Character- Omgie

1. Book name: Bed of Roses
2. Author: Ari Daniels @omgie_)
3. Name of character: Tom Steinfield
4. What is he/she like: He's very obedient and likes it when things go as planned, but turns into a jerk whenever something is kept from him. He's very hesitant when around people, especially if they're too close. He doesn't like it when he feels vulnerable, something he experiences quite often when he's with Avianna.
5. What do they like to do: He's a midfielder, so he plays soccer a lot.
6. What's their favorite food? Spaghetti.
7. Do they have any siblings? Yes, Raenelle, also known as Raisin. She's younger than him by ten years.
8. Favorite color: light green.
9. favorite song: Thanks For The Memories by Fallout Boy
10. Favorite number: 20
11. Favorite music genre: alternative
12. Do they like to read? No, he only does it to keep his grades up.
13. What is their huge secret(because you know they always have one): It's something that will be revealed later in the book. Even Tom is not aware of it.
14. Favorite book: He doesn't like to read much, so none.
15. Favorite tv show or movie: Breaking Bad
16. Favorite celebrity: None.
17. Favorite time of day: Early morning.
18. Favorite animal: None.
19. If you could be anything or anyone you want who or what would they be? Someone else that didn't feel like an outcast in his own home.
