Chapter 18: You can call me wifey

Chapter 18: You can call me wifey
"HEYYYY!" Layla squeals into the phone with excitement ringing in her voice.

I instantly move my ear away and cringe from the ringing, "What's with you?" I ask her before snickering.

"Guess who's saving your life," she replied and I could even hear the smirk lifting upon her red cheeks through the phone.

"God?" I asked her confused while trying to open Netflix. I scrolled through the TV in my parent's room and tried to find a decent movie.

"Yes and no! I begged my mom if I could stay with you for a week..." she paused making it more dramatic, "and she said yes!" she screamed as I heard her laugh uncontrollably.

"OH MY GOD SAY YOU SWEAR LAYLA," I replied while throwing the remote on the floor and quickly bending down to pick it up.

I applied the batteries back in and stood up, "Wait, but how are you going to come over? It isn't our lake house. I have to ask Welma, hold on." I said before quickly running downstairs to find Welma sitting in front of the fire with a notebook.

The flames reflected in her blue eyes as her wrist swiftly wrote on the paper. She wore a purple robe and had a pair of glasses on to help her see better. I quickly sat down and explained who Layla is and asked her if she could come over and she ended up agreeing to it. She didn't mind if I had any friends over because she said she understood how annoying it was to live with boys.

I ran back to my parent's room, slightly tripping on the carpet before picking up the phone and unmuting myself. I told Layla she said yes and the only thing I heard next was screams of joy.

"God, I'm so excited!" she groaned.

I chuckled and sat on the end of my parent's bed cautiously, making sure there wasn't any lingerie, "So when are you coming?" I asked her while shifting myself comfortably on the bed.

"Now" she replied.

I backed the phone away from my ear and looked at it, "Wait what?"

Abruptly there was a loud knock on the door.

I creeped out of my parent's room to see Aiden, Gabe, and Daniel. Aiden had opened the door and Gabe and Daniel were sitting on the couches. How fast did those little turds get here?

I looked to see Layla standing at the door, looking starstruck. It's like she was falling in love with Aiden's eyes.

"Uh, who are you?" Aiden asks crept out at her staring as he shuffled his black hair.

She permed herself up before speaking, "I- I'm Layla. Layla Peterson," she said while sticking her hand out for him to shake.

Yes, I was watching this with an amused smile on my face. What? How couldn't I? Layla has thought of Aiden like her king and this is their first "actual talk".

Aiden reaches his hand out and quickly shakes hers before pulling away. He turned to look at me. He didn't look as tired as usual. His black hair was not that messy today and the blue shirt that he wore matched his eyes.

"Love birds" I whispered to him while Layla was still staring at the back of his head.

"F*ck off," he mouthed back.

I laughed as he walked back to the couch, "HEAVEN!" Layla cried out.

I turned to face her and before I know it I feel the wind get knocked out of me. My back hits the ground hard and I groan in pain as I try to find air to breathe.

"Karmas a b*tch" I heard Aiden laugh. He's been so talkative lately, makes me wonder if I like the quiet Aiden more. Who am I kidding I hated both.

"I MISSED YOU!" Layla yelps before quickly standing up and fixing her pink skirt. She grabs a mini brush from her purse that is hung around her arm and starts combing her blonde shiny hair out.

"Thanks for the help," I murmur as I get up from the floor.

"So where are the two hot boys. Daniel and Gabe," she said loudly. I'm guessing she thought she was whispering.

I stare at Daniel and Gabe who she hadn't noticed as she walked in, "Layla," I whisper with a smile.

"Yeah?" she whispered back as she leaned in close. Her bright pink lipstick looked brighter than ever.

I point to the couch where Daniel holds a big smirk on his face and Gabe is licking his lollipop.

"Oh my god," she whispers to me panicking. She quickly pulls her pink crop top a little down and walks over to them.

"Layla, but you can call me wifey," she tells Daniel with a barbie smile as she sticks her arm out for Daniel to shake. But by the looks of it, it seemed like she wanted him to kiss her hand rather than shake it.

I can't help but laugh and she turns around to give me an evil glare which makes me shut my mouth.

"Nice to meet you, Layla," Daniel replies with sleepy eyes as he attempts to shake her hand.

She turns her face to Gabe.

"If only I were that lollipop," she whispers loudly as she eyed him hungrily.

Gabe's eyes popped out as he took the lollipop out of his mouth, "What?" he says while laughing, his teeth whiter than ever.

"Did I say that out loud?" she asks, her face filling red as she swiftly tucks her blonde hair behind her ear.

I intrude on the awkwardness that has circled her and grab her by her arm, "Sorry, I'm just going to have to steal her for a moment," I say while walking her with me and dragging her to my parent's room before shutting the door. Mom and dad were gone with Aidens parents so I had the time to separate myself from the boys, well mostly Aiden.

I bounce on the bed and she does the same but lightly, being cautious of her outfit.

"How did you get here so quick?" I asked her as I grabbed a piece of her blonde hair and examined it.

Her hair became brighter and brighter each time I saw her.

She grabbed her hair back offended and replied, "Well, I was already on my way before I called you. Gladly his mom said yes because then I would've been dead," she said smiling as she examined the room.

"Soooo catch me up!" I tell her while grabbing the remote to turn the TV off.

She looked at me in shock, "I'm supposed to be asking you that! Has Aiden hit? Does he want to? Do you guys flirt? Is Daniel or Gabe single because I will gladly-" she says before I cut her off.

I lift my hand, "Okay 1, me and Aiden will never happen. 2, yes they are."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I know you, Heaven. You guys are practically the same," she says while twirling her hair with her finger.

"Aiden and I?" I ask confused. We are not the same.

She glared at me, "Yes. Now, I know you have three whole meals in the living room but I hope y'all have snacks," she says while rubbing her hungry belly.

I laugh and get up to lead her to the kitchen.

She grabs a plate from the dish rack and fills it with the pasta Welma made before she left.

I watch as she admires the kitchen, walking everywhere, her smell of mango starting to suffocate the room.

We both sit at the island and she catches me up on what she did on her family trip. She explained it as the worst trip ever and the stories she had to tell made me choke on my lemonade.

Daniel suddenly walks into the kitchen and sits down in front of us, his eyes greeting both of us. He backed his blonde hair away from his face and rested his elbows on the island, each opposite hand cupping his arms. His eyes seemed more red and the steel if cigarette surrounded him. I cringed as he opened his mouth to speak.

"I like blondes," he said with a wink.

I watched as Layla's face turned red and I felt like my eyes were watching a Hallmark movie, "My cue!" I quickly say disgusted as I walk out the kitchen, I could hear Layla giggling. I'd rather have her fall in love with a turtle than Daniel.

I walked into the living room with a disgusted look on my face, I looked up to see Aiden sitting down staring at the fireplace.

What does he think in that head of his?

I gaze at him as I walk over to where he sat, "What're you thinking about?" I ask deliberately as I plop down on the couch opposite him.

"How f*cked up life is," he said with a straight face as he rubbed his chin with his hand, the tattoos traced up towards his hand looked better with the fire on.

I leaned back and crossed my legs, "Ah yes, me and you both," I say with a small smile. He turns to look at me, his blue eyes searching for some sort of answer.

I ignore it and look at the fire instead. The heat in the room became enormous and I couldn't tell if it was because of the fireplace or this tension I couldn't describe between Aiden and me.

I heard the front door open and glanced over to it, "LET'S GO!" Gabe yelled as he walks back into the house.

"Go where?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow as I sit up.

"To the abandoned lake house," he whispered creepily with a small smirk. His brown eyes lit up.

Ouppppp abandoned lake house y'all!

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