Braelyn- author

Im glad to you chose to do this!!
(Finally doing this!) 1. What's your name? Braelyn, but I go by Brae
2. How old are you? 14, but I'll be 15 November 6th
3. What's your gender? Male. . . -.- joking I'm a female
4. How did you find out about wattpad? I was talking to one of my online friends, and she said that I should write all my stories I've shown her on Wattpad, so I made an account and yea! Haha long have you been on wattpad? A year? I can't remember
6.why did you join wattpad? I like writing and interacting with people, and wattpad let me do that.
7.Are you in school, college, or do you work 9-5? (*cough cough* Michael Jackson song lyrics *cough cough*) Umm I'm in school sadly.
8. Do you write for a hobby or do you want it to become more? Maybe I'll publish a few books someday, but as of now, I don't see that happening.
9. Who is your favorite author? John green. I love all his books, especially an abundance of Katherines, paper towns, and looking for Alaska!
10. What is your favorite book? Right now, Paper towns by John Green or the lunar chronicles series by Marissa Meyer
11. Who is your role model? Definitely Michael Jackson, no doubt. Me to!!
12.who is your favorite celebrity? Look at the previous question haha
13. If you are a student what do you want to be when you grow up. I know it's stupid, but ever since I was like three, I've wanted to be a dancer/singer  i want to be a dancer also.

14. What's your favorite music genre? Everything really, people like the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Green day, etc
15. How would you describe yourself? Weird, outgoing, sarcastic, I speak my mind and that tends to get me in trouble a lot
16. How would your family and friends describe you? Ummm definitely weird and sassy, oh and if you asked my best friend she'd reply with "Annoying. Just plain annoying." Haha
17. Can you speak any foreign languages? Yes, I can speak French (I think I'm fluent) Sorry I had too. . . God I'm weird.
18. Do you make covers, banners, trailers etc? I tried, but then I gave up and I'm like "Just let the professionals do all the work"
19. What book genre do you like most? If you looked in my library, you'd see lots of humor, and teen fiction.
20.What book genre do you like least? Thriller books, I just don't really find them interesting. you have any advice to readers? Umm, stay in school and don't do drugs? xD sorry how about: Follow your dreams, don't let anyone stop you from being who you are/ or what you want to do (God I'm so spiritual)
22.can you recommend any good books? On wattpad? My wattpad love - Ariana Gody and How boys speak - Howboysthink (I recommend all their books, he is so funny!)
You only have to answer one of the questions below. :) it's just a little get to know you better quiz.
1. If a zombie apocalypse happens and you had to choose between your mom or you best friend who would you choose and why? Umm, my best friend. Because she'd be able to run faster, and when we were little we made a zombie survival kid lol!! That's really smart wish I thought of that!
(God damn this is long)

2. Same situation as above if you had to choose between a machete or any kind of gun which one would you choose? Machete because I wouldn't run out of amo
3. If you had the choice to kiss anyone in the world who would it be? Does a fictional person count?
4. Who do you think is better looking: Channing tatum or Chris brown Channing Tatum by far
5. If Rihanna and Beyoncé were to get in a fight whose side would you choose? I'd be the one sitting in the corner laughing my ass off
Are you most loyal to Chris brown or drake? Neither
Sorry this was so long, I like to talk lol

Oh your fine I like long interviews anyway there more interesting:)
