
1. Maddi Cross

2. I'm 18 but I look 3 haha!

3. I'm female

4. Honestly, a stranger told me about the website because my aunt told them I liked to write. I still never met the person but I surely do thank them!!

5. Three years, going on four!! Holy smokes...

6. I wanted to share my stories with people that are here for the stories and not other things like drawing and stuff. (I was on DeviantART before)

7. I'm a part-time college student right now.

8. I write for a hobby AND I want it to be my career. I'm studying to be an author and a screenwriter.

9. I really love James Patterson. He's the best!

10. Gray by Pete Wentz. You may have heard of the author from another form of art... *wink wink*

11. Patrick Stump. I aspire to be just as nice and polite as him.

12. Honestly, Patrick Stump is my favorite celebrity too! Haha!

13. I want to be a screenwriter and author. I've always wanted to be an author since the fifth grade, but the screenwriting thing is a little new haha!

14. I'm all about pop punk, rock, alternative, and piano instrumentals. I live for those.

15. Well... I'm a little awkward but I'm super giggly and when you really get to know me, I'm just a crazy mess of bad puns and references.

16. Crazy and giggly, no doubt about that.

17. Je parle une peu françiace. (I speak a little French.)

18. I make covers, but they're not like super cool. I don't make banners, but I am learning how to make trailers.

19. I really like adventure novels. Or something that involves a character decoding another character. I love those a lot. I'm really all for fiction. Mostly realistic fiction.

20. Biographies. Some are a little boring. I don't like sappy romances unless it's fanfic. I know, I'm super picky. Sorry guys!

21. Advice to the readers: Always leave feedback! We writers love feedback so much! For writers that are reading this: Write something you would read!

22. Maximum Ride series for books on the shelf. I love that series to death. Stories online? Anything written
LeaveNoWordsUnspoken. She's the homie!

If I had to kiss anyone in the world, it would probably be... Pete Wentz. I mean, the more you look at him, the more kissable he looks and I just kinda catch myself staring and thinking "damn." So Pete it is. Haha!

1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What's your gender?
4. How did you find out about wattpad?
5.how long have you been on wattpad?
6.why did you join wattpad?
7.Are you in school, college, or do you work 9-5?
8. Do you write for a hobby or do you want it to become more?
9. Who is your favorite author?
10. What is your favorite book?
11. Who is your role model?
12.who is your favorite celebrity?
13. If you are a student what do you want to be when you grow up.
14. What's your favorite music genre?
15. How would you describe yourself?
16. How would your family and friends describe you?
17. Can you speak any foreign languages?
18. Do you make covers, banners, trailers etc?
19. What book genre do you like most?
20.What book genre do you like least?
21.do you have any advice to readers?
22.can you recommend any good

3. If you had the choice to kiss anyone in the world who would it be?
