Chapter 4: Fake boyfriend alert

Chapter 4: Fake boyfriend alert

I woke up earlier than usual, it was most likely because the savory smell of waffles hit my nose which made my stomach growl in hunger. After the whole incident last night I didn't bring up or say anything, I just went straight to bed. I tried telling Layla about it but she wasn't answering her phone.

I put my small hands that were barely the size of his and wrapped them around my neck, it felt like I could still feel his strong hands wrapped around me, and his words slowly rolling out as he whispered in my ear. I mean he threatened me, I could just put him in jail. But, I know all 4 of the parents will end up believing him, no matter what story he makes.

I eagerly climbed out of the soft bed, the pillow falling on the carpet and the blankets ending up smudged together on the mattress. I got up from the bed and quickly sat down to recollect myself. I shook my body and did some small yoga stretches, then I put my hair in a ponytail and slipped on my slides.

I haven't gotten used to this place but I feel slightly comfortable with the vibe Welma gives off, I didn't speak to Lane that much and my mother barely acknowledged me last night after the whole spit show.

I slowly crept down the stairs, afraid of waking someone up.

I walked past the vanilla scent living room that was painted with its beautiful nectar colored walls and designed with a white interior.

I open the kitchen door that was built like those kinds of doors that had no knobs but you had to swing it open. I crept in and saw Welma sitting on a black stool wearing white jeans and a white blouse that pleased her skin tone, her brown hair was in a bun and she was looking at some sort of magazine.

Aiden was also there. He was standing on the other side of the island which meant he saw me come in first. He was wearing a white undershirt that clung onto his muscles tightly and his black hair looked messy, his blue eyes spotted me and I saw his face change to complete irritation.

Welma notices Aiden looking at the door and she turns around confused, "Oh, hey honey!" Welma says, interrupting our glare contest. I separate my eyes away from his dangerous addictive blue ones and look at Welma with a small smile.

"Hi," I reply and become surprised when I realize how hoarsely my voice sounded in the morning. I awkwardly sat down on the stool beside her as she smiled at me the whole time.

I somehow managed to make eye contact with Aiden again and he rolls his eyes at me before turning around to wash the dishes. I could see the tattoo that formed around his tan neck, I couldn't tell what the words meant but they meant something. Other then that he looked nicely cleaned up, even if he was in joggers and an undershirt, and I hate to have to admit that hating a gorgeous guy is completely hard. I recommend not trying it.

"So, I want to get to know more about you. I mean I'm surprised I haven't met you sooner." Welma squealed as she squeezed my hands in both of hers.

What's up with these parents and squeezing hands.

"Well sure, ask me anything you want," I offered as I turned to face her.

"Okay...well let's see," she says while tapping her pointer finger on her chin and letting her eyes roam around the area.

"Ou, any boyfriends?" she whispered loudly with a raised eyebrow and sly smile as she leaned in.

Before I could answer Aiden cuts in, "Hah" he cackles with his back faced to us. His shoulders moving with the beat of his laughter.

I turn my head slowly from Welma to him and glared at the back of his black hair, knowing he can't see me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask intrigued as I turn fully and rest my hands on the table set in front of me. It was a nice brown and yellow granite mix that fit the vibe of the kitchen.

He turns around to let his icy blue eyes meet with my brown ones and I feel my throat tense up a little. If he was just not my type this would be a lot easier.

He shrugs and drys his hand with a blue rag that was set on the counter, after he finished he folded his arms and leaned back on the counter still facing us, "Nothing, I found it funny my mom," he says waving his finger at me, "would have a boyfriend," he snickered and shook his head in disbelief.

"Aiden!" Welma says with an angry tone as she stood up from her stool and slammed her hands on the table.

"It's fine Mrs. Lane," I say while giving him a fake smile, I turn my attention back to her and take a deep breath, "I do have a boyfriend," I lie.

I know I didn't have a boyfriend, I had an ex though so that kind of counts.

Welma's angry face that was made towards Aiden now turned into delight as she looked at me.

"What's his name?" Aiden said chiming in as he moved towards the table and placed his hands on the edge, his black hair moving a little in front of his face.

I glare at him and try my best to think of a good name, "Uh-Nate," I reply hesitantly as I look into his piercing blue eyes.

He gave me the same glare back and responded, "You should invite him over sometime," he said while walking towards the kitchen door.

He knew I was lying.

That little-

"Well," Welma says after Aiden walks out the kitchen, "now that he's gone let's get to know each other. I'm surprised you're single, you're so beautiful, dear." Welma said smiling with her straight teeth that were passed down to Aiden.

Jeez was I that bad of a liar?

"Sorry, I don't intend to lie. Aiden just got me a little angry." I say giving her a miserable look.

"He can be like that, don't worry about him. Why don't you go wake up your parents," she said as she rubbed my arm. I smiled at her and nodded. I did want some waffles though.

I don't know what it was but I felt so happy. Welma was so kind to me. She acted as if she was my mother. Ever since the incident, my parents didn't talk to me as much. It took them a while to stop being so hard on me.

"I'm about to head into the lake. How is it over there?" I ask Layla as I check my bathing suit in the mirror.

Ever since Welma showed me where the lake was I fell in love. The color of the water was a wonderful mix of light and dark blue, the colors mixed blended well with the trees surrounding it.

"Boring! I wish I went with you! I mean Aiden, the Aiden, you get to spend 2 months with him while I'm here with my parents! OH, YOU'RE KIDS WILL BE SO BEAUTIFUL." she whined through the phone.

"I- I - I think- the- co- conn- connections- break- breaking," I say before hanging up and rolling my eyes.

I hated it when she talked about me and Aiden. One, don't even know the dude. All I know is that he embarrassed me in front of the whole school and he's a stuck up little b*tch who needs to keep his sh*t in place.

If only I could be able to speak and say that to his face.

It was those stupid eyes. I scoff and throw on my black bathing suit instead, the yellow looked cute on me but it wasn't the bright neon color expected. I hate bathing suits, the only time I would wear them is when I swim, no pictures in them or nothing.

After I finish I grab my red towel and wrap it around my body tightly. I check in the mirror one more time and smile.

By the time I get to the lake, I feel too scared to even dip my foot in. I had to though, this fear can't linger on to me for longer. I take a deep breath in and look at the water that was so deep my vision couldn't predict the width. I sit on the deck and let my heartbeat slow down, I rest my hands on the sides of the deck and slowly dipped my body in the cold water. I felt my skin crawl with goosebumps as I fully went in, I breathed in the scent of the lake and relaxed my hands freely.

I missed this.

After about 10 minutes of getting used to the lake, I relaxed my whole body and let the lake have the fortune of keeping me alive. I closed my eyes slowly and leaned back into the water that I forever missed.

"Oh, you weren't lying." I heard a voice say and I opened one of my eyes.

"Pay me 20 bucks." a husky familiar voice replied and I opened both of my eyes and slowly carried myself up in the water now.

I turn around to meet the stone cold blue eyes of Aiden's, the green leafy eyes of Daniel, and the beautiful light brown eyes of Gabriel.

They were all sitting there....watching me swim, they were rested lazily. Daniel had his arms resting on the chairs they sat in and his head was leaned back, the sun couldn't get to him because his eyes were shaded by the dark figure of his sunglasses. Gabe had one of his legs rested on the other, his knee supporting his ankle, he looked at me with a big grin. Aiden was on his phone, typing angrily.

"Um." I say staring up at them, I cleared my throat, "What are you guys doing?" I asked them confused as I float in the water. I feel my cheeks start to heat up of embarrassment.

"We wanted to sit and watch the lake," Daniel said smirking as he shifted his blonde hair from one side to another.

"Okay.." I said before turning around to face my back to them. I know I should've gotten out of the lake but three guys were blocking the damn deck. How the hell could I stand in front of them with a bathing suit?

Before I know it a huge splash appears near me and feel muscular arms yank my body down underwater.

I lose my pace of breath for a second and feel the water fill in my mouth, the taste of salt making me cringe. I lift myself back up and turn furiously to see who it was, Gabriel was swimming next to me, dying of laughter.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I growl annoyingly as I gave him a death glare.

"Oh come on that was funny," Daniel said from his chair as he took a swish of the beer that was held in his right hand.

"I'm sorry," he said while laughing and wiping the water off his eyes, "I just had too."

"Well, two can play at that game," I reply to him giving him a bright smile. I didn't know Gabriel and I didn't know how strong he was, but no one, and I mean no one ruins my swimming time.

"What does that-" he started to say before I jumped on top and plunged him down into the water, I smiled triumphantly as I saw him plunge underneath.

Damn, I'm strong.

Was I water fighting with a dude I barely knew? Yes, yes I was.

He got up from the water and gave me a competitive smile. I saw his arms about to grab me before I backed away.

"Okay, I surrender," I say with my hands up as I swim away from him and over to the deck.

Don't be insecure, don't be insecure.

I got out of the water and quickly grabbed the towel I had set on one of the chairs, Aiden watching me. I wrapped the towel around me and headed back into the house. The sound of my flip flops squishing against the wet grass.

"You're a lucky man." I heard Gabriel as before a sigh.

"You're kidding, right? I'd rather stay with Trish then her," Aiden replied laughing.

Who's Trish? I thought he doesn't date. I pretended like I didn't hear them and continued up to the house.

Yup! Chapter 4.

Who do you guys think Trish is? And what are your thought and Gabriel?

Comment and vote!
