Book- GlowRose

1. Book name: Adamine Chronicles: A nymphs dream
2. Author: GlowRose
3.summary of book: Marina is a 15 year old nymph with a unique gift. A prophecy tells her that she is to help save and rebuild the future. But how can she do that when she's having trouble just keeping her heart under control whenever her ex boyfriend comes around. In order to save the future, Marina needs to unlock secrets about her past and herself. Already stressed Marina doubts herself. Can she do it? Or will she bust before she even gets close. many chapters are in the book already? 3 chapters 5 parts
5. If it is not complete how many chapters do you expect your book to have? Around 20
6. When and how often do you update? Since it's summer I update like almost every two days your book in first or third person: third
8. How did you get the idea to write the book: I had a really weird dream and it just came to me
9.Do you get votes and comments: It's a new book so not yet you dedicate chapters: If I have someone to dedicate them too, sure
11.what genre is your book: Fantasy, Romance
12. Do you like your cover: yes
13. How long do you expect to be working on the book: Until I stop c:
14. Will you or someone else edit your book when your done: Someone else
15. Will there be a sequel to the book if it is not already: Yup
16. Who was your favorite character in your book: Aqua
17. Do you like the questions: lol yes
18. Would you recommend this interview to friends: of course!!
