
1. Book name
2. Author
Koko (muffinkoko is user)
3.summary of book
Nova is different and she knows it. Her crippling headaches and strange orange eyes are just the top of it. But despite her gift she fits into the 'defect' category. Unwanted by society she is brought to place a worse than any nightmare. Kamchilik is home to every other defect.

But 'home' is a term used lightly. Horror fills the air as innocent people taken away to be tested on. No one can be trusted; a lesson Nova learns early. Don't get too comfortable, don't pretend your okay. You're not. As Nova adjusts to her new life one secret will change everything...and possibly kill everyone. Because there is a reason there are categories.

"We fend for ourselves. We feed ourselves. We live for ourselves. Because there is no way out."

In a world where being perfect isn't enough can Nova survive? many chapters are in the book already?
4. 3(updates are twice weekly)
5. If it is not complete how many chapters do you expect your book to have?
about 50-60
6. When and how often do you update?
Monday and Friday and every week. Occasionally it may be on a Thursday. your book in first or third person
First person
8. How did you get the idea to write the book?
Inspiration from books and movies I like and my own imagination.
9.Do you get votes and comments?
Yes I do and they are all positive:) you dedicate chapters?
Not yet, but I would depending on the person and what they did.
11.what genre is your book
Science fiction but it could also kinda be romance.
12. Do you like your cover?
13. How long do you expect to be working on the book?
At least until the end of the year. But the next book will be the novella. That will take five to six months
14. Will you or someone else edit your book when your done?
Me and someone else most likely, an editor I know
15. Will there be a sequel to the book if it is not already?
Yes. And a novella, which would be a backstory to one of the characters. It will be a two book series.
16. Who was your favorite character in your book?
Nova my MC, but I like all of them! How can I chose!
17. Do you like the questions?
18. Would you recommend this interview to friends
