Chapter 13: Aiden's room

What's your favorite color? Mine is blue :)!

Chapter 13: Aiden's room
I had to sleep in Aiden's room. Are you serious?

I couldn't sleep in the living room because the parents stay up late like around 3-4 am which is unhealthy.

They wanted me to make sure I got my rest. I would inquire to sleep with my parents but I don't know what they do at night, particularly since that vision keeps appearing back.

I still don't understand why I couldn't just sleep on the floor in the hallway. It looked...comfy.

I waited by my bedroom door for Welma to clarify to Aiden the sleeping schedule, "NO WAY!" I heard him roar from his bedroom, the bitterness in his voice was even visible to my ears.

Act like I want to sleep in the same room as you.

I heard something break and I propped myself off the wall and stepped slightly closer to his bedroom door, "LOOK YOU'RE GOING TO BE A GREAT NICE PERSON AND LET HER SLEEP HERE!" I heard Welma yell, her polite voice now came off as furious as ever.

"We only have one mattress," he replied lower, the outrage still hung onto his voice.

"Put a pillow, I don't care," she said before I heard the doorknob being clasped. I instantly but quietly walked back over to my bedroom door and pretended to gaze at my bedroom.

Welma walked out and saw me, she gave me a big smile and a thumbs up and walked downstairs to where the parents were.

I desired a shower since I was still soaking wet from the misery he left me in which meant I had to go to Aiden's room and take one.

My room was completely soaked, I attempted walking to my bathroom but the rains frozen moisture absorbed my feet. If I touch any more cold water today I'll get hypothermia.

I prepped myself and walked to his door, knocking quietly. There was a sign that read "DO NOT ENTER" that I for some reason haven't noticed before.

Was he like a goth kid? I giggled at my joke and the door swung open.

His face had some irritation but not as much as I expected.

"What're you laughing about?" he asked me as his body blocked the entrance to his room, his eyes watching me.

"Oh nothing," I lie as I shove past him into the room. I'm sorry but am I the only one who's grossed out that I smell like a dog?

I stopped and had the urge to summarize the place. His room was different from mine. He had a bookshelf and had paintings hung up, his bedsheets were a matte black and he had silk black pillows matching.

The carpet on the floor was colored black as well and his walls were amazingly painted a taunting color of grey. There were tables on each side of the bed, the side I'm guessing was his held a packet of cigarettes and a book.

I cleared my throat and turned back around to face him, he was leaning his head back on the closed-door watching me observe the place.

"I have to uh-" I said pointing at my wet clothes and hair that he didn't seem to be slightly bothered by. I was like a wet bucket of water walking in his room.

He stared at me, his head still leaned slightly back and his eyes still watching me, "You're taking a shower here?" he asked me as he lifted himself off the door and walked over to the bed that was set to the side of where I was standing.

He sat down and kept his elbows on his knees, "Uh yeah. Kinda have too. And I can't retrieve my luggage because the floors soaked through so..." I told him awkwardly.

Yes, I needed one of his shirts and I pitied that. My luggage was soaked through and Welma was still kindly loading my clothes in the washer. I wasn't going to sleep in these drenched clothes and as much as I yearned to not have to wear a shirt that would have the essence of Aiden I knew I had to.

He looked st me slightly annoyed, "Fine," he murmured as he pointed to his closet that was nicely decorated with black shelves and only revealed his shirts of dark color. There were black shirts, dark blue shirts, and some white shirts, he had undershirts also but those weren't long enough to cover my full body nor did I even acknowledge wearing them when I'm sleeping in the same bed as him.

His eyes stayed on me, even when I turned around to examine his closet. As I walked closer the scent of cologne hit my nose and I became pleased at the essence, the smell of masculinity filled the air around me and I wasn't bothered by it.

I picked out a black shirt from the top shelf, I could still feel his eyes starting down my neck. I unfolded the shirt to make sure it was long enough for me and it seemed it was.

I paid no attention to him and walked into the bathroom locking the door. I groaned happily as I stripped from the wet clothes that have become a burden to me.

I prepare my clothes before I enter into the fancy shower that had a marble colored flooring and was covered with only glass, no curtain. I fold Aiden's shirt and set it by the sink before realizing that I didn't fetch a bra or underwear.

I felt the redness in my face fill up, I can't put my wet clothes back on. I tried to think of what to do and felt the stress rise in me.

"F*ck it," I say to myself as I grab the towel and wrap it around my body tightly. I take a deep breath in and unlock the bathroom door.

Aiden's eyes lifted from the book in his hands and glanced over to me. His eyes slightly looked stunned and they observed me from afar up and down. I clenched tightly onto the towel in embarrassment.

"Sorry I'm not in the mood to get kinky," he replied with a smirk as he turned back to his book.

I rolled my eyes in disgust, "Shut up, I just forgot something," I said before quickly storming out of the room. I make it out of the room and closed the door behind me, I take a second to breathe in and still remember the adults are awake. I tiptoe over to the bag I left next to the door and grabbed the extra bra and underwear that was tucked in there from my last trip.

I heard the voice of my mother and froze, if she saw me like this she would think of the worst. She would think I was doing something with Aiden. I gagged at the thought and hurriedly ran back to his room. My mother's voice got closer as she was laughing on the phone and I barged into his room, quickly closing the door behind me.

I still clutched onto my towel with my bra and underwear in my other hand. I rested my back on the door out of breath.

"Did you find someone else to get kinky with?" Aiden said staring at me, his black hair slightly covering his face and the tattoos on his tan neck becoming more visible as he leaned his head slightly back. I forgot he was here.

"What?" I asked confused as I tried to catch my breath.

His eyes lowered slowly from mine to the bra and underwear that was held lightly in my hand.

I looked down and gave him a disgusted glare as I rushed to the bathroom annoyed.

When I finished my shower I quickly dressed, putting Aidens long shirt over my body and drying my hair with the towel. I wrapped it in a nice braid so my curls could air dry.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Aiden resting on his bed with the TV on. Shirtless.

I stare at his almost bare body, his chest unlike Daniel's was fully covered in tattoos. I've never seen him shirtless before. He had his tattoos tracing from his toned core to his muscular structured chest, his tan skin looked better from the light. He turned his head to look at me, his rose lips looking pinker.

I hated the fact that he looked good, that him being unpredictably gorgeous made it so hard for me to want to kill him.

I cleared my throat as he watched me oddly, "Are you uh- Are you going to put a shirt...on," I said awkwardly as I pointed to his bare chest.

A smirk slightly played on his face, "No, I always sleep like this," he replied while shifting himself on the bed pretending to make himself more comfortable even though he was just revealing his chest more to me.

Here's the thing I hate. Aiden was what I wanted in a future guy even though I didn't want a future guy. Confusing I know. But, he took care of his body and seemed to work out a lot by the shapes of his muscles, he had perfect black hair that was not too long nor too short. He has tattoos and I was a killer for boys with tattoos and most of all his eyes, his eyes brought it all together for me and I hated that.

Think of other boys, think of other boys.

I walked over to the bed and awkwardly opened the blanket in the silence that filled the room. I grabbed one of the pillows and pushed it between him so it was separating us.

He laid on the side of him to face me, "Is that necessary?" he asked as he looked at me with his ocean eyes.

I broke contact quickly, "Yes, I don't want to come in contact with lice," I replied with a fake smile.

He put his veiny hand to his bare chest and sat up a little, "Ouch, that hurt," he replied in a fake sad voice before rolling his eyes.

I flipped him off the same way he did to me. I still didn't yell at him for what he did before but I didn't care anymore, I was tired. I slowly tucked myself inside the bed and faced the other way to not see him. I heard the TV turn off and his body shifts making me slightly move.

The silence pleased me and I felt my eyes slowly start to shut.

"Tell me about yourself," I heard him say as he interrupted me sleeping.

"No," I replied shortly as I strived to sleep again.

"Why?" he asked me bothered, reawaking me from almost sleeping.

I scoffed and sat up, "Tell me about yourself," I told him using his question against him as I faced him. His body was faced towards the ceiling so I had a good angle of his face.

"No," he replied lowly, his adams apple moving as slowly as the words fell out of his mouth.

I looked at him confused, "Why?" I asked him.

The room then fell silent. His eyes slowly shut and I started to fall asleep also.

Sleeping in the same room I see! How'd you guys like this chapter?

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