
1. Book name:
Before the dawn

2. Author:

@jeonghanslut (aka Maddie)

3. Summary of the book:

When her school newspaper club is about to be disbanded by the school because of the lack of content, Rose is desperate to try and save it. A legend going around on Halloween night about the asylum outside of town perks her club presidents interest. Taking one for the team, Rose must stay in the asylum for half the night and find some news worthy content. She isn't worried about the whole ghost part of the legend until unusual things start occurring past midnight. Her whole world turns upside down when she meets the notorious serial killer, Kim Namjoon. Being kept prisoner by him, Rose discovers the hidden secrets about Namjoon's past and that there is more than meets the eye.

4. How many chapters are in the book already?

There are 3 (including an author's note)

5. If it is not complete, how many chapters do you expect your book to be?

I expect to have around 25-30+ chapters.

6. When and how often do you update?

I try to update every week, but due to finals coming up, it's been pretty hard to focus on writing.

7. Is your book in first or third person?

It is in first person.

8. How did you get the idea to write the book?

It's a mixture of the music video Joke by Rap Monster, the game Outlast, and my own random thoughts and dreams.

9. Do you get votes and comments?

Yes, and I'm very thankful to those people who vote and comment!

10. Do you dedicate chapters?

No, I haven't dedicated any chapters to anyone yet, but I plan to the more chapters I write.

11. What genre is your book?

Mine is a fanfiction with a horror/mystery/romance aspect to it. There's also a touch of supernatural as well.

12. Do you like the cover?

Yes, I really like how it turned out since I made it myself.

13. How long do you expect to be working on the book?

I'm going to take as long as I need so that every chapter is strewn together into a greater plot then randomly thrown together.

14. Will you or someone else edit your book when your done?

I think I'm going to retread it and try to fix all the mistakes. Hopefully my readers will help critique me along the way which would help a lot.

15. Will there be a sequel to the book if it is not already?

No, as of right now, the book has been planned to stop at one because of what I have in mind for the ending. Although I could continue it depending on what the storyline leans too when I reach the end.

16. Who was your favorite character in your book?

I actually have two favorite characters. I really like Rose, the main protagonist. I based her off of me and what I would do in her situations, hoping that she would be relatable to the readers. I also like Jackson, Rose's bestfriend. I personally find Jackson's personality adorable and hilarious. He serves as the comic relief to the seriousness and I always have a weakness for the jokester. I also like him because he was based off of one of my favorite idols.

17. Do you like the questions?


18. Would you recommend this interview to friends?

