Character- Epicbadgerking64

Character questions
1. Book name
2. Author
3. Name of character
4. What is he/she like
Quiet around people she doesn't know, but very animated once you get to know her.
5. What do they like to do
Netflix, singing, and annoying her brothers.
6. What's their favorite food?
Chicken sandwiches.
7. Do they have any siblings?
Three brothers.
8. Favorite color
I think it's green.
9 favorite song
Pretty much any Disney song, but she likes "Where I belong" from Hercules in particular.
10. Favorite number
No idea, but my best guess is 17, her age :/
11. Favorite music genre
12. Do they like to read?
Yes, but she rarely does because she enjoys watching Doctor Who more.
13. What is their huge secret(because you know they always have one)
Her true colors are vastly different from what they appear to be.
14. Favorite book
Fahrenheit 451.
15. Favorite tv show or movie
Doctor Who, and Avengers Age of Ultron.
16. Favorite celebrity
Matt Smith.
17. Favorite time of day
The night.
18. Favorite animal
Dog? I think?
19. If you could be anything or anyone you want who or what would they be?
She'd without a doubt be The Doctor.
