Chapter 29: Saturday

Chapter 29: Saturday
"This is stupid," I murmured as I slouched further back on the sofa.

Layla pouted and glared at me with her wide brown eyes, "It is not stupid! This is a way for us to get to know more about each other," she announced. She was the only one standing while all of us were sitting, forced to listen to a contest that she had come up with. She wore a white blouse that fit her extremely well and a white short skirt to match. She had on a gold necklace and her iron curled hair was put up into a slicked-back ponytail and moved every time she turned to face one of us.

Mason and Gabe were both seated on one of the sofas and Daniel and I were seated on the other. Aiden had preferred to sit in the brown chair and had a clear view of everyone. The expression on his face looked like he regretted choosing that seat.

It had been a day and we both had started to feel quite better. Aidens voice was still bad but it made him sound more masculine than before.

"Yeah, I don't think it's stupid," Daniel said passing a wink to Layla. I glared at him grossed out and he smiled. He was wearing his usual black leather jacket but this time he wore all black. The only color on him was his hair and his eyes. And his skin of course.

"Thank you," she said with a smile and her face red as a tomato.

I rolled my eyes and sat up.

"I don't even understand the point of the game," Gabe said while licking on his lollipop.

I started to pick the rips on my grey sweatpants.

"I literally just explained it for 30 minutes," Layla whined and stopped her classy white heels.

"I know. I got bored. You talk a lot." Gabe said with boredom on his face.

Layla put her hand to her heart showing that his words hurt sarcastically.

She sighed and fixed her posture, "Okay. Technically we all have one week to get to know one another. Then there will be a finale and the winning team will get a prize."

Stupid idea. I don't want people to know about me. But it was something that made Layla happy so I guess I could just play.

"So pairs of two?" Mason asked.

Mason and I had agreed to go on a date on Saturday. It was currently Sunday and I was stressing. I know I had one week so I guess this game could block out my stress.

We hadn't really held a conversation since and I'm relieved. Mason was sweet but I didn't feel a connection. Who knows, it could just be because we haven't gone on a date before.

Layla nodded her head to his question.

"Okay, cool I'll just go with Layla," I said.

"No Heaven. We already know each other so it wouldn't count. It has to be with someone who doesn't know a bunch about you." She explained with a smile.

"Heaven and I could work together." I heard Mason say in his raspy voice.

I turned to face him and felt my throat slightly clogged up.

"Yea you see that would've been cool but I already picked team," Layla replied slightly harsh.

Oh no.

"Aiden and Heaven," she announced proudly.

I looked at her with wide eyes.

She's got to be kidding.

"I'm not playing this stupid game," Aiden replied lowly.

"Yes, you are. The winner gets $10,000." she declared while crossing her arms.

Everyone's eyes widened except mine. I knew Layla was rich so I wasn't stunned. But, I could do a lot with $10,000.

"Deal," Aiden murmured with a sly smile.

"Splendid." She said clapping her hands together.

"Daniel and I will be together and Gabe and Mason will work together." she ended promptly.

I glared at her, "But, don't you and Daniel all ready know about each other?" I asked amused.

"My rules Heaven," she said while grabbing Daniel's arm and lifting his sluggish body off the couch, "We start now!" she yelled and walked out the door with Daniel. He seemed tired and non-energetic.

He was definitely faded.

We sat there in silence before Gabe spoke, "Okay Mason I'm going to show you where I hide my lollipops. But you can't tell anyone or else I'll find one of my homies from jail and he'll kill you," he ended seriously.

I bit my lip holding back a laugh as I saw Mason slightly tense up.

"I'm kidding jeez keep your balls in your pants," Gabe said while standing up and strolling to the front door.

"Are you coming or what?" he said looking back at Mason who was still in shock.

"Yeah sorry." Mason replied while standing up. He gave me a small smile and waved before walking out and closing the door behind him.

That leaves Aiden and I.

I was ready to walk upstairs, I knew that even though he wanted the money he would make no effort to speak to me.

I still felt something in that kiss. I really did. I hated that.

I lifted my foot onto the first step, my back facing him. I stepped up before I heard him speak.

"Favorite color?" he asked, his voice still rough.

I felt a grin form on my face and I had no idea why.

"Blue," I replied while turning around, "and yours?" I asked while slowly walking back to the couch.

"Black," he said calmly.

I was standing and had a clear vision of him. His black volumed hair was messy, he held no attention towards it. It looked like it hadn't been fixed in days and I didn't mind. His lips looked pinker than usual and his skin seemed dimmer in the light. His blue eyes were like fire when they stared into mine. His arms were clutched onto the couch and he seemed comfortable. He wore black pants and a white shirt that looked good on him.

What the hell is going on with me.

"Favorite book?" I asked as I returned to reality.

"Chasing Red," he murmured lowly.

I felt a small smile lift upon my lips. He was nothing like the boy explained in the book. Instead, Aiden didn't take the girls that wanted him home. He didn't care as much for others.

Or did he?

"It's my favorite too," I said as I sat down on the couch.

His eyes became slightly warmer and I haven't seen him this calm and relaxed in a while.

I felt my phone buzz next to me and checked the message.

Mason: I wish we were put on the same team : (.

I smiled at the text and quickly responded before setting my phone back down next to me.

I looked back up at Aiden and he seemed frustrated again. He looked mad.

He cleared his throat and turned his eyes back to face me.

God, why did those eyes have to affect me like this?

"So you're going out with Mason?" he asked while pushing his hair out of his face.



Do you even want to?


Why are you going then?

To give him a chance.

I breathed in before responding, "Yeah," I replied with a smile.

"Why?" he asked shortly.

I felt the shock rise in my face, "He's nice and-" I started before he cut me off.

"Do you like him?" he asked me in his thick voice.

I felt his eyes stare at me while I fiddled with my rings.

"Yes-no. Look this isn't part of the game okay," I said irritated as I sat back.

I saw a small smirk appear on his face as he turned the other way.

What the hell is he smiling about.

"Favorite candy?" I asked him after a while of silence.

He turned to face me again, his neck slightly more visible. The tattoos covered there amazed me. So detailed, so meaningful. That's what's so weird, I couldn't even understand the meaning of the tattoos yet when I look at them on Aiden I knew there were meanings.


I cringed when he responded, "Blah. Chocolate is gross," I laughed, "I prefer jolly ranchers over any other candy."

He raised his perfectly shaped eyebrows at me, his long black eyelashes batting when he blinked, "How can you not like chocolate?" he said intrigued.

"I'm allergic," I sighed.

"That's a bummer," he replied while facing the paintings on the wall again.

"Why?" I asked as I still stared at him. His side profile was amazing. The silhouette of his jaw, the perfect line of his nose bridge, the structure of his lips.

He sighed and turned back to me, "Nothing. I'm tired," he said while standing up from the chair.

I said nothing and watched as he started walking upstairs.


Gabe and Mason eventually came back. They were both smiling and laughing. Gabe had a cup of slushie in his hand and seemed more energetic than ever. Mason walked over to the couch I was still seated at and sat next to me.

"I'm going to go play video games," Gabe announced while slurping his blue slushy.

Blue slushy

Why did I feel this way about Aiden? Like he was the only one who understood me, who knew why someone would be scared to share their life story. He wanted to know.

He's formed this effect on me and as much as I wanted to say I hate it I can't. After that kiss it made me look at him differently. I wanted to kiss him again, but he had no feelings towards me.

Emotions are worthless. I'll get over this weird faze.

"Gabe is a chatterbox isn't he?" Mason chuckled as we both watched Gabe fastly run up the stairs.

I turned to face him and he was close. I felt slightly uncomfortable but reminded myself to calm down, "Yeah."

"I'm just waiting for Saturday to come as fast as possible," he said with a grin.

I grinned back at him as I stared into those chocolate brown eyes of his. I watched as his eyes flicked down to my lips.

I quickly stood up and cleared my throat, "Saturday," I chuckled, "Are you thirsty? I'm thirsty," I said after a while. I watched the embarrassment fill his face and I felt terrible.

"Yeah sure," he replied while standing up.

I turned around to walk to the kitchen before I felt a hand grip my wrist and spin me around.

I almost bumped into Mason's chest, his face near mine.

"You don't have to be scared of me Heave," he said while staring into my eyes. I saw the slight pain that filled in those brown eyes of his.

The thing was, I wasn't scared of him. The problem was... when I saw him come close I felt Aiden. I saw Aiden.

What the f*ck is happening to me? What is this? This odd feeling inside me.

"I know," I whisper back as I stared at the ground.

I felt his hand come to my face and push my hair behind my ear. He used his bony hand to lift my chip.

"Saturday," he said with a small smile, his braces peeking behind his lips.

"Saturday," I replied.

"Saturday." we both heard a voice say. I turned around to see Aiden standing at the stairs, a book in his hand. His eyes were droopy and he looked extremely tired yet extremely good.

"You love birds need a room," he said irritated as he walked into the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and heard Mason chuckle.

"I have a feeling he doesn't like me," Mason whispered to me when he left.

I've seen Aiden never speak to a girl before. He always blocked them out. But he seemed open and friendly to boys. Except for Mason.

Why did he hate Mason?

Should I post Chapter 30 tonight? XD

Comment and vote!
