Chapter 10: Gabriels Lake house

Chapter 10: Gabriel's Lakehouse
I woke up the next morning exhausted. Why have the nightmares come back? Why now?

I brushed the questions aside and slightly stretched out of my bed. I didn't sleep much last night, I was afraid if I closed my eyes the thought would ring back in my head.

I've lived in this house for about 1 1/2 weeks and I've never had a single conversation with Aiden. He was so closed off. I know I am too, I've never told anyone how I've ever really felt. But, I let people in as friends and I still put up a smile. What could hurt him that bad to make him hate everyone except for Gabriel and Daniel?

Doesn't even matter, Daniel invited me to go to the lake with them and I agreed. Well I told him I didn't want to go but my mom forced me to, she thinks it can help me. I roll my eyes at the thought of her saying those exact words.

It wasn't this lake though, it was the one where Gabriel lived. His dad owns a lake house by here and he and Daniel are living there for the summer.

This place was quite odd. There was a lake house at least 40 minutes away from the next, and the weird part is that each lake house has its separate lake. Which of course I still don't get how that many lake houses can have lakes but I didn't mind.

There were no girls here that I've become fond of or even communicated with. We went out a couple of times and I did spot some girl groups but just by the way that they talked showed me I wouldn't fit in.

I barely talked to my parents much which wasn't new. I only have time to greet Welma before she's busy off running errands and we talked sometimes. This lakehouse was a total disaster for me, no one to talk to. Of course, I've become too like Gabriel and Daniel but we just didn't talk as much.

I packed my bag with my favorite black swimsuit that gave my body a sort of nice shape and changed into some black comfy sweats with a light purple color hoodie.

I walked downstairs hungrily to eat something since I still had some time

"Ready?" a voice asked out of nowhere as I slightly pushed open the kitchen door.

I turned around to see Daniel, Gabriel, and Aiden sitting on the couch all staring at me.

Aiden looked a mess like he had no sleep whats so ever and stared at me with irritation. He wore a black v neck shirt that slightly showed his tanned chest and had on black jeans that clung nicely onto him. He had a pack of cigarettes in one of his hands and his effortlessly muscular hand played a little with his thick black hair. He was slouched back in the seat with an expression of boredom.

Gabriel was on the other couch licking every inch of his red lollipop, his lollipop infected red tongue only becoming redder. His hair summed as if he didn't take the time out of his day to put in the curl enhancer and he wore a matching outfit of dark blue shorts and a dark blue shirt. An expression of satisfaction filled his face as he pulled out another lollipop from the pocket of his long shorts.

Daniel on the other hand seemed unbothered, his eyes seemed slightly red and he was laid back. His blonde hair was pushed perfectly out of his face and his emerald eyes looked into mine with laziness. If that kid smokes one more cigarette I swear-

"For?" I asked confused as I fully turned around to face them and dropped my hand to the side of me.

"God..." Aiden murmured annoyed as he shifted in his seat which made his shirt slightly push up, his toned stomach almost revealing.

I ignored his comment and turned my attention back to Daniel waiting for his response.

Daniel put his finger on his chin and started tapping, he was trying to think of where we were going.

I waited for his response that never came, "The lake," Gabe murmured while swishing the red lollipop in his mouth.

"We're going now?" I asked him surprised as I pointed outside. It was 8 in the morning.

Gabe gave me a look that said 'duh' and stood up from the couch, "Yeah, come on get your stuff," he said while stretching.

I tried to process why we would go to a lake early in the morning.

Gabr grabbed his car keys from the table and walked to the front door, walking out. Daniel got up from the couch and lightly fell back down laughing. Aiden and I looked at him in concern and he stood up once again balancing himself. He rubbed his slightly red watery eyes and walked out the front door, his leather jacket making a certain sound as his shoulders shift every step.

I then turned to Aiden who made no contact with me. He stood up from his seat and walked out of the house after Daniel, closing the front door behind him.

I sighed with annoyance and ran up the stairs to get my bag from my bedroom floor.

Before walking out the front door I grabbed an orange from the counter and walked out, locking the brown front door behind me.

We ended up getting to the lake house a little later since Gabriel had to keep using the restroom. It was only a 40-minute drive, how much does that kid drink.

Aiden said nothing the whole ride, he just built the bubble around him and didn't allow it to pop.

Daniel and I talked plenty, he likes a lot of the same things I do and I enjoyed that. I was surprised he could even hold a conversation with me but I'm
guessing he's either used to being faded or the cigarette intoixicn has left his system.

We eventually made it to the lake house at around 11 in the morning I stepped out of the back of Gabe's car and landed on the rocky walkway, "This is dope," I told Gabriel as we walked inside his dad's lake house.

I honestly did feel quite awkward coming here with them, I didn't know much about either of them. I didn't let that stop me from having some fun though, and maybe I'll get to learn a little about Daniel and Gabriel today.

I sure know Aiden won't be putting effort

The couches were nicely designed, the black leather suited the house. They had paintings on their wall that stood out, some of just trees, and most of them were movement-wise, there was a black lives matter painting and an LGBTQ one also. I smiled at the pictures that brought warmth to my heart. I'm glad Gabriel was black, I know that shouldn't be something I think of but I'm glad that his family cared more about our movement than my parents do.

Other than that the wood floor was a beautiful light brown and the chandelier hung over the stairs, the clear gloss that covered the hardwood black stairs shone in the light.

We all walked in and stood there, I'm pretty sure they were just watching me mesmerize the place.

"HERE I COME BABYEEEE!" Gabriel yelled as he quickly took off his navy blue shirt which revealed his almost existent abs. He threw his shirt on the ground quickly and started to run, my eyes traveled his legs to see where he was going and he ran through the opened sliding door. I watched him make it to the lake and do a backflip as he jumped in, the water of the lake splashing everywhere including the deck.

I turned back to Daniel who had a smirk on his pale face, "ME NEXT!" he yelled as he removed his black leather jacket and white shirt, he tossed the shirt at my face and the scent of smoke hit my holy nose, I quickly took it off and threw it on the ground. He didn't have any tattoos on his chest as I expected but he was toned well, his hair covered his body which I for some reason didn't enjoy. He flipped me and Aiden off revealing and ran outside to join Gabriel.

That little mother f*cker.

Aiden walked over to the black leather couch and sat down resting his feet on the table and letting his tall toned body sink into the couch.

Was he not going swimming?

"Not coming?" I asked him curiously as I fiddled with mt bags strap. Why did I ask him? I could care less.

He turned to see me, his blue eyes reflecting in the light as he slowly searched my face. He sat up a little which made his arm muscles slightly flex.

He slowly licked his lips, "Uh no. Not in the mood," he shrugged as he turned his eyes away from mine and looked back up at the ceiling.

"Oh. Do you know where the bathroom is?" I say as I looked around me trying to find the best way to leave this awkwardness.

He sighed loudly and stretched his arm out through one of the hallways, "Down the hall," he pointed while keeping his eyes closed.

I walked down the hall quietly while admiring the structure of the house. It was more than beautiful, the hallway was filled with pictured of Gabriel and who I'm guessing was his dad. The hallway did give off a sort of creepy vibe but it was probably because the lights were off. I found the bathroom and stepped inside smelling the candles of vanilla and smiled in satisfaction.

I closed the door and locked it. I peeled off my clothes and changed into my bathing suit I had brought with me. I thought about the nightmare from last night and closed my ears tightly remembering only one thing...

The more I swim, the more I'm close to him.

That's the chapter loves! Hope you enjoyed it! Comment your favorite person in the book so far!

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