Rosaline- author

1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What's your gender?
4. How did you find out about wattpad? long have you been on wattpad?
6.why did you join wattpad?
7.Are you in school, college, or do you work 9-5?
8. Do you write for a hobby or do you want it to become more?
9. Who is your favorite author?
10. What is your favorite book?
11. Who is your role model?
12.who is your favorite celebrity?
13. If you are a student what do you want to be when you grow up.
14. What's your favorite music genre?
15. How would you describe yourself?
16. How would your family and friends describe you?
17. Can you speak any foreign languages?
18. Do you make covers, banners, trailers etc?
19. What book genre do you like most?
20.What book genre do you like least? you have any advice to readers?
22.can you recommend any good books?
You only have to answer one of the questions below. :) it's just a little get to know you better quiz.
1. If a zombie apocalypse happens and you had to choose between your mom or you best friend who would you choose and why?
2. Same situation as above if you had to choose between a machete or any kind of gun which one would you choose?
3. If you had the choice to kiss anyone in the world who would it be?
4. Who do you think is better looking: Channing tatum or Chris brown
5. If Rihanna and Beyoncé were to get in a fight whose side would you choose?
Are you most loyal to Chris brown or drake?

1. We'll call me Rosaline ;)
2. I'm 17 as of March.
3. I'm a girl.
4. I looked up writing platforms when I was I think 12 and found this, since then I've been through several accounts.
5. In this account, only a few months.
6. In the beginning, to read. But now I'm really enjoying writing.
7. I'm about to start college. Fun fact, I graduated high school in 3 years.
8. Hobby, but I'm not opposed for it to become more.
9. Sarah Ress Brennan
10. The Lynburn Legacy (by Sarah Rees Brennan)
11. My dad. He's kind of the absolute best.
12. Ed Westwick <3
13. Lawyer or interpreter or writer. I'd be happy with any or all.
14. Probably pop with overlapping into rap and rock n roll.
15. A diamond with many different facets.
16. Depends on who you ask. If you ask my parents: level-headed. My grandma: terribly shy ("How are you going to be a lawyer when you can't speak up?") If you ask my close friends: Crazy and weird. If you ask my distant friends: Mysterious and quiet, with surprising moments of unpredictability.
17. I am fluent in American Sign Language.
18. I make covers sometimes, but I'm not very gifted at it.
19. Romance or Fantasy/Sci-fi.
20. Crime related stuff, mystery.
21. Know your characters. Fall in love with them, whether they're good or evil, devils or angels, annoying or sweet. Then when you write them they'll feel real to other people because you've made them real to you.
22. The Lynburn Legacy by Sarah Rees Brennan ;)
You can pick which answer is the most interesting :)

1. Yikes. Uhm, probably my mom, because all her friends are really into Doomsday Prep stuff and they'd take me in. Also my best friend lives an hour away.
2. Machete. It has a lot more uses and nothing is coming back if you chop it's head off. Can't say that about a gun.
3. Probably my best (guy) friend, but don't tell him that, haha.
4. Chris Brown finally!!!

5. Beyonce 100%.
