Chapter 5:The notebook

Chapter 5: The notebook
It was already night time but I wasn't feeling tired. Aiden had gone out to go get some food for Daniel and Gabriel, which meant I was stuck with them. I didn't mind being stuck with them of course but it's just that I didn't know them you know, they kind of just walked in the lake house.

My parents and Aiden's parents were outside doing a small bonfire in the back. Of course, I insisted on joining them until the conversation started to turn from the beautiful weather to a lady who cheated on her husband. Eventually, I felt like the way they explained this incident was to...explainable, so I left and just decided to hang out inside the house.

I was standing by the microwave watching the 20-second countdown. Popcorn was probably my favorite snack ever, it had so many different flavors and was practically so easy to make. After the beep went off I opened the microwave and felt the mist of steam hit my face, I grabbed the hot bag from the steaming machine and threw it on the counter once my fingers started to burn.

I grabbed a glass bowl from the brown cabinets, it took me about 3 minutes exact just to find a bowl, I poured the now warm popcorn into the bowl and crumbled the bag throwing it away.

I walked into the living room while putting a piece of popcorn in my hungry mouth and spotted Gabriel and Daniel sitting on the couch playing Uno.

They both caught my eye as I slowly walked over to the couch on the other side and plumped down.

"Hey," I murmured not knowing what to say. I picked up another piece of popcorn and ate it awkwardly.

If only this popcorn could just get stuck in my throat at this moment.

I was sitting in a room with two very attractive guys. What did you expect? Daniel was wearing blue ripped jeans that reached to his ankles and a black hoodie with the hood covering half of his bright blonde hair. Gabriel was wearing white sweats and a black shirt, his brown curly hair was set up nicely and he had a silver watch that clasped his wrist perfectly.

"Hello," Daniel said smirking, realizing my awkwardness.

I nodded and grabbed the remote in the middle of the table. I made sure to use the hand I didn't eat popcorn because this butter was a stain magnet.

"Ouu are we about to watch a movie?" Gabriel said happily as he set his cards down and looked at me with his light brown eyes.

I eyed them both confused. Why are they being so...normal?

I set the popcorn on the table and turned my body to face them directly, "You guys do know I'm the girl Aiden spilled his slushy on right?" I asked them as I played with the rings on my fingers.

They both started barking out in laughter. Daniel's face turned completely red and Gabriel was clutching onto his stomach as he laughed showing his bright white teeth.

After about 2 minutes of their laughter they calmed down and both wiped the tears that came out of their eyes, "Well duh, that was actually hella dope. The way you stood up to him," Daniel replied as he started to lean back onto the couch and sighed.

"Yeah, he was so mad after. I was like woah calm down angry bird," Gabriel replied laughing at his joke.

I eyed him suspiciously and Daniel gave him a serious look.

I clear my throat and respond, "Yeah well, thanks I guess," I say with a small smile, "I mean 7 days ago I didn't even really know him and now I'm supposed to live with him." I replied to them while rolling my eyes as I pick the popcorn bowl back up and start munching.

"He's chill. You just have to get on his good side." Gabriel replied as he looked at me with his warm brown eyes and gave me a small smile. He picked his Uno cards back up and placed a blue skip.

I don't know what it was about Daniel but he was way different from Aiden. He had his blonde hair in a bad boy style, his green eyes could even scare you. And the tattoos on his arm would intimidate you. But once you get to know him, he seemed so kind.

Gabriel seemed like a goofy type. He had brown curly hair and brown eyes that matched. He didn't have any tattoos but his facial could make him be played off as a beautiful boy, he had straight teeth and I think he still skates since his style matched my kind of style. I didn't skate, I tried once but it ended up ending tragically.

I shake my head from those horrid thoughts and interrupt Daniel and Gabriel again anxiously, "I don't get it. You guys are so kind, why are you friends with him?" I asked with a confused face.

I realized my question was kind of rude but waited for them to answer. What? A girl wants answers.

They both eyed each other and sighed. Daniel put his cards down and leaned further back in the couch while Gabriel sat up resting both of his palm in one another, making his two elbows lay on his knees.

Daniel looked at me with his emerald warm eyes, "Aiden's different. You can't judge someone you've never really talked to." he replied shrugging.

And yet he does the same.

"Yeah" I mumbled silently as I slouched back into the couch.

If only this couch could just eat me whole I would appreciate that.

I didn't want to continue this conversation anymore. It seemed personal and I'd rather enjoy summer without drama. I mean summer was supposed to be my time, the time where I get to not worry about things. Now I have to worry about this boy who's cruel and rude, thanks universe.

I grabbed the remote again from the side of me and turned on the TV to fill the silence.

"What are we watching? Ou can we watch frozen I like that movie!" Gabriel replied happily as he quickly set his Uno cards down and faced the TV.

I grinned before replying, "No, we're going to watch the notebook." I said while getting comfortable on the couch.

I knew boys hated that movie. I don't see why though, it had so much meaning. They're just not as soft.

"NOOOOO," they both yelled at the same time. I turned my head shockingly to see both of them
looking at me with begging eyes.

Are they serious? It's just a damn movie.

I ignored them and played the movie, a smile forming on my face.

1 hour into the movie Gabriel and Daniel had to go back to wherever they came from after eating when Aiden returned. I guess they lived close.

I had a tissue box next to me that Daniel gave me before he left and I was wiping the fallen tears off my face. I was surprised Gabriel and Daniel stayed and watched that movie with me.

"God yes," I whined with more tears streaming down my now wet face. I wiped the snot running from my nose and let my horse cry come out as they kissed.

I didn't know where Aiden was nor did I care. I'd rather watch my movies in peace. I honestly wish I had a TV in my room but I'm not complaining, I'm grateful I have a room at least.

After the notebook finished I open some random show I wouldn't continue tomorrow and started to drift off to sleep. My eyes fully closed shut and I had hit dream station.

I woke up to the sound of laughing. I wiped my eyes and got up into a sitting position. It always took me a while to control myself after I had a good nap. I stretched my arms out and laid back on the couch for awhile rethinking how great that nap was. This couch was surprisingly comfy.

I walked into the kitchen to see Gabriel, Daniel, and Aiden all sitting. When did they get back?

Aiden was wearing a white shirt with black pants and his hair looked messy, he also had gotten another tattoo, the wrap on his arm made it obvious. He was leaning back in the brown chair and his smile dropped when he made eye contact with me, his dangerous blue eyes turning cold.

I broke eye contact and looked at Gabriel, he looked the same from yesterday when I saw him but in different clothing. His hair looked more defined in curls and he wore gray sweats which did kind of look good on him.

Daniel was sitting sort of in the middle of Gabriel and Aiden. His eyes were red and his black leather jacket tightly clung onto his medium-sized arm muscles, he looked dazed out and held a smile on his face as his eyes slowly shut and reopened.

They all turned to see me and my heart quickened.

Talk about insecurity.

"Morning," Daniel said as he laughed and covered his face with his pale hands.

I gave him a concerning look and tried to think about where he could get weed in this place.

"Morning," I replied suspiciously as I walked to the fridge, my feet not affected by the cold floor.

"Where are the adults?" I asked them trying to make conversation as I set the tub of almond milk on the table. I don't know why but I always enjoyed almond milk more than normal dairy milk so I made sure my mom brought me a carton before we got here.

"Went out," Aiden replied with his husky voice as he tapped his fingers lightly on the table. Daniel was still dazed out and held his head in his hand.

Okay. Cool.

Gabriel saw the tension between Aiden and me and quickly broke into our contact, "Daniel come on we gotta go," he told Daniel while shaking his arm aggressively.

I grabbed the cereal from the top of the fridge and started pouring it into the bowl.

"We have to pick up my car," Gabriel replied to Aiden's confused face.

Gabriel ended up having to drag Daniel out since he couldn't walk himself. After they hurriedly left I was stuck in one room with Aiden.

I sat down on the stool that faced towards him and started eating.

"New tattoo?" I asked him, taking away the awkward silence as I swish my cereal and my milk around.

I mean he could've gone with them. Or he could even get up and go to his room. But what's the point of staying and not talking.

His cold eyes turned back to mine and he ran his hand through his black volumed hair. He sighed and replied with annoyance, "Yup."

The room filled with silence again and the only thing hearable was the crunching of the cheerios, "Why are you getting close to my friends?" he asked me with a deep tone.

I looked up at him and slightly choked on my milk. His eyes stared at me waiting for my answer and his hands kept tagging on the table, "I didn't intend to. They're just nice people." I replied shrugging after I swallowed.

He licked his rosy lips and got up from the chair making his height intimidate me. He stuffed his hands in his jean pockets and walked towards me.

He stopped on the other side of the island. He rested his arms rest on the table and brought his godly defined face close to mine. I felt his breath lightly hit my face and I felt my breathing hitch.

"Now, didn't I tell you to stay away from my friends?" he replied in a husky voice that scared me.

Don't be scared, Heaven.

I leaned in closer towards him and saw his eyes start to play with excitement, "Maybe your friends should stay away from me," I replied giving him a small smile. I tried to seem as confident as ever but I felt the cheerios in my stomach start to slowly come back up.

His rosy lips both slightly lifted on both sides and he stared into my eyes with amusement. He leaned away from me breaking our contact and walked out of the kitchen.

Why was Aiden Lane such an a-hole?

Hi! I feel like my writing is so bad and I apologize. I'm still young and learning so I'm sorry if the book isn't interesting enough.

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