Chapter 26: Boxing Match

Chapter 26: Boxing match

Aiden's POV:
Her smell was everything. I breathed in her rose scent as I kissed her soft lips-

Wait. No, what am I doing?

I'm guessing she's thinking the same thing since we both quickly pull back from each other with a shocked expression on our faces.

Her brown eyes started to look confused and I saw her shiver as our body's moved apart from each other. Her breathing was unsteady as she picked her finger up and started to feel her lips, her eyes looked at me.

No Aiden, you promised yourself that you would never fall in love again. These girls do this, they step in and they mess with your mind and then they leave.

I barely even know her. I mean yes she was beautiful, she had this laugh that I was addicted too and this smile that made me smile. And whenever she talked back or got mad it made me laugh all the time.

But I couldn't trust her. F*ck that, I couldn't trust any girl. Love was fake and it's not real.

Why the hell did I kiss her back? I'm drunk. I smile in my head as I realize that I have an actual excuse.

I mean that's the only reason I kissed her, it's because I'm drunk. I've steered clear of every girl in my way for the past 1-2 years yet I kissed her. But, that's because I'm drunk.

"Aiden?" she whispered worriedly.

Anger filled up in me. How could I even sit next to her for more than a minute? I don't like her, I never will.

I ignored her and got out of the cold lake. I pulled myself up onto the deck and walked back into the lake house.

Even though I couldn't see her I felt her eyes on me.

I closed the sliding door behind me and barged upstairs into the guest room Gabe lets me stay in while his mom and dad are gone.

I feel the anger in me boil up even more and I have the urge to break something. I grab the vase on the desk and slam it onto the hardwood floor, shattering it into tiny pieces.

I walk over to the lamp in the corner and slammed it down onto the ground. Gladly it didn't break. I hear the doorknob open and see Gabe's irritated face.

He looks around the room and his eyes wander to the vase I broke and the lamp on the floor.

I look at him and try to take the anger away from my eyes. The thing about Gabe was that he knew me, and he knew when I was at my worst there was only one thing to solve it. He never questioned me about it and I respected him for that.

"Why are you wet?" he asked me with a confused face "DANIEL!" Gabe called as he didn't break eye contact with the vase on the floor.

I walked over to the end of the bed and rested my head in my hands. I pushed back my hair several times and felt the stress in me increase.

That f*cking girl did this to me.

"What? You really have to call me when I was with Layla," he started annoyed as he walked into the room. His eyes landed on the vase, then onto me, then onto the lamp on the floor.

"Oh," he said while looking at Gabe with an understanding expression.

Daniel then walked over to me and pulled me off of the bed. He tugged at my arm and I eventually got up.

"Do you want to go change?" Daniel asked me concerned.

"No, I need to go right now," I replied and walked down the stairs.

I spotted Heaven coming into the house completely wet. Her brown eyes looked confused and sad, she looked up at me and I saw anger fill her face.

"Aiden can we just-," she started but I quickly turned my head and zoomed out the lake house. I speed walked on the small rocks that filled the path to Daniel's car. The hard feeling of every rock poking at my feet that were covered by my shoes.

I angrily opened the car to Daniel's door and got inside. I closed the door and sunk in the passenger seats.

F*ck life. Why does everything have to be like this?

I was drunk. I don't like her, I never will.

I mean she had beautiful brown skin that pleased her light brown eyes. Her smile filled up the whole room and she wasn't one of those girls who let people talk sh*t to her. I liked that about girls. She had this hair texture that I urged to run my hands through and feel. Is it soft? And her style was everything. She would stick to wearing her baggy jeans and her oversized shirts, she sometimes would wear these skirts with a white t-shirt tucked in. She wasn't like most girls.

No Aiden. Shut the f*ck up. She wasn't like most girls in looks. We all know their f*cking personalities. You don't even like her, you were drunk and you kissed her.

Though I didn't feel quite drunk.

You are.

The sound of Daniel slamming his door as he came inside the car made me jump out of my thoughts. I gritted my teeth in anger as I thought about her.

Daniel pushed his hair back and rubbed his eyes tiredly. I looked at the clock that read 12:06 and immediately felt bad. I know it was late at night but I had to f*cking go. I had to get this anger off.

We sat there in silence before he found which key was to start the ignition. The car roared and he drove off.

For half of the ride, he tried making conversation but I wasn't in the mood for small talk, instead, I tapped my fingers aggressively on the door.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked as he kept his eyes on the road.

Should I tell him? Pft no f*cking way. He was doing his thing with Layla and if he slips it out everyone will eventually know. It's never going to happen again so I don't have to worry.

"Family problems," I lied as he stopped at a red light. The light flashed into my eyes and I faced the other way from the beaming object.

We eventually made it to the warehouse and I got out of the car before Daniel could say anything.

I walked straight over to the entrance and walked inside, the lights shined clearly.

The ring in the middle held 2 fighters. It was Blade and Liam. Liam threw a punch that landed Blade a ticket to sleepy land. The crowd cheered and roared. I smirked at the sound of the noise.

"Great! We needed someone tonight that will cheer up the show even more. My boy how've you been?" Lenard asks, startling me as he pulls me in for a pat on my back.

Lenard was my first friend when I first started boxing. Boxing was my peaceful place. Whenever I was mad I would come here and let it out. The satisfaction of the crowd with every punch I threw would take my anger and turn it into pride. Daniel and Gabe didn't know about it until they noticed the bruises and cuts on my face when I came to school. Of course, I've learned a way to lie about it, I just now say that I work with my dad and I'm clumsy. The warehouse was far from my house and closer to the lake house so that's why I always agree to go to the lake house with my parents.

"I need to fight, now," I told him as I paced my breathing from before. I clenched my hands into fists and tried my best not to think of punching someone in the face yet.

"Well there are already people on the-" he started before I cut him off.

"NOW LENARD!" I yelled. He looked at me curiously and realized that I didn't come to fight for fun today. He knew I was here because of the anger I built up.

"Aiden kill one of me men and I swear-" he started while pointing his long finger at me.

A smile lit up on my face and I jogged to the back room. The back room was where every boxer had to go before they went into their match. Kind of like backstage for us. I walked over to the chair that was seated in front of the mirror. I picked up the blue and gold robe that was nicely detailed with my name letters in it.

I removed my wet shirt I never changed out of and looked at my bruised abs from the last fight. I winced as I dragged my cold hands along the purple and blue bruises.

I applied the robe onto me and removed my pants also. I grabbed the shorts that were hung in front of the mirror and put them on. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

Let's kick some f*cking ass.

I opened the door and made eye contact with the host. He gave me a look asking me if I'm ready and I nodded. I clenched my hands tightly and shook my head of its thoughts. I still felt the anger inside of me at the tip of my throat, burning slowly throughout my body.

"AND NOW, THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR, THE PERSON YOU'VE CAME TO SEE. AIDEN LANE!" the host announcer as he pointed in my direction of the stage.

I walked up the steps that led to the ring. As I entered I looked at the crowd, there were so many people here. They all looked at me in awe, cheering on my name.

"AIDEN! AIDEN! AIDEN!" their voices filling my ears.

I felt my anger slowly come a bit down but it wasn't fully down yet.

I walked inside the main part of the ring and waited for the host to announce who I was fighting tonight.


No f*cking way.

I liked this chapter a lot! Wasn't much of Aiden and Heaven time but you got to learn a little about Aiden in this chapter.

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