Chapter 37: Bye bye Layla

Chapter 37: Bye-bye Layla
The sound of silence filled the room, not even a pin drop being able to break it. The silence was too strong, too unbearable. The essence of the hospital filled the room, the familiar scent invaded my scent.

I kept my eyes on him, laying there, he seemed to be sleeping so peacefully, so quietly. His face was still as bruised as before, some of the bruises barely healing from the ice while the corner of his top lip was still getting used to the stitch. His eyes were strung closed and his breathing was even.

I looked at his hand that was clasped in mine. He made me feel so safe. I rubbed circles around his palm as I let my eyes roam his features.

He was wearing a gown that was given to him when he entered the hospital, his black hair still hung in his face, hiding some of his bruises that were placed on his forehead. I couldn't see his blue eyes that I loved but only his long lengthened black lashes that shadowed over his cheekbones. His two tattoos on his neck seemed to be the only thing allowing me to break contact with looking at his abused figure.

Gabe, Layla, and Daniel went home for the night. I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't. I had to stay next to him until he awoke. I had to know he was okay.

This is all my fault. Why with me everything goes bad? Why do I not ever deserve happiness?

I felt my eyes sting at the thoughts that overflowed my brain. The pain was excruciating, the feeling of being so alone hurt. Aiden changed that and this is what I repay him with? A close death?

Everywhere I go, everyone, I touch gets hurt because of me.

I'm an emotional wreck.

I look down at the marble floor, blinking as warm tears flow down my cheek onto the floor.

I stopped horridly when I felt a light squeeze on my hand. I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach.

What do I say to him?

"Oh, hey, sorry for almost getting you killed, good job though!"

I rolled my eyes at the thought of letting those words ever leave my mouth.

I quickly wiped the tears from my cheeks, the wetness absorbing onto my palms.

"Hey," he murmured with a smirk.

I'm amazed he can still smirk when he's damaged and has a stitch on his lip.

"Hi," I whispered as I scooted the chair I was seated on closer to his bed.

I glanced at the IV that was put into the vein in his arm and winced.

"This isn't your fault Heaven," he said as if he could read my thoughts.

I glanced back at him, his eyes were filled with warmness and I felt my heartthrob at the sincere look they held.

"I wish our minds could think alike," I said before letting out a small chuckle.

He stared at me for a second, now his thumb was rubbing my palm as he stared at my face. I started to feel insecure as he roamed my facial features. He always did this, as if he can somehow find out my problems from how my face is formed.

"Shut up, come here," he said before letting go of my hand and scooting over on the hospital bed. He patted the side next to him as I stood up and slumped down.

I rested my head like he did, our shoulders touching as we sat there in silence. I felt his hand lift to clasp mine that was set onto my lap. His thumb rubbed over my skin, leaving tingles throughout my body.

"You didn't know that you almost got killed today, did you?" I asked him as I kept my eyes ahead, too scared to see what kind of fear or trauma he held.

"No," he whispered so deeply that I felt my nerves start to kick in.

"Why didn't you tell me you box?" I asked as calmly as I can.

"I didn't think it was a big deal, I didn't think that you would care," he replied and I felt my stomach twist.

I wanted to look at his face, I wanted to see his eyes that were on me but I couldn't, not yet.

"Why wouldn't I care? Aiden you wanted us to have no secrets and I'm trying to do that but I can't if you don't tell me about you, " I told him truthfully.

I heard a sigh leave him, his thumb stopped rubbing the top of my hand and I could feel his breaths go uneven.

"I know Hev, it's just that I wanted boxing to just be my thing. We've been dating for barely 2 hours and I almost get killed, why? Where is Mason?" he asked all at once.

I gulped as I felt my throat clog, the truth was I didn't know. All I remember was Lenard getting taken away but other than that, my eyes never even glanced at Mason.

"So tell me what happened, I want to hear it all," he asked me as he squeezed my hand.

I kept my eyes ahead, still abiding by my idea.

I nodded and told him everything that happened from the minute I left his changing area to the minute he ended up in a hospital. I told him all about his psycho "friend" who locked us in a booth for his satisfaction, I told him about me jumping Mason, I told him about how he looked and how I couldn't even glance at his figure, I told him all.

"And now- you're here," I said with a broken face as the warm tears that were waiting to fill my cheeks started to roll down.

"Hey, look at me," he whispered and I felt my heartbeat at his voice.

His deep voice made me shiver at every word he spoke.

He was like corpse husband. Except I believe corpse is hotter. Sorry, Aiden.

I felt his thumb and forefinger clasp my chin as he slowly turned my face to his view. I let my eyes bore into his blue captivating ones.

His eyes held so much power, the sapphire color that was mixed with a deep oceanic blue, the long lashes that hovered and protected his eyes. Everything about them were perfect.

"You're mine, and I could never be mad at you," he whispered, his warm breath hitting my lips at every word that left his rose lips.

His right hand clasped the side of my cheek as he watched my lips. His eyes looking hungry and yet so sincere.

I bit my bottom lip nervously and watched his eyes darken.

I watched as he moved closer towards my face.

His lips parted to clasp mine and I breathed in his familiar essence. I closed my eyes and felt every part of my body heat up as he slowly placed his teeth on my bottom lip and pulled.

I made sure to be careful with his stitch placed in the very corner of his lip as he sucked slowly. The way his lips felt on mine made me feel so released, so escaping. Our kiss deepened as he pushed himself on top of me, I laid back on the pillow as his mouth roamed mine, I gave his tongue access and when ours collided I felt my world form.

My drug.

His hand roamed my arm, rubbing up and down as he lowered his lips to kiss my neck.

I opened my eyes at the feeling of his lips on the sensitive part of my neck. He kissed slowly, almost like a feather rubbing against my skin.

"Shit," he groaned and I opened my eyes.

He rolled half of his weight he laid on me over. He laid onto his back, a hint of pain in his face as he hissed. I watched as he placed his hand onto his head and shut his eyes tightly.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I sat up and placed my hand on his cheek, I felt my face burn up red at the fact that his cheeks were soft.

Soft cheeks. Ha.

"Yeah, yeah, I just got a pounding on the side of my head." He said as he sat up to assure me he's fine.

We were both now facing each other, our knees touching one another under the white sheets of the hospital bed.

"I should probably call the doctors, huh?"

He shook his head and I gave him a peck on his lips before hopping out of the surprisingly comfy sheets and hitting the button near the bed.

"You could've still laid next to me or under me," he mumbled and I watched a smirk form on his lips. I watched the amusement in his eyes as he scanned my blushing face.

"You're a shithead," I said as I rolled my eyes.

The door opened quickly and I watched as two doctors barged in.

The dark-skinned lady walked hurriedly towards Aiden and started writing down onto her clipboard.

"Well look who decided to finally wake up, " the Asian man said as he walked towards Aiden with his hands in his pocket.

I watched as Aidens eyes grew into dangerous slits before his eyes landed back onto me and calmed down.

'Get your shit together' I mouthed.

He rolled his eyes and let the doctors check for any extra leaking blood or injuries.

I tried calling his parents but no one answered, it's like Aiden said, they didn't really care. It was amazing how kind they were to me and yet how much hatred Aiden could hold for them.

I tried calling dad also but he only answered to tell me he's taking care of my mom. It's like he knew I was going to tell him to do something or come to something. What the hell is wrong with our parents?

"You seem to have been hit severely on your brain but from what we're observing we don't think it's that big," the Asian doctor explained.

"We will be running scans just in case so you need to stay here and I'm sure your friend will have fun keeping you company," the dark-skinned lady said with a smile. Her teeth were perfect and white it almost made me forget about how pretty her afro was.

I watched as Aiden's frown turned into a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

Both doctors finished changing Aidens bandages that were placed on his head and on his right arm.

I'm guessing his bruises have to heal on their own.

The doctors both left, reminding us that for Aiden to leave it was obligated for him to be signed out by a legal guardian.

"Fuck," he groaned.

I worriedly averted my eyes from the door that the dark-skinned doctor closed to Aidens laid figure.

"What?" I asked afraid that his brain juice suddenly soaked out.

"You just look so damn hot," he said with a smirk.

I watched as his blue eyes darkened and I tilted my head.

"You're injured and yet you're still horny?" I asked weirded out.

"Help me out doctor?" he asked with a whimpering lip as he sat up, gesturing me to come over.

"Nope, nope, nope," I said as I walked towards the chair next to the bed and sat down.

Aiden's laugh was heard throughout the room, his rumbles making his shoulders shake.

After a while the room fell silent, I kept my eyes on the ground, diving deep into my mind's biggest thoughts.

"Promise me one thing?" Aiden said breaking the silence.

I looked up at him to find him staring at me, a look of sincerity and fear.

"What?" I asked nervously about what he was going to say.

"Promise me you won't go looking for Mason,"


"Promise me Hev," he said interrupting me.

He knew I wanted to find Mason and find out what the hell was wrong with him.

What in the fucking hell was wrong with that kid?

Who moves here just to have the nerve to make others suffer.

I very badly wanted him to suffer but even the thought of that made me feel like I was absorbing a mindset as his and I would never want that.

I know Aiden was trying to protect me but how about when I could barely protect him. He didn't see his slow breathing figure bruised and bleeding so I knew he wouldn't understand.

I know Aiden and I just recently started dating and a lie isn't the best thing to tell your recent boyfriend who you just scolded for not telling you something he was hiding.

But I had to, he will soon realize I'm doing this for him.

"Mhm," I said hiding quickly as I looked to the side. Those eyes could squeeze the truth out of me without even moving.

"Hev," he said in a warning tone and the deepness of his serious voice made it a lot hotter.

"I promise, " I said rolling my eyes and throwing my hands up in the air, "Happy?" I said in a sarcastic tone that didn't come off as harsh.

His blue eyes darkened with desire, "Very,"

I eyed him oddly, "Why are your eyes looking at me like that?" I asked intrigued.

He shrugged his shoulders and bit back a chuckle, "Nothing, I just like knowing that I can make you say what I want you to say." he explained with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes not knowing what response to give to that, the blood in my body filled with a sensation of lust but I ignored it.

"Ou, call me dadd-" he said before whining at the hard slap I landed on his arm.

"You're nasty, " I said groaning.

"Only for you," he said with a grin.

I let my mouth hang open in shock at the words that left his dirty mouth. I pulled down my shorts that have risen a little.

"Where are you going?" he asked with a devilish look.

"I'm going to go see if they have something that will put you to sleep faster, " I said with a smile before walking out of the room.

I closed his hospital door behind me before letting him say another word and was greeted by the quietness of the creepy hallway.

The lights were dim and there were only about two nurses, one on the other end of the hall who was shuffling with some papers on a desk and the other near the other end of the hall who was on a phone call.

Layla was leaving today which meant I had an hour to see her before she went off. I honestly thought the day Layla would leave I would be sad and lonely but with Aiden, I feel...protected.

I walked down the hallway, looking at the white and black mixed marble floor and the square poked walls. As I made it to the end of the hall the nurse gave me a small smile before I returned it and opened the exit door.

I would be back in time to see Aiden and I needed him to rest, his body was so pure and fragile at the moment.

The cold wind hit my face before my curly hair threw its self all over my face. The dark night sky was visible to my eyes I felt like they couldn't see anything.

I breathed in the scent of the outside air, feeling relieved that the scent of the hospital has left the atmosphere around me.

I walked down the path, trying to keep my vision the same as before. The little light available from the small bulbs on the roof helped me make it towards Gabe's car.

A sudden noise of a bush moving flooded through my ears. I turned behind me glancing around. I quickly got inside, locking the car door from the paranoia, and took a deep breath pacing myself.

I am not dying today, let me tell you that.

I calmed down before sitting up straight and starting the engine. I was glad Gabe lent me his car while they caught an Uber. I've never told Gabe about me but I knew he sort of saw me oddly. As if I was a lost puppy to him.

I drove through the dark night sky making it towards Gabe's lakehouse.

I parked his car outside on the side of the pathway and jumped out, jogging slowly towards the front door.

I walked up the porch steps and knocked three times. I put my arms into the pockets of my jacket, crossing my arms so the jacket was warming my figure.

Was it wrong of me to come in my shorts and shirt from this morning? A girl was too tired to change.

"Helloooooo girl on my porch, " a familiar voice said.

I looked at Gabe with narrowed slit eyes.

"Are you going to let me in or turn me into ice, Elsa?" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Jeez who's stick is up your ass?" he asked while moving towards the side.


Wait, the thought of that doesn't seem right.

"Can I ask you something?" I whispered after he closed the door and faced me.

His brown skin seemed an oily texture that made his skin shine.

He narrowed his brown eyes confusingly.

"Yeah, sure. As long as your not asking me how many kids are in my basement, " he said with a laugh after.

My eyes slowly widened in fear.

"I'm kidding, Jesus, " he said quickly.

"Look is it wrong of me to want to find Mason and ask who the hell he is? I mean he got away which means he's still out there somewhere."

"Yeah but don't bring him here because I'll probably end up killing him, " he said seriously and I laughed.

When I realized a laugh never escaped his mouth I knew he wasn't joking. Aiden was important to Gabe, they were best friends and closer than any friendship.

"If I went to find him, by myself, would you cover for me?" I asked hoping he would say yes.

"Nope, no way, "

"Gabe!?" I whined.

"Look Heaven, it's bro's before hoes, " he said lifting his hand up in defense.

"Did you just call me a hoe?" I asked in a deadly tone as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"The stove is on fire!" he yelled pointing behind me.

Stupidly I hurriedly turned around before realizing no sort of flame was visible.

Aiden. He told him my trick and I fell for it.

I slowly turned around realizing Gabe wasn't there anymore, "Okay, Gabe. You're hiding, for now!" I yelled.

"HEAVENNNNN!" Layla screamed. I turned to the side of the narrow hallway to see Layla running surprisingly fast towards me.

She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed tightly, leaving all the air in my body to form into her oxygen.

"La-yla, " I said while I felt the blood rush to my head.

"Oops sorry, forgot you're a hugging virgin, " she giggled.

"What has you so chirpy?" I asked confused.

She tugged onto her pink crop top that matched with her pink Nike sneakers.

"Daniel asked me out, " she whispered before biting her lip and shining her best smile.

"Oh my baby is so grown, " I wailed as I reached to pat down her blonde frizzy hair.

She smacked my hand making me retreat.

"So how's Aiden?" she questioned as we walked over to the kitchen.

I sighed at the thought of Aiden being injured, the thought of seeing him not be the whole bad guy that I met from the first day numbed my heart. He seemed weak, he took the pain like a champ, pretending like he wasn't in pain, but the look on his face every time he moved said otherwise.

I pulled the black stool back and took a seat on it, "He's getting there, " I said with a sigh.

"I'm glad, " she said with a sad smile.

"No more sad shit, you're leaving today!" I said while reaching over the other side of the island to push her.

"I thought you said no more sad shit, " Layla said narrowing her brown eyes at me.

"When did I say you leaving was sad?" I asked seriously.

Her mouth hung open and I let out a laugh at the angry expression her face made.

"I'm kidding, I honestly don't want you to go, " I said after calming down.

"I don't want to either but my moms so up my ass that she wants me to return home for bonding time, " she said rolling her eyes.

"You know, you should be glad. I mean if my mom asked me to spend time with her it would feel like the best thing in the world. Our lives are too short Layla, one day when you want to spend time with will be too late, " I told her truthfully.

"Yeah, yeah you're right," she said as her eyes started watering up.

"Okay babe it's time to go!" Daniel called while walking in.

"Babe?" I asked mysteriously pretending I didn't know they were a couple.

"Heaven, how is he?" he said ignoring my question.

"He's fine Daniel, " I said with a nod.

Daniel's eyes weren't as red as they used to be, instead, they just showed off their green color.

He gave a small smile before gliding his gaze back to Layla.

"I put your bags in the car. I guess this is my cue to leave so you ladies have your sad sob moments, " he said with a chuckle before backing out of the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes jokingly and turned my gaze to Layla.

"Well, it was fun. I will be seeing you in about three weeks so I don't think sob moments are needed, " Layla said with a smile.

"I agree, " I replied while biting back a grin.

Suddenly Laylas eyes got watery and her bottom lip started to quiver.


"I think there's an eyelash in my eye, " she lied, blinking her blonde eyelashes quickly and fanning her eyes.

"Bye, " I said while standing up and hugging her.

"If you get pregnant while I'm gone, can I be the God mom?" she asked while sniffing.

"Get out, " I said and a loud laugh left her mouth.

After saying our goodbyes Daniel took Layla to the airport which meant I was stuck at Gabe's house.

"HEAVEN!! HEAVEN!!" Gabe's loud voice screamed.

I took my eyes off of the Tv and stood up from the couch I had gotten comfortable on.

"Look who decided to come out of their hiding spot, " I said with a joking smile.

"I'll cover for you, " he said quickly, his brown eyes looking filled with slight fear and excitement.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I'll cover for you if you go talk to Mason, " he replied.

"Really?" I said excited, "Wait, why?"

"Because of this, " he said while pulling his phone out of his back pocket and tapping on the screen.

Suddenly a voice played from the device.

"Hey Gabriel, glad my plan work. You know, the whole me telling you how I lied to Heaven and you telling her which made her come see Aiden almost die from my arms. *Chuckling* Tell Heaven I want to meet her, to explain. Oh, and if Aiden doesn't wake up, give my condolences."

"Was this guy like smacked in the head when he was a baby?" Gabe said after the voicemail ended.

I felt the pace of my heart quicken as I recalled all his words. Gladly Aiden wasn't dead, but he didn't know that yet.

"How are we going to do this?" I asked after a while of silence.

I am so sorry! I KNOW IVE TAKEN FOREVERRRR TO UPDATE AND THAT IS MY FAULT! School has just been so stressful, especially this whole finals thing.

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