
1. Book name:
My Invisible Wound.

2. Author:

3.summary of book:

Alysha hated herself. She wanted to end her life.

Elyes was her only friend. He wanted her to be happy and to live longer than what she wanted. Once he had found out that she finally tried and almost succeeded, he came out to her. He told her that he loved her.

She thought everyone hated her for her appearance, for her personality; everything about her. She thought Elyes was only along for the ride because he felt bad for her. She first wanted to believe he was telling the truth, but she thought about all those times she had been played before; teenage boys playing with her emotions as if her heart was a toy.

Alysha was on the brink of destruction; she was about to explode. What she wanted was to leave the shrapnel behind; leaving scars for those that broke her heart, that drove her insane.

Elyes tried his best to make sure that she understood that he wanted her in his life, in his future. But she didn't believe him. And she did the one thing that he hated...

She gave up. many chapters are in the book already?
Five chapters.

5. If it is not complete how many chapters do you expect your book to have?
Probably a total of 20 chapters, but I'm not too sure.

6. When and how often do you update? I update whenever I can. your book in first or third person? First person.

8. How did you get the idea to write the book?
I was feeling sad and got the idea for this book.

9.Do you get votes and comments?
I do. you dedicate chapters?
For a payment I did for those who gave me banners and covers.

11.what genre is your book?
Teen fiction, drama, romance.

12. Do you like your cover?
I think it's okay. I created it. There was another cover before it, but I took it down because I didn't think it went with it...

13. How long do you expect to be working on the book?
Just for the summer - it was a summer project.

14. Will you or someone else edit your book when your done?
I was planning on putting it through editing and self-publish it.

15. Will there be a sequel to the book if it is not already?
There might be a prequel, in the eyes of the bully, Paige. I'm not too sure yet.

16. Who was your favorite character in your book?
Elyes Banner, the love interest. I love him.

17. Do you like the questions?
