
1.What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What's your gender?
4. How did you find out about wattpad?
On another website I use
5.how long have you been on wattpad?
3-4 months
6.why did you join wattpad?
To bring out the writer in me
7.Are you in school, college, or do you work 9-5?
I've just finished college and I work Saturdays as a career.
8. Do you write for a hobby or do you want it to become more?
Hobby but it'd be great if it came to more.
9. Who is your favorite author?
James Patterson
10. What is your favorite book?
I love the Ingo series
11. Who is your role model?
My mum
12.who is your favorite celebrity?
Johnny Depp is beautiful.
13. If you are a student what do you want to be when you grow up.
I want to work with animals.
14. What's your favorite music genre?
I can't choose, I listen to nearly every genre from rock to orchestra!
15. How would you describe yourself?
A blunt person that can come across as rude or bitchy but is actually a sensitive person who cares about those who deserve it.
16. How would your family and friends describe you?
Bubbly, annoying, friendly and loud.

17. Can you speak any foreign languages?
I can speak a little German

18. Do you make covers, banners, trailers etc?
I make covers
19. What book genre do you like most?
Horror/thriller and comedy
20.What book genre do you like least?
21.do you have any advice to readers?
If you only read on Wattpad, support the writers by voting/commenting. You'll bring a smile to their face, I promise.
22.can you recommend any good
The Ingo series and most James Patterson books.

Little quiz question

5. If Rihanna and Beyoncé were to get in a fight whose side would you choose?

Rihanna she's badass but Rihanna probably would've started the fight I guess it depends on who's in the wrong I love Beyoncé though and I think she would put up a good fight too.


