KieraStyles98- book

. Book name:
Classified (Harry Styles AU)
2. Author:
3.summary of book:
Rose Summers doesn't know the danger she is in. The secrets that she hasn't heard. That is about to change when a new teacher arrives for her senior year. Mr.Styles . A relationship starts to build as Rose discovers his dark past. Somehow his past seems to meet hers' along the way. Rose has questions and he has the answers. many chapters are in the book already?
9 chapters are published currently
(chapter 10 is going up tonight though :))
5. If it is not complete how many chapters do you expect your book to have?
I'm expecting to have between 40 - 50 chapters. I don't want the story to drag, but it could be even longer than that :)
6. When and how often do you update?
I update twice a week, usually a Monday and a Thursday but sometimes I throw in a surprise update. your book in first or third person:
8. How did you get the idea to write the book?
I always had the idea in my head, inspiration from different fan fictions and my own experiences. It took me ages to actually decide whether or not to actually write a story. I'm so happy I did though :)
9.Do you get votes and comments?
Yes. I don't get loads but I am happy writing away no matter what. It is rewarding when you get votes and nice comments though. you dedicate chapters?
Yes. I dedicated one to the person who made my cover and I dedicate them to anyone who has made me a trailer. I also dedicate some to friends, once in a while, who have supported me.

11.what genre is your book:
Fan Fiction.
12. Do you like your cover?
Yes. I love my cover :) It is so professional and I am grateful to the girl who made it for me.
13. How long do you expect to be working on the book?
I'm hoping to get it completed by Christmas 2015. I am going to try and get to around chapter 30 by the end of summer. I will have to cut back on writing when I go back to school though.
14. Will you or someone else edit your book when your done?
I haven't really thought of it. I probably will go back and edit it.
15. Will there be a sequel to the book if it is not already?
I don't think I will write a sequel to this book. I feel like sometimes books are better without sequels. I will write a chapter at the end about what has happened to the characters. I like that type of ending.
16. Who was your favorite character in your book?
My favourite character is probably Rose. The book is written in her P.O.V. I based her personality and the way she acted on myself. She is the first ever character that I have created and that will always stay with me.
17. Do you like the questions?
Yes :) They made me think and I had fun answering them :)
18. Would you recommend this interview to friends?
Of course. Thank you for the interview. Xx

Your super welcome :)
