Chapter 36: Knocked out

Chapter 36: Knocked out

"So? Is he coming?" Layla asked me while I walked over to Daniel's car which she was leaning on. She had her arms crossed and her head hung to the left while she waited for me to answer.

I sighed before answering, "No."

She stood up straight and a curious expression played on her face.

"No? I thought you said-"

"I know what I said, it's just that Aiden thinks that it's not a big deal," I tell her as we come face to face. I lean my shoulder on the car like her and cross my arms.

I didn't trust this. I know Aiden is this stronger guy than Mason but it wasn't about the strength. It was about mindset. I mean Mason had the complete balls to lie about his sexuality only to please himself, Aiden would never do that. Mason had a mind of a psychopath, just like Asthon.

Well, he wasn't as bad as Ashton. Ashton was way more crazier, he killed my brother.

Nothing can top that.

Other than that I just don't trust Mason. I mean how could I? I opened up to him about Aiden and he sat there and smiled, pretending like he wasn't affected by it. I never really knew him, we only met three times and yet he was mad that I liked someone else.

I was nervous about Aiden. I know that he would do anything in his power to protect me but the question is what would happen to me if he lost that power.

"Ladies, I got backstage passes, " a voice said interrupting my thoughts.

I learned off the car and looked behind me at Gabe who held four rectangle-shaped cards. Daniel was walking behind him, glancing around before lifting a cigarette to his lips.

"Backstage passes?" I asked confused as he stopped in front of us with a big smile on his face.

Daniel caught up and stopped in front of Layla before his eyes went wide. I turned to look at Layla who held a mad look on her face and knew exactly what was happening.

"DANIEL IF YOU SMOKE ONE MORE TIME I WILL TAKE THAT CIGARETTE AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS UNTIL YOU COUGH IT OUT THOSE BROKEN LUNGS OF YOURS!" she yelled loudly before taking the cigarette from his lips and throwing it on the ground.

She picked up her foot that wore her pink sneakers and shoved it down onto the cigarette, lighting it out.

I bit my lip holding back a laugh and could see Gabe's shoulders shake beside me. Daniel's green eyes widened at her brown furious ones and we all went silent.

"Anyway..." I say turning my attention to Gabe, "I don't think boxing... places... have a backstage." I said with a raised brow as I eyed the tickets that were clasped in his hand.

"But I paid one hundred dollars each, " he whined as he looked at the tickets that were a scam.

I was about to respond but the sound of cheering made its way to my ear. I glanced from Gabe's whimpering figure to where the warehouse was. The guards were both moving from the door grabbing onto each handle closing it.

"It's just a cigarette," Daniel said as I kept my focus on why the security guards were closing the doors.

"Which is going to kill you!" Layla yelled back.

They started bickering back and forth and I paid no attention to them as I kept my eyes on the door.

We have to get in. We have to see this fight.

"Guys, " I say as I keep my eyes ahead not turning to watch their furious eyes yelling at each other.

Gabe was too busy whining so he didn't hear me either.

"Guys, " I said as I watched the security almost close the door before a random civilian walked up.

The bickering got louder and Gabe's whines became weird noises.

"GUYS!" I yelled as I turned back to face them.

They stopped and looked at me, six pairs of eyes on my nervous figure.

They all gave me a look that said "what!" and I pointed to the door.

"Shit, " Daniel murmured.

I jogged over to the front door, Layla's footsteps were heard loudly behind me as she groaned about walking in the cold weather.

I stopped by the security guard, he was extremely big and tall. His head was shaved and he had a tattoo on his neck. I squinted my eyes to see it.

That's the same one Aiden has...

His brown bulbed eyes glared at us as he kept his arms crossed.

"You kids need something?" he asked and I was shocked by the high note in his voice I almost busted out in laughter.

"Some tequila would be nice, " Gabe groaned as he let his eyes roam the outside area, most likely looking for a near bar.

I glared at him before looking back at the security guard.

"Look we just want to get in, my boyfriends competing, " I told him honestly.

"Yeah, and we have to make sure he's alive so they can produce babies." Gabe blabbered.

"GABE!" I yelled before smacking his head.

A laugh left the security guard before he stood back and opened the door wider allowing us entrance.

"You got a cigarette?" Daniel asked the security guard as I walked in.

"DANIEL!" Layla called in a warning tone.

I let my eyes roam the area. There were people everywhere. There were about 10 rows of seats on each side of the building and they were all filled in. The boxing ring in the middle amazed me at how legit it looked. I glanced at the sight of a little blood and felt the need to pass out.

My eyes roamed above to realize there were more people sitting on top, I'm guessing those are only for the richer since all the people there wore tux and dresses.

What the hell is going on?

I felt Gabe, Daniels, and Layla's present stand beside me as I observed the place.

"Let's sit, " Gabe said as he pointed to the four seats opened in the front specifically for us.

"When did you-"

"Shhhh, " he said interrupting me.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the front, I glanced at the people in the back row. Mostly, teens, there were some adults that a baby?

I shook my head and sat down in the seat that had a better view of the ring. The others sat down beside me as I kept my eyes on the entrance area.

I've never seen a boxing match in my life. The place reeks of blood and sweat but by the smile on everyone's faces, it seems that they enjoy this weird odor.

I wish I talked Aiden out of it but when his lips touched mine I couldn't even remember why I came here.

I've been having nightmares still, they aren't as bad as they used to be but they're still bad. I didn't tell Aiden and I was scared too. I know what he was going to say, he was going to force me to get help. I don't want help, I just want to never talk about the incident again.

I'd rather suffer mental pain than suffer physical pain. If I have nightmares it's only my mind controlling me but if I talk about it, it's my heart that's breaking.

I've told one other person, and I need to keep it that way.

A random guy walked from the rear entrance area. An old fashioned mic held in his hand. His blonde hair was slicked back and he was wearing a black tux. His glasses covered half of his face by the huge size of them and by the color of his eyes it seems that Daniel wasn't the only one who had an addiction.

"GOOOOOOODDDDDD DAYYYYY!" he yelled and the crowd started to cheer. The noise of screaming grew loud and smiles were formed on random people's faces.

"WE ALL KNOW WHAT TONIGHT IS!" he yelled louder before shining his white pearly teeth at the crowd.

"What is he talking about?" I whispered to Gabe, keeping my eyes on the announcer.

I watched from the corner of my eye as Gabe's shoulder shrugged.

"TONIGHT, IS THE NIGHT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!" the announcer said proudly while raising his hands towards the crowd.

"Gabe, what the hell is he talking about? The night we've all been waiting for?" I ask trying to figure out what he meant by that.

"I don't know Heaven but I don't think this is good," he said in a nervous tone.

I broke my eyes from the announcer and looked at Gabe's fearful ones.

I gulped before looking back at the front.

"Now we all know that every once a year during summer we have the kill or win showdown, " the announcer explained excitedly.

The crowd grew into a murmur and hands were clapped.

"Kill or win showdown?" I murmured confused

"Yeah, it's a showdown where boxers fight until one is dead, " the man behind me whispered into my ear. His accent rolled off his tongue and his breath of alcohol made me want to gag.

"WHAT?!" I said as I turned to face him.

"Calm down, it's just two random goons fighting," he replied with a smile. His teeth were uneven and some were missing. I looked back to the front and felt my heart race.

I'm going to kill Aiden, literally.

I got him into this. Well, I kind of did.

"INTRODUCING MASON JULIARDDDD!" the announcer yelled and I've never heard so many screams in my life. The loud echo of the girls cheering spread throughout my brain and I felt the need to suffocate.

"Gabe we have to get Aiden, " I said giving him a serious look.

"Not on my watch. This is money for my business, " a guy said interrupting me.

"Lenard?" Gabe said.

Leonard? Who the hell is Lenard?

I turned my head from Gabe to look at the man who was standing near us, he had a couple of the security guards I saw from before standing behind him and he looked frustrated.

"Look kids, I know he's your friend but trust me. This is going to look good for my business," he said with a smile, the wrinkles on his forehead forming.

"By killing minors?" I asked intrigued.

A smirk lifted his face and he ran his hand through his grey strands of hair.

"Get them, " he said quickly.

I felt my eyes widen and was about to open my mouth to scream before random men dressed in suits grabbed me, a black bag was secured over my head, not allowing me to see anything.

I tried to wiggle but the strength of the guard made me look like a fish out of water.

The guard's hold tightened and I felt myself being dragged off. I tried to scream but something I don't remember being put on my mouth was preventing me from even letting out a word.

Of course, Gabe would find front row seats in a dark-ish corner.

I felt myself being picked up bridal style. I attempted to kick the guard's esophagus but he was way ahead of me.

His hands tightened on the back of my knee and he pressed lightly on the pulse of my neck.

Oh shit.

The blackness I could see only became darker as my eyes start to shut from the amount of pressure.

The sound of cheering woke me up, my eyes lifted, and was getting used to the sudden brightness.

What the hell.

I tried to move but felt my hands stay in the same area. I shifted them a little to only feel the pain of the rope that was surrounded around my wrist.

I looked around the room, the walls looked like they were made of steel, there was a big box window in front of me that gave me a perfect view of the ring from upstairs.

I looked at my legs realizing they were tied as well. I tried shifting in the chair I was seated on but the chair seemed to be glued to the ground.

The smell of metal filled my nose and I felt my heart fill with fear. The atmosphere seemed so bare and dark yet the light was shone to its highest brightness.

It felt like I was in an interrogation room.

I turned my head to look behind me and saw Gabe, Daniel, and Layla all asleep. Or dead

No. Don't think that.

I shook my head and shifted my eyes over towards the window box, I was purposely seated in front of.

I watched as the crowd waited. They must be already finished the first round, I could only see the back of Aiden's head. His black hair looked drenched and his back muscles were shining with the amount of sweat that was formed on his back. I watched as his back muscles stretched as he stretched out his arm.

I want to see his face.

I glanced at Mason who held a smile on his face, I could only see him since the position I was seated in only gave me a view of the opposite player. He had a black eye that was beginning to form and blood ran down his lips. His chocolate brown eyes looked deadly as if he's been planning for this moment.

I felt my eyes water at the fact that Aiden could look how Mason does.

The door to the room I was stuck in opened and I turned my head to look at the kidnapper.

"You bitch. LET ME OVER THERE PLEASE! PLEASE! I HAVE TO SEE HIM." I yelled at the man Lenard we saw earlier.

"I'll tell you the deal. You're going to stay here and watch from here, you're going to have to hope that Aiden wins. Do a prayer, " he laughed and I felt fire raise in my throat, "the window is tinted so you can see them but if he looks up all he can see is a black screen." he said with a smirk.

"I love Aiden, I do. But, I'm not letting some girl try to ruin my money-making business, " he said as he lowered his palms to his knees and tilted his head to the side.

"You're kidding, right? If you love someone you're not willing to let them risk their lives, you sociopath. You shitty shit, " I yelled.

His face showed a little bit of sadness and he rolled his eyes before walking out the door.


I felt my eyes sting with the words that left his mouth. I wanted to shout for Aiden but I know it was of no use.

I watched as the announcer entered back into the ring and murmured some words I couldn't register since I was trying to figure out how to escape.

Before I know it both Aiden and Mason get closer, their boxing gloves held up like trophies as they hid behind them, eyeing where to hit first.

I bit my lip and felt the blood escape to my tongue.

Aiden's blue boxing glove strikes to hit what I'm guessing was Mason's stomach but missed by a couple of inches.

It was amazing the fact that Mason was skinnier than Aiden but his movements were different. The way he held his gloves seemed like he trained for this for years.

Mason's red gloves formed up and he sent a right hook to Aiden's eye. The punch landed on Aidens face but no emotion erupted from Aiden, instead, he just shook his head and continued to glare at Mason, attempting to find out what area to hit.

My eyes felt dizzy as Aiden lifted his gloves and throwed two punches, one punch hitting Mason's head and the other hitting his stomach. The pain that was inflicted on Mason's face brought Aiden pleasure but Mason quickly returned with a smirk.

I watched as Aiden circled to the other side and I felt my heart pang. His lip was busted and a side of his cheekbone seemed bruise. The paleness that almost filled his tan feature scared me but I knew he wouldn't give up. He can't. His blue eyes weren't as dark as Masons and that's probably because Aiden doesn't realize one of them has to get killed.

Now this will be a summer to remember. 

I tried to wiggle my hands as I saw Mason step closer to Aiden, his drenched hair showing some bald spots.

Suddenly Mason threw four punches, not missing a single one. Aiden started to back up and grip his torso at the pain that endorsed his body.

I wanted to run and hug him to safety.

Nope, not whipped.

I kept my eyes on Aiden as he let his blue eyes glare darkly at Mason. Before I know it they were throwing punches, the crowd was screaming like crazy, the women going for Aiden and some men for Mason.

Their punches were fast, injuring each other quickly.

The sound of a ringtone went off and I rolled my eyes.

"Layla turn that stupid ringtone-" I started before recalling where we were.

How did she get her phone? They collected ours.

Thank God, Layla.

I glanced back at her sleeping figure that was slugged in her chair, the light of the phone shone through her bra.


I tried to untie my hands but nothing was working, the intensity of the rope started to create a burning sensation on my wrists.

I glanced at the window and saw Aiden on top of Mason before Masom flipped them over, throwing harder punches.

He's going to kill him.

"Shit, shit, shit, " I murmur as I try to untie my hands. I use one of my hands to grab the rope that was surrounded around my wrist, I pulled at the rope tightly, loosening it from my hand.

I freed my hand and did the same to the other one. My heart was racing quickly and I felt my body have an urge to stop the boxing match.

After untying my hands I bent down to release my ankles that were tightened with the brown rope as well. I stood up and rubbed the pain that formed on my wrists, I glanced back at Layla and a smile lifted my face.

I barged out of the door and hid behind the crowd of people that paid no attention to me. I lowered my height and crawled towards the stairs, slowly taking every step and keeping an eye out.

I finally raced down a couple of stairs. The blood that was shown on the floor of the ring made me want to run away, I couldn't tell who's blood was it.

I watched as Aiden tried to get Mason off of him, realizing that if he gets in a couple more hits on his head he could kill him.

"HEY STOP HER!" someone yelled and I looked to where I heard the noise. A guard had his hand pointed out at me and the rest of the guards let their eyes land on me as they rushed towards where I was standing.

"And that's my cue, " I whisper to myself as I barge through the seats over towards the ring.

"Ow my leg you bitch!" a blonde girl whined.

"Excuse me, sorry- I just- excuse me, " I said as I wavered past the seats, jumping onto some of them to pass through. The guards yell got louder but I'm sure Aiden couldn't hear since he was busy fighting with this psychopath.

I finally made it to the ring, I looked behind me at the guards who were already catching up. I lifted the rubber material and jumped onto the ring. All of a sudden I felt the light on me.

Mason and Aiden we're a few inches away from my feet. Both of them were not focused on me but only on each other. I watched as Aiden attempted to hit Mason but Mason's legs kept his arms in lock.

Time to put my big girl panties on.

I lunged towards Mason, locking my arms around his neck as he stood up. I felt like gagging at the sweat that transferred from his back to my shirt but I was only focused on doing one thing. Saving Aiden.

I feel him stumbles as I tightly wrap my arms around his neck, I glanced at Aidens body laying on the ground, bruised and broken. I wanted to help him but I knew if I let go of Mason he would do the unthinkable.

"GET OFF OF ME YOU BITCH!" he spat as he grabbed onto my arms.

I felt a guard come behind me and attempt to pull me off of him but I only held onto his neck tighter, choking the last air out of him.

I wasn't going to kill him but I sure as hell wasn't going to let him go.

The crowd went silent as they watched.

I was waiting for Aiden to get up and run but I knew he couldn't.

Shit. Now there's only one thing to do.

I let go of Mason and felt my eyes sting as I stepped back, he turned around and glared at me.

My heart started to sink as I glanced at Aiden's body, his eyes were closed like he was asleep but half of his face was now covered in blood. He seemed so weak.

I glanced back at Mason who held a smile on his face at my reaction to Aiden.

I looked behind me and grabbed one of the extra gloves that were set on the ground in case something happened with one of Aiden's gloves while boxing. I applied it on my hand as the guards and Aiden watched me mysteriously.

I lifted my arm with all my strength and threw a punch at Mason's face. I felt his jaw even through the glove and watched as he fell onto the mat in pain, he grabbed his jaw massaging where I had hit him.

The silence of the crowd changed into roars and cheering. I rolled my eyes and was about to walk to Aiden when Lenard stopped me.

"I don't like people who ruin my games, " he said angrily with gritted teeth.

"And I don't like people who use their close ones to get killed, " I test him back and his face drops into a scowl.

"I swear I will-"

"You'll what? End me? Question is Lenard, " I said as I took slow steps towards him and took off my glove, "Can you do it fast enough before the cops get here?" I asked with a smile.

"What the hell are you-" he started and as if right on cue the sirens to police cars got louder as the lights shone through some of the windows.

His eyes widened in horror and so did the guards as they glanced at the federal people that were about to enter their illegal boxing club.

I tilted my head to the side with a smirk.

Before I know it he busted into a sprint and ran for the doors. The guards followed after him, running away from time in jail as well.

Leonard opens the warehouse back doors only to be greeted with two cops.

Eventually, the crowd was forced out of the warehouse, and Lenard was put in cuffs. Layla, Gabe, and Daniel had awoken by the time they arrived and walked downstairs to meet with me.

I used Layla's phone to call the cops then untied them for when they would awake, I knew I couldn't drag all three of their weights on me so I had to leave them up there.

"Fuck, " Daniel murmured as he rushed over to where the paramedics were taking care of Aiden. I watched as Layla and Gabe gathered around him as well.

I turned the other way, forcing myself to not let one tear roll down my cheek. I didn't want this to be like Charlie, I don't want to lose someone that I affection truly. Not again.

If I did, I'm a murderer. I killed my brother and the boy that had swept me off my depression state. I didn't deserve happiness.

Please wake up Aiden, please.

Sorry, this chapter wasn't thattttt good. But I tried! Where did Mason go? What do you think about Layla's phone carrying bra HAHAHA!

Comment and vote!
