Chapter 12: Flipped off

Chapter 12: Flipped off
I quickly walked out of the lake house feeling their eyes on me. I quickly glance my eyes around and spot my bag sitting on the floor.

I quickly grab it and start pacing my way outside, the small rocks that scattered the floor fly as my flip flops come intact with the ground.

I take out my sweats and apply them then my hoodie next. I only brought flip flops so I hiked with those, small discomfort from the gravel tormenting my feet.

God, where am I going!?

I know I came in the same car as the guys but I could walk. Right? A 40-minute drive is like an hour walk. Jeez, I can't even make it past a 10-minute walk without getting tired.

I start walking down the pathway that led to the highway we came from. My eyes shifting from the floor to the sky as I rethink about what had happened.

I wasn't ready to discuss my life. I hated conversing about my life. What most people didn't realize is that Layla was my best friend because she admired talking a lot so that meant she didn't expect me to talk about my troubles. Of course, there were moments when I come to school gloomy or when she catches me at my miserable moments she checks in, but of course, I tell her a small fib. I didn't like lying to Layla but I didn't want her sorrow, I didn't want her to look at me differently if I told her what happened.
I've never shared the incident with anyone and I don't ever plan on it. That incident was the reason I couldn't cherish anymore, talking about it will just shatter me down.

I made it to the high way we drove on and started walking on the near left side making sure to stay away from the road. The clouds in the sky became a slight tint of grey and I dismissed it. I kept my eyes up and walked ahead, glancing behind me every time to make sure there wasn't a killer.

When that incident happened it changed my life forever, it changed my mom's and my dad's especially. We were now a lying family, brushing off any questions as we go and trying to look as pleased as possible. I was sick and tired of it, of pretending like I wasn't suffering, like there wasn't this knife glued in my back I had to pull out. I wanted to talk to someone, I urged to. But I never established the courage.

Unexpectedly the sound and breeze of a car passed by me and halted a couple of feet ahead.

I examined the car but couldn't think of who's it could be. Was it my dad's car? Was it Welmas? My brain couldn't filter my memory and I let the panic altogether take over my whole body.

Here's the day, I'm getting kidnapped. I could already sense it, the sleeping powder being loaded into my mouth, the burning of my wrists as I tried to release my hands from the light brown rope.

Should I flee? Should I hide in a bush? Instead, I just stood there frozen, frightened.


I saw the door of the car deliberately open and I felt my heartbeat quicken in fear, the sweat on my palms increasing by the instant. The kidnapper appeared out of the car and I sighed with comfort realizing it was only Aiden. Then groaned annoyed was Aiden. Stalker mode much.

He walked out of the car and started strolling towards me. His hair swiftly shifting every step from the slight wind that was released in the atmosphere. He was only wearing a shirt and I was surprised he hadn't even thought of bringing a jacket. His blue eyes clung onto mine as he walked nearer to me, his legs shifting slowly.

"Where are you going?" he asked as he reached up to me, I looked into his blue shadowed eyes that looked more passionate in the cold air.

I ignored his comment and turned around, walking the other way. Yet that didn't stop him from walking beside me, his speed intensifying to the same as mine like it was nothing.

"Home," I answered shortly as I looked nowhere but forward. I was heading back to the lake house but I only turned this way because I expected him to go back in the car and drive off.

"You're walking home?" he asked stunned, there was no sign that he was out of breath from the rate I was shuffling and his footsteps sounded less forced and hurried than mine.

"God, why do you care Aiden?" I replied annoyed as I stopped in my steps and turned to face him, the breeze hardly hitting my face. I dragged back my hair from my face as I waited for his explanation.

He stopped too and slowly faced me, "If you're not back home on time I'll get in trouble," he admitted as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. The wind lusciously played with his hair and shirt.

Seriously? He followed me because he was scared he would get in trouble.

I paused and stared at him in amusement, "Aren't you the same guy that threatened me to stay away from you?" I asked him with a fake smile. I was angry and I was taking it out on him but I didn't care. He did the same to me, so I'm allowed to too.

He ignored my comment and looked to the side of him, not making contact with my eyes, "Why'd you run?" he finally asked after a while and turned back looking deeply into my eyes.

Suddenly I couldn't swallow. Why did his stupid eyes do that?

"I told you I had to do something," I replied while looking at anywhere except his eyes, I shivered at the wind that slightly grew stronger but he seemed to not get affected by it.

He fixed his hair slightly and clenched his jaw make his jawline form sufficiently.

I peered from the corner of my eye as he bit onto his lower lip softly, "What're you hiding?" he asked me in a powerful voice as his eyes traced my cold figure.

"Nothing," I shortly retorted as I turned to the other side of me, oddly finding investment in the trees.

He stopped for a second and breathed out, "Look me in my eyes and confess that," he said with a low voice.

Mother trucker I ain't gotta confide sh*t. But, I had to convince myself I was honest even if I was fibbing. I turned slowly to face him, my eyes attaining his own.

I felt captivated, I felt like I was imprisoned and his ocean eyes were my kidnapper. I got myself together and took a deep breath, "Nothing," I mumbled.

He stood there and looked at me, his eyes that we're surrounded by his black long eyelashes attempting to solve me like I was his puzzle and there was one piece missing.

I'll find out soon," he said as he broke the intense eye contact, "Need a ride?" he asked me friendly with a slight smile as he pointed to the vehicle.

Why was he being so nice?

I gave him a mischievous glare that he didn't seem to return, "Uh sure," I responded.

He began his way over to the car and I began after him, following his steps from behind. His back muscles would constantly flex each step he took and the wind blew his hair out of his face.

We walked silently over to the car. Aiden leaped into the driver's seat and I walked over to the passengers as his door was shutting. I attempted to open the passenger door but it was locked, my hand pulling on the black handle constantly. I waited for Aiden to unlock the door as the breeze became suddenly intenser, instead he rolled the window slightly down, extended his arm, flipped me off, and then drove off. The sound of the car engine ringing in my ears.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled in anger as I watched the car drive away.

God, that little turd! Why would I ever reckon he could be nice. I tried not to get emotional knowing he would probably laugh at this later and I started walking in the same direction. This time I felt more anger build up in me, I could just slap the kid.

And of course, he never came back.

I marched up to the lake house damp and cold. The hoodie that I had worn on my walk soaked and reeked of wet dog. It was raining heavily outside like crazy. I got to the front door and shook off the excess water that clung to my clothes and hair. I wiped my face with my wet hand only now realizing that did nothing. I opened the front door to see Aiden reclining on the couch lazily, his feet rested upon the table. Mom, Dad, Welma, and Lane were sprinting up and down the stairs like dogs.

Aiden must've heard the door open because he turned to look at me and a smirk appeared upon his rose-colored lips. I felt the anger fill up inside of me and marched over to where he was settling.

"YOU LITTLE B*TCH! YOU LEFT ME OUT THERE IN THE RAIN! GOD, YOU'RE SO ANNOYING! YOU CAN'T EVEN BE NICE FOR ONCE! I SWEAR I WILL-" I started before he cut me off, his hand in my face advising me to be quiet.

"Woah chill," he said with a thick laugh, "I wouldn't be worried about what I did if I were you," he continued while pointing back to the parents who held buckets in their hands and stress on their pure faces.

Why were they running up and down the stairs?

I turned back to look into his deep dark blue eyes that held amusement in them, "What are they doing?" I asked confused.

He slowly looked me up and down with a smirk on his punchable face, "Check out your room," he said as he laid back and closed his eyes.

I instantly ran up the stairs dismissing my mom and dad trying to tug me back or say anything. I barged inside my room wondering what he could've done now. 

My eyes opened in shock at the sight. Water was soaked in through the carpets and my mattress. There was a medium-sized hole I'm supposing I didn't know about until now that was flowing water from the rain. And not just a little but a ton.

The buckets I watched the adults run up the stairs with we're arranged under the hole controlling the water from doing any more damage.

I looked at my suitcase realizing it was soaked which meant all my clothes had to go in the washer. How did I not discover a hole above my bed!?

Aiden couldn't have done this, could he? Cause if he did, two can play at that game.

"I'm sorry honey. We'll figure something out," mom said interrupting my thoughts as she patted my shoulder, "Oh god you're soaking wet," she continued as she shook the water off her hand with a disgusted face.

Welma came next to me on my other side, "I don't know how this happened, dear. I'm afraid you'll have to sleep in Aiden's room," Welma told me, her calming blue eyes staring into mine with a sad expression on her face.

I closed my eyes and pinched myself hoping this was just a nightmare.

That's the chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed it. What are your thoughts on Aiden so far?

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