would you recommend this interview to friends: Sure!
