Euphoria Carice- book

1. Book name
Now There's Drama

2. Author
Euphoria Carice

3.summary of book
Marc's only job was to keep an eye on his worst enemy, Kip Pulman and make sure the rest of the school didn't murder him. All while trying to attract the attention of the girl of his dreams, Christie Claythorne.

Christie Claythorne is afraid of men. After years of relentless torture at the hands of Kip Pulman she would do anything to escape the deadbeat suburb of Astwright, or stay if something interesting happened. Armed with her intellect and a plethora of Agatha Christie novels, she waits until she can get out.

When Kip Pulman dies on a drama excursion Marc and Christie are drawn together with only a fifty dollar bill and a few crime scene photographs as clues. Together they hope to bring justice to the boy they once hated (even though Marc believes that hate is a strong word).

Hopefully they both get out alive and Marc will end up with a date for the social. many chapters are in the book already?
Currently four

5. If it is not complete how many chapters do you expect your book to have?
About 35 they are all planned out.

6. When and how often do you update?
As often as I can normally once a week. your book in first or third person
Third person I find it easier

8. How did you get the idea to write the book?
I started reading Agatha Christie book and I decided I wanted to write a mystery. I love reading teen-fic mysteries and I got quite frustrated that the male part of the team was the smartest and I wanted to change that.

9.Do you get votes and comments?
Sometime mostly for the first two chapters. you dedicate chapters?

11.what genre is your book
Mystery with a bit of teen-fic

12. Do you like your cover?
I do

13. How long do you expect to be working on the book?
The next couple of months probably.

14. Will you or someone else edit your book when your done?
Maybe I'll see how I feel

15. Will there be a sequel to the book if it is not already?
I'll see how it goes but ideally I'd have three I have mysteries and subplots ready.

16. Who was your favorite character in your book?
Probably Christie Claythorne she's the most complex character I've written.

17. Do you like the questions?
I do.

18. Would you recommend this interview to friends
I would :)
