Chapter 28: His affect on me

Chapter 28: His affect on me
Mason stepped towards me with the glamorous set of flowers that were clenched in his hands.

A smile set on his face as he arrived 3 feet away from me, "I heard you were sick so I brought you some flowers," he said with his raspy voice.

I had to admit I grinned like an idiot when he said that.

I took the flowers from his hand and inhaled them.

I looked back up at his brown eyes that reminded me of rich and soft chocolate. I was allergic to chocolate but I hoped Mason wouldn't become my allergy.

"I love it," I said as I wiped my nose, "I wish I could smell it but the color is enough to admire it for me."

He laughed and examined to Aiden. There was an unnatural expression on Aidens face.

"Hey man, hope the eye is getting better," Mason said with a kind smile as he patted him on the shoulder.

"You knew about his eye?" I asked Mason stunned as I turned to face him.

A grin played on his face, "He didn't tell you?" Mason asked as he sucked on the cut on his lip.

"Shut the f*ck up," Aiden replied harshly before walking away and coughing. I watched him walk into the kitchen, the resentment in his walk making it obvious something occurred.

I gave Mason an unsettled look hoping he would tell me what's wrong but he assured me it was nothing.

I walked over to the dining table making sure to keep my distance from the others. The table had folded papers that had words on them.

Assigned seats? Seriously?

Aiden and I were forced to sit next to each other because we were both sick. We brought an extra chair and Mason sat in front of me which meant, Layla would be seated in front of Aiden and next to Daniel. And Gabe would be seated next to me and Mason on the head chair.

I was already seated and so was Mason. I had no clue where Aiden had gone off to yet I urged to find out.

I heard Mason clear his throat and he adjusted his leather jacket, "So Heaven how'd you get sick?" he asked as he rested his elbows on the table, his brown wavy hair now slicked out of his face.

I felt the shivers run down my spine as I recalled last night, the way Aiden clasped my waist gently, the way we softly planted our lips onto one another, the whiff of his cologne that I urged to smell again.

How did he do this to me? I despised Aiden, I had to.

I wiped my nose before thinking of a fib to tell, "I think Aiden got me sick last night, we stayed up late playing board games," I lied as I shifted in my seat.

He eyed me oddly and I felt tense up.

"You were with Aiden all night last night?" he asked as he fiddled with the utensils next to him.

"Well no he left, but you know before that I was," I said feeling my throat clog up. Lying to a boy this sweet and kind were too difficult and I loathed it.

I watched as his hand slowly moved to mine, cupping his over my own, "Well I hope you get better," he said while grazing his thumb on my palm, that coldness of his hand affecting mine.

I smiled at him and watched his braces show as he smiled too, the dimples on his cheeks forming.

"When you get better...I would like to take you out," he said as he traced over me with his chocolate brown eyes.

I sneezed, "I-" I started before he interrupted me.

"I promise you, it will be worth it," he whispered in a raspy tone.

I didn't wish to date and going on a date wasn't something I wished to do either but Mason was sweet and I couldn't say no. He came to check on me and I felt cared for, just how Aiden made me feel cared for.

Stop thinking about Aiden.

I heard their footsteps come in and I quickly let go of Mason's hand as he did the same.

Layla sat down at her seat and I watched a grin play on her lips as she eyed me, she gave me a wink and I knew she saw.

Aiden came and sat down next to me. I felt his knee brush my leg and I tensed up. I expected his leg to shift away from mine as he got comfortable in his chair but the feeling of his legs touching mine never left.

I was barely affected by Mason's touch, Mason, this sweet and kind boy. But I was affected by Aiden's touch, Aiden, this rude and harsh boy.

What the hell is wrong with me?

We all poured the soup into our bowls one by one. Layla and the others dug in quickly, groaning at the flavor.

I felt Aiden's hand swiftly touch my leg and reach for my hand under the dinner table. I felt his hand intertwine our fingers and the touch of his skin against mine sent goosebumps throughout my arm.

I looked at him confused and he bowed his head. I slightly bowed my head also and we both said our prayers silently.

Soon we both looked up and no one had noticed because they were too involved chatting. I felt Aiden's hand leave mine and I hated how much I wanted to hold it back into mine.

I wasn't going to tell them about prayer because I was nervous when I told Welma last time and I didn't wish to make any of my friends feel obligated to do something they don't have to.

We both started to eat, coughs and sneezes coming from the both of us.

"Am I the only one who finds it odd?" Gabe said as he poured a spoonful of soup into his mouth, slurping loudly.

We all look at him and pause for him to continue, "That you two are both sick," he said after taking a drink of his water.

I felt Aidens leg tense against mine.

Aiden didn't like me and it was obvious, I was just easily affected by the things he did to me and I hated it. And when he said that kiss happened because he was drunk it made me feel a type of way, a type of emotion that I didn't want to discuss. I used an excuse for why I kissed him, but for some reason the more I thought about it the more it didn't sound right.

"Coincidence," Aiden said chuckling as he bit into his chunk of bread.

"Coincidence? Heaven said it was you who got her sick while you guys were playing board games last night," Mason filled in with a confused face.

I looked at Aiden and saw his eyes slightly widen. I gave him an apology glance and he turned back to face them, his black hair carelessly falling slightly in his face.

He cleared his throat and coughed, "That's what I meant," he said as he shifted in his seat.

Layla then stared at me confused, "No, Heaven you went swimming in the lake last night," she said as she set her spoon down.

I felt my throat clog up even more and I wiped my nose, the banging in my head slowly coming back.

"Aiden went swimming in the lake last night," Daniel said as he glared at Layla.

My leg started to shake up and down quickly and it wouldn't stop. I'm guessing Aiden felt it against his leg because I felt his hand reach down and rest on my leg, telling me to stop.

His hand barely cuffed the size of my thigh. The look and feel of his hand resting on my leg gave me way too many emotions to project. I felt...butterflies? The tattoos that traced on the back of his hand started to become more visible. It looked like a type of stem that held leaves on the sides.

He removed his hand from my leg after the shaking stopped, "Fine, you caught us," Aiden said lowly putting both his hand up in defense.

I glanced at him and he lent me a look warning me to trust him.

"Heaven and I got into an argument last night because she poured my grandpa's bottle of alcohol in the lake and so I pushed her in there, and when I attempted to walk off she dragged me in. That's why I was furious last night," he ended as he sat back in his chair.

That little-

"You dumped his Grandpas alcohol?" Daniel asked with wide green eyes.

I looked away guilty and felt the urge to murder Aiden.

Way to blame it all on me sh*t face.

After some more questioning, they all gave in and believed our story.

We spent the rest of the dinner talking about random things we enjoyed.

Mason was an artist. He enjoyed watching people's life from a painting, he explained the paint to be the definition and the picture he paints to be the meaning.

Aiden seemed a lot quieter tonight and he threw glares continuously at Mason. I wanted to ask what happened to his face and how Mason knew but it wasn't any of my business. We both agreed to steer clear of each other and that's what we need to do.

And as much as I had to admit that I hated that idea I didn't. After last night I've felt a way about him, everytime he touches me, every time he walks into the same room or even makes a conversation with me my heart flutters. And I wished I didn't feel this way but I can't help it. He makes me feel this way.

That could also be because I just spent a lot of time with him. Maybe that date with Mason won't be so bad. One, I can get my mind off of Aiden, and two, I can learn more about this amazing guy in front of me.

Dinner ended quicker than I expected and Mason had to leave. I reassured him that I would be more than joyful to go on a date with him and he left with a smile. I didn't like the thought of dating, but then again I needed time away from Aiden and Mason seemed like a nice guy.

After Layla cleaned up the dishes, which I've never seen her do before. I thanked her for the meal and hugged her goodbye. I attempted to give Gabe his sweater back but he insisted on me keeping it.

Aiden and I walked out of the house after saying bye to everyone, our sick selves had to go home now.

I watched as he walked over to his black jeep, the breeze playing with his hair.

I followed after him and climbed into the passenger seat slowly trying to steady myself.

After we both got in the car he seemed more relaxed and less angry. He rested his hands on the steering wheel and rested his head back on the chair head. I watched as his hands squeezed the wheel tightly and the veins that naturally stay visible looked tenser.

"How did Mason know about your face?" I asked him as I wiped my nose.

He looked at me, his blue eyes slightly easing, "I guess he saw the fight," he said as he turned back to face the front, his defined jaw becoming a shadow in the night.

I eyed him but didn't say anything. We drove home in complete silence, the awkward tension filled the car quickly and I tried my best to dismiss it.

Aiden told me to go into the house and that he had to do something. I nodded silently and stepped out of his car, dreading every step I took to the house.

I watched his car roam off in the night, the only thing visible to my tired eyes was the license plate.

I lifted my hand to knock on the front door but the door quickly opened before I could. My mother's face revealed and she looked excited.

"Finally you're here," she groaned as she stepped aside to let me in.

She took no time to acknowledge my sickness. She gave me an odd look but led me up the stairs happily. I glared at her mysteriously as to what she was so happy to share with me and followed her up.

We stopped at my bedroom door that I so heavenly miss seeing every morning and she opened it up.

"Ta-da," she said with bright eyes and a big smile.

I looked at the room that was now redecorated and dry. My mattress was changed and so were the carpets on the floor. I still had wood flooring but this one was a lighter color than the last. The hole that was in the ceiling was now gone and the room looked brand new.

"This is great mom." I said smiling at her and coughing, she slightly backed away and held a smile, "tell Welma, Lane, and dad I very much appreciate it," I said as she started to walk away.

My mom wasn't the type to check on me as much. Ever since my brother passed she's been keeping everything in and pushing everyone out. Well, she pushed me out, and let the others in. She has a reason and I understood but I did miss the mom that would tuck me in at night, that would make sure to never miss a meal with me, the one that asked me how I was every day. Currently, it was like she was still my mom but wasn't.

I brushed it aside as always and examined my room once again. It was gorgeous and I was glad they fixed it earlier than expected. Spending a night with Aiden after kissing him would just be asking for awkward tension.

I closed my bedroom door behind me as I walked in and laid my head back on it.

I felt my phone buzz and I quickly took it out while rubbing my nose, wondering who it was.

The number was unfamiliar but my heart smiled as I read the text.

"Hey, it's Mason. Layla gave me your number. I just wanted to say I hope you sleep well. Goodnight, Heaven."

I changed his contact name to 'Mason' and replied with a 'thank you and goodnight'.


That's the chapter, my gorgeous people! I hope you enjoyed it.

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