Chapter 38: A million years

Chapter 38: A million years

"Gabe that's the stupidest idea ever, " I groaned as I swung my feet back and forth.

"Okay well you're asking a guy who failed in English to come up with a plan, " he scoffed.

What does that have to do with anything?

"You failed English?" I ask trying to hold a laugh in.

"Not the point!" he yelled.

I sighed and laid further back on the couch, letting my head sink further into the cushion.

"F it, " I said as I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Gabe asked as I started to walk up the stairs of his house.

I stopped midway on the steps and turned to him, "If we cant come up with a plan, the big man upstairs will," I say referring to God.

"There's a man upstairs?!" Gabe whispers as he stands up and looks around.

Is he serious?


"Damn Heaven I mean I know I called you a hoe but come on, while I'm in the house?" he asked sort of grossed out.

"That's it, " I yelled as I ran down the steps.

A loud high pitched scream left Gabe's mouth as he started to run through the living room and into the kitchen.

I caught up to him and he had a potato peeler in his hand.

He stood at the other side of the island with fear plastered on his face. His brown eyes were wide and bright and...was he shaking?

"I did not mean to say that. You know I love you Heavy, " he said and instantly regretted that nickname.

I rested my hands on my hips and tilted my head, "Did you just call me heavy?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes.

"No, no, no. I was saying that as a nick- you know what nevermind, " he groaned as he decided to just shut up.

I started bursting out into laughter and he went confused which made me laugh even more.

"You're a bum, " I said as I wiped a fake tear out of my eye.

"You scare me you psycho woman!" he yelled as he put the potato peeler down on the counter.

"Awh, the poor baby, " I whined as I walked towards him and held my arms out, "Do you want mommy to get you the milk bottle?" I asked as I pulled him into a hug that he tried to run out of.

"You're evil, " he said as he tried tugging away.

"Shhh, shhh, shut up little baby, " I joked as I patted his curly hair.

He groaned and gave up.


"You guys look suspicious, " Daniel says as I throw the notebook I was writing in somewhere far near the sink.

"Do-do we?" Gabe asks as he holds his chin with his thumb and index finger.

"Yeah, " Daniel said as he narrowed his eyes to where I threw the notebook.

After me and Gabe's mother and son moment, we decided to seriously search for a plan. Of course, we didn't find anything but that gave us some ideas so we started writing them down.

I had to go see Aiden soon even though I was about to spend the night here I knew I would wake up in the middle of the night driving to him.

"You look suspicious, " Gabe said as he narrowed his eyes at Daniel.

"I'm just standing, " Daniel said as he narrowed his eyes at Gabe.

"Standing...that's suspicious to me, is that suspicious to you Gabe?" I asked Gabe as I turned my head from Daniel to him.

"Oh that's very suspicious," Gabe said while nodding his head.

Daniel's eyes then turned sad which made Gabe and I eye each other oddly.

"Sorry, " he apologized as he wiped his nose and sniffled, "It's just I miss Layla and I need a hug, " he said as he hung his head low, his blonde hair covering his pale face.

Daniel the leather jacket boy who only simps for drugs is sad over a girl? Well, not just any girl, my bitch. She knows how to keep a man running.

"I don't hug, " I said with a sigh and Gabe nudged me.

Another sniffle came from Daniel and I sighed feeling bad for him.

I got up with Gabe and we walked over to him, draping our arms around his tall figure and letting him embrace our hold.

As he buried his head on my shoulder and hugged Gabe I was too occupied with comforting him I didn't realize he faced us the opposite way from the island we were sitting on.

Suddenly Daniel let go of us and ran to where the notebook was.

"You little-" Gabe started.

"Daniel give it back!" I yelled as I rushed towards him.

Goodness why couldn't Gabe be taller?

Daniel lifted the notebook over his head and began opening it with one hand as he shoved Gabe and me away with the other.

"Gabe this- is- all your fault, " I say as Daniel's hand kept hitting my mouth.

"Sorry that I have a heart, " he replied as he started punching Daniel in the chest.

"Plan to...end Mason?" he asked and Gabe and I both stopped trying to get the notebook from him.

There was no point, now he has to know. I wanted to keep as many people out of it because I didn't want anyone getting hurt.

"Does it say that?" Gabe says trying to act dumb.

"It's over with Gabe, we have to tell him," I sigh as I walk back to the stool and sit.

Daniel and Gabe follow, Gabe sits on the seat in front of me and Daniel sits beside Gabe.

After about an hour we explain everything to Daniel and his face turned from confused to frustrated.

"So that's your plan? To just go with the police? Don't you think he would be a little smarter?" Daniel asked.

He was right, Mason was smart. His acting skills were on point also, he told me to come alone so that's what I have to do. He wouldn't kill me.


"Just meet him, see what he wants and what he says. Gabe and I will make sure to be close by in a car, " Daniel said as he fiddled with the pen I used.

Well, that's a smarter idea.

Before I could respond I felt my phone buzz. I took it out and saw that mom was calling me.

"Let me just answer this real quick, " I said while backing out of the stool and walking out the kitchen to the living room.

"Wheres Aiden?" she says in an annoyed tone.

"Well hello to you to mother. How was your day?" I ask sarcastically.

She's barely spoken to me and now she's worried about him?

"Cut the crap Heaven, I'm tired of you acting like you run shit. Welma is worried about her son so where the hell is he. Unless you got him killed also?" she shoots back and I hold my chest to control my heavy breathing.

How could she?

"You're sick, " I murmured through the phone as silent gasps leave my mouth.

I wipe the tear that's fallen from my cheek and hang up on her.

I feel someone come behind me and wrap their arms around my waist. His familiar smell envelopes the atmosphere and I can do nothing but lean back into his chest.

Wait what the hell?

I turn around to see his muscular shape behind me, his black hair was hiding some of his face and his dark blue eyes were filled with adventure.

"How the hell did you get here?" I ask him confused.

I didn't even hear the door open.

"I ran out of the hospital because I was missing you, " he said with a smirk.

"Aiden, you're injured you psycho you have to go back, " I say as I let my eyes roam his bruised body.

"I'm kidding, they let me out. Well, I paid them to let me out, " he corrected himself as he kept his eyes on me.

I prayed he wasn't here for a long time, hearing our plan.

"I need to get you to bed, " I say remembering Gabe and Daniel still sitting in the kitchen.

"You guys can crash here, " Gabe shrugged as he peeked out from the wall.

Do we just not have parents that check up on us?

"Thank you, " I mouthed at the fact he was acting normal and not blurting out anything.

I grabbed Aiden's arm and dragged him up the stairs, he was walking slower than usual and that was most likely because he had just left the hospital.

We made it to one of the guests' rooms upstairs and I close the door behind us.

"You need to rest, " I told Aiden as he sat down at the end of the bed and stared at me.

"I'm not tired, " he said with a slow smirk.

"Aiden-" I start.

"Fine, fine. But, only if you sleep with me, " he challenged.

I had to go back downstairs, even if we thought of the plan we had to make sure every detail was right, and lying to Aiden was going to be hard.

Also because of the fact that I've never slept in a bed with him while we were actually together and I wasn't shoving a pillow between us, scolding him for his fake lice.

"Fine, " I said while walking towards the bed.

I watched as he sat up and furthered himself back onto the bed until his head rested on the pillow.

I walked over to the right side of the bed and took my hair out of its ponytail, since we're spending the night at Gabe's I couldn't change into my pajamas.

I already had shorts on so I didn't mind, but sleeping with shorts on in the same bed as Aiden is what worried me.

I opened the covers and tucked myself under.

I watched as he lifted himself off the bed until he was standing and removed his shirt slowly, being careful to not affect any of his bruises.

His back muscles formed as he threw the shirt in the corner and went to lock the door.

I sat up on my elbows and narrowed my eyes at him as he walked back to the bed.

"Why are you locking the door?" I asked as I tried my best to remove my gaze from his well-formed abdomen.

"Only you get to see me shirtless, " he replied as he opened his side of the covers.

I watched as his dark blue eyes looked at my shorts.

Thank God I shaved my legs yesterday.

"Shit, " he murmured as his eyes slowly gazed at my laying body until they met mine.

"Go to sleep, " I mumbled as I felt my cheeks blush, I turned the other way so my back was facing him.

I felt the bed move as he laid down on it, I kept the covers under my chin but I knew that he could still see my body underneath the covers.

They're just shorts and a tank top.

I tried my best to stare at the lamp but I unexpectedly felt a finger tug on the waist of my shorts, pulling me back.

I felt my back crash against Aiden's chest and I sucked in a breath.

"Why do you react like that when I touch you?" he whispered into my ear as he brushed my curls away from my neck and rubbed his fingertips lightly up and down my arm.

I closed my eyes at the feeling of his touch.

"Because " I whisper as he starts to slowly place slow passionate kisses along my neck.


"Shhh, " he murmured against my neck.

I wanted him so bad. But I couldn't, I couldn't knowing that I would be doing something he wouldn't approve of in a couple of days.

His lips traced against my skin brushing up towards my ear.

I felt his arm wrap around my waist as he slowly turned me around.

I was now laying on my back staring up at his blue eyes, he was up on one of his elbows, facing me, while his other arm laid wrapped around my waist.

"No matter what we went through in the last 10 or more hours of us dating, I would do it all over again if that means I get to come back home with you, " he whispered while gently tucking a curl behind my ear.

That was Aiden, making me always feel safe and loved. For some reason, he was the only person who could truly do that.

I looked at the tattoo on his chest, only some of it visible from the light of the lamp.

I picked my finger up, tracing the tattoo, I felt his body relax at my touch, goosebumps formed on his skin as he closed his eyes.

"I would do anything for you, " I told him honestly as I continued tracing his tattoo with my finger.

I watched as he opened his eyes and smiled down at me.

He leaned down and gave me a gentle but passionate kiss, our soft lips both attracting warmness.

He backed away only a little, his lips still brushing against mine.

"Goodnight beautiful, " he murmured against my lips.

"Goodnight, " I murmured back.

He laid onto his back and I turned facing him, I rested my head on his chest as his hand roamed through my hair, massaging through.

The sound of his heartbeat echoed through my ear and I hummed to the tune, making both Aiden and I fall into a deep slumber.

And this time, I didn't have any nightmares.


Aiden's POV:

I groaned at the sudden headache that banged on my head as I opened my eyes.

Gladly the curtains were closed so no light was shone through.

The warm feeling I felt from last night was still there.

I looked down and only her curly hair was visible.

I'm falling for this girl harder than I expected. I want her more than I've ever wanted anything. I would wait a million years just to see her.

I slowly took her hand off my chest and scooted her slightly back so I could see her face.

Her head was now laying on the pillow and her eyes were gently shut. I laid down on my pillow and turned to fully face her. The distance between us was closed as I lifted my hand and slowly traced her lips.

This girl has me wrapped around her fucking finger and I love it.

I let my eyes roam her features, something she always got nervous about. Her brown skin was a beautiful mix of chestnut brown and milk chocolate. Her lips were full and tender, always begging for mine to connect with them.

Her eyes slowly opened as she stared at me with those bright brown eyes of hers.

I stopped tracing her lips but still rested my thumb on her bottom lip as I looked at her.

As she was about to open her mouth she shot out of the bed faster than a little kid taking candy.

I quickly sat up and watched as she rushed to the bathroom, leaving the door open. I watched as she grabbed the tube of toothpaste and squeezed it on her finger, using that as a way to brush her teeth since she had no toothbrushes here.

While she did that I got up from the bed and walked inside the bathroom standing behind her. She smiled at me while rubbing her finger against her tooth which made me laugh.

She's fucking insane.

I grabbed the extra toothbrushes Gabe leaves for the guest and Heaven narrows her eyes at me.

"Oh, would you like one?" I asked with a smirk and she hit my chest.

After we both finished getting rid of our bad breath we decided to lay back in the bed when we realized we woke up at 6 in the morning.

Well I did, I'm pretty sure I woke her up.

As we laid in the same position from before, she rested her head on the pillow trying to go back to sleep.

"You're so fucking beautiful, " I murmured as I traced her lips again with my thumb.

I watched as her face turned a light shade of pink and a small smile formed on her lips.

"Shut up, " she whispered and I swear I felt those things that every fucking person feels in their stomach when they like someone.

I leaned forward and kissed those gorgeous lips of hers. The mint taste traveled onto my mouth and I felt her scoot closer towards me.

She opened her mouth allowing me to hold access to her tongue. I let my tongue roam her mouth and I felt her moan into the kiss.

The moan forced me to want her even more. I kissed her with a little more urgency as I grabbed her leg and placed it over my waist. My bare chest and her covered chest closed the space between us.

I let my hands stay on the lower part of her thigh as I flipped her over so she was straddling me.

We broke the kiss catching our breath and I watched as she closed her eyes, breathing loudly. I loved the shit I could do to her and I loved what she could do to me.

Expecting her to break the kiss I almost lift her before she kisses me again, slower and more passionate. The taste of her lips filled my mouth over again and I moaned into her mouth.

I felt her hand slide down my bare chest and down towards the bottom of my waist. Her hand traces above my belt buckle.

"Fuck, " I mumbled against her lips as she continued to lightly brush her fingers against my waist.

I put both of my hands on both of the lower parts of her thighs slowly moving up towards her upper thigh.

She removed her lips from mine and started to kiss down on my neck.

"You don't get what you fucking do to me Hev," I say as I close my eyes and let her continue.

I brought her lips back to mine and after a while, she slowly parted away, "We should probably stop," she whispered as she tried her best to pace her breathing.

"Yeah," I whispered back, catching my breath.

After a minute or so she climbed off of me and laid down next to me. I told her I need to go shower and I could tell she knew why because she carried a sad expression on her face.

I didn't mind what she was doing to me. I wanted her to be ready when she's ready, not because she wants to pleasure me. I would wait a lifetime for her to be ready because I'll still have her.

I walked into the shower and turned on the cold water, I felt it hit my skin and I breathed out in relief.

What am I feeling?

What is this odd sensation I have every time I see her? It's like I need her there or else...I don't know.

Love was such a pathetic word to me before but right now at this moment, it's the only word I could think of.

I've only known her for a little over a month and she's got me in love.

Fucking shit.

This chapter wasn't about Mason and the whole fiasco but I wanted to give Heaven and Aiden a little time.

Someone also commented that this book should be a movie and I've never felt happier in my life. I can't find the comment but whoever commented that, you made my day <3.

Chapters are coming sooner than you expect! Feeling in a good mood so expect the next chapter in about three days or so.

Comment and vote!
