Chapter 32: Fancy

Chapter 32: Fancy

A big grin appeared on Layla's face as she revealed to me a white dress.

"No." I told her as I looked offended at her choice of clothing for me.

I don't wear dresses. Skirts are fine but dresses are a no. They're just so...dressy.

After the talk with Aiden I decided to keep my distance from him. Well, he kind of decided it. I tried talking to him the next day but he just ignored me.

The kid has bad bipolar issues.

It was Saturday and Layla was helping me pick out an outfit to wear for the date with Mason.

I chose to not cancel because I felt that maybe I would find some connection with him.

After releasing everything to Aiden it felt wonderful. I've held it in for to long and it felt like I was barging out of the water I was slowly drowning in.

Even though that day ended off oddly I don't regret telling him. He comforted me. He cared.

I haven't spoken to my mom but I've babbled to my dad. I guess we both chose to not bring up the argument since the first thing he asked me was how the weather was.

I've been dodging mom and she probably doesn't even notice it since she's to busy going on with her oh so fun life.


"This one!" Layla groaned as she showed me a pink dress.

"I honestly don't understand why I had to come to Gabes lakehouse. We don't wear similar clothing." I tell her as I make her look at what she's wearing and what im wearing.

She has on a neon green dress that lowers down about 4 inches above her knees, a fuzzy white jacket covered her shoulders and her hair was put into a petite side ponytail.

I was wearing an over sized graphic tee with grey sweats. My curly hair was put into a messy bun and had strands of curls covering the sides of my face.

"Just wear a dress. Pleaseeeee," she begs as she turned to me.

I glare at her and she manages to produce fake tears.

"Pleaseeeeee." she begs as she shakes me by my shoulders.

"Fine." I mumble as I sit down at the end of her bed.

She's gotten very comfortable at Gabes house. It's been almost a week and I notice pink bed covers. She probably went back to the mall to get those.

I haven't seen Daniel in a while or Gabe so I'm guessing they're busy.

"This." she said showing me a light blue dress.

I roll my eyes and stand up. She scowls at me and I flip her off.

I walk into the bathroom and close the door. I change into it and walk out ready to see what I look like.

What bathroom doesn't have a mirror?

She smiles widely at me. I eye her and walk over to the long mirror she has placed in the corner.


The dress clung on tightly to my body. Making my shape very visible. I placed my hands on my waist tracing the small shape of it and then onto my hips, feeling the width.

"How are you not showing that body off?" she whispers behind me as she gazes at me in the mirror.

This isn't me. I feel to...girly.

"I don't know about this Layla." I say as I turn to her.

"You look like a million dollars." she grins.

"And what if I want to be a billion?" I ask her as I glare at her amusingly.

She glares back, "Honey I'm the billion."

I laugh at her and look one more time at myself in the mirror.

Mason would probably like this.

Aiden would and wouldn't.

What does that mean?

It means he knows this outfit isn't you.

Total bull. This outfit is so me.

I try to smile and pose but I only feel my smile fade.

I roll my eyes and promise myself to never look in the mirror with this dress on again.

"So is he picking you up here?" Layla asked as we walked down the stairs.

"Yeah," I sigh. I haven't been on a date in more than a year, especially with someone so kind.

We entered into Gabes kitchen both starving and stopped in our tracks when we opened the door.

"Suddenly I'm less hungry." Layla leans in and whispers to me.

I feel my cheeks heat up red remembering I'm wearing a dress. I ended up convincing Layla to at least let me wear sneakers so I had on white air forces.

Gabe was leaned back on the counter, his arms folded across his chest as he twirled with his curly hair.

Daniel was seated at the table and didn't look faded.

That's a first.

He was playing with the designed plates that stayed on the table for decorations before looking up.

I looked over to see Aiden. My heart slightly dropped when I saw a bruise formed on his left eye.

How the hell does he get those?

Aiden was sitting on one of the stools that were placed by the kitchens island. He had on a v neck black shirt and black jeans.

This guy really loves black.

His chair was facing the door and Im guessing it was put like that so he could both hold a conversation with Daniel and Gabe.

I felt his eyes look at me. He looked me up and down slowly. I bit my lip and watched as he turned away clearing his throat.

"Woah Heaven," Daniel says as he glares at my dress.

"Cute right?" Layla asked him as she stared back at me.

Any other girl would probably smack their boyfriend for saying that but Layla knew what he meant. None of them have ever seen me in a dress before. I don't even know if Layla is dating Daniel. They're...complicated.

She walks in and takes a seat next to Daniel. They start up a conversation quickly and I could already see her drooling over him.

Oh, my parents are so lovely.

"You know what vibes I'm getting." Gabe asks.

I clear out of my thoughts and turn to face him.

"Barbie doll. But like not a barbie. Like a barb. But then like ie." he said seriously.

I held in a laugh and sat down at the stool a couple seats away from Aiden.

I felt him look at me but I gave him no attention.

He made it clear.

I stir up a conversation with Gabe and he tries his best to reel Aiden in but Aiden just won't budge.

I ignore how petty he's being and don't try on helping Gabe to get him to talk.

If he doesn't like me that's fine. But why ignore me?

I hear the front door bell ring and I feel my heart beat speed up.

Call me a baby because I'm about to sh*t my pants.

I started to fiddle with my rings and I stood up.

"That's my cue." I whisper to them.

"Byeee, love you." Layla says as she breaks her conversation with Daniel and smiles at me.

"Tell him to bring you home by 9, no later than that," Gabe says as he steps away from the counter.

"Shut up," I smile at his dad sentence.

"But invite Mason in after, I need to have a little chat with him," Gabe says manly.

I roll my eyes and land them on Aiden. He's looking down at the islands table in front of him and his leg is shaking up and down.

I breathe out and turn around walking towards the door.

"Wow," Mason whispers as I open the door.

I wrap my hands around my waist feeling uncomfortable.

A smile appears on his lips and I smile back. He's wearing a buttoned up black shirt and blue jeans. He has on black dress shoes and holds flowers in his hand.

"For me lady," he says as he hands me the flowers.

I thank him and we walk to his car. As soon as we're in he turns on country music.

Kill me now.

The one music I hate is country music. No hate for the country song lovers but I just can't stand the music. It's so good but so ugh.

I bite my lip trying not to roast the guy who's singing this song.

Mason hums it as we drive the road. I give him a smile and look straight ahead trying to think of something to talk about.

We end up making it to the restaurant he wanted to take me too. It looked fancy from the outside and even fancier inside.

"Reservation for two," he says as he smiles at the lady behind the mini desk.

We get our tables and I take a seat.

It's so...fancy.

I shift in my chair trying to not show how uncomfortable I've become. I'm not used to fancy. I'd be fine if we just went out for some cheeseburgers. Then again I am wearing a dress.

I hate this dress.

The table is covered with a nice white cloth and there are two black menus that look way to fancy.

I look around us as Mason scans through the menu. There are people sitting all around us. Fancy people that seem well organized.

Tux, and dresses. This place screams money.

"So how you liking the place?" Mason asks as he puts his menu down and looks at me.

"Love it." I smile as I place my elbows on the table and lean forward.

I scan through the menu in our silence, the only thing clear for me to hear are the conversations around me.

The waiter approaches are table and gives me a look.

"Elbows off the table hun," she says kinda rudely.

I'll take them off the table and jack your face with it b*tch.

Instead of threatening her I smile and remove my arms.

"My lady and I here will have Oysters with a side of caviar." he smiles as he hands the menus to her.

He's kidding right?

"Uh, I'll just have a salad." I smile up at her.

I really wanted a burger.

The lady walks off and Mason and I chatter about random things.

"This is so good." he says before placing a spoon of caviar in his mouth.

I think I'm about to gag.

"This salad is...good." I smile as I pick up a piece of the dry salad.

No lemon? No croutons? Just a plain salad with purple shredded onions and orange shredded carrots.

We continue on with the meal and he chooses on surprising me with desert.

"You look...stunning by the way." he says as we wait for dessert.

"Yeah but I hate this dress." I laugh as I fix the straps.

He doesn't say anything and the place goes silent.

The waitress brings the dessert and my eyes widen.

Chocolate covered strawberries.

I just told him I was allergic to chocolate. Was he not listening...

"Bon a petit" he says excitingly as he picks up a strawberry.

I watch as a guy walks in and I see a tattoo skull on his arm that kind of similarly matches Aidens.


"I can't do this Mason." I whisper as I stand up from my seat.

"What?" he asks confused.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, "Can we talk in your car?" I say nervously.

He agrees and we walk over paying for our food.

$92.04?! That's like the cost of 30 burgers.

I wait as he enters the car and we sit there in silence.

"Look I'm sorry." we both say in unison.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask him confused.

"This date was kind of a test for me." he says as he looks down.


"What do you mean?" I ask him as I sit up in his leather seats.

He rests his palms on his jeans and looks ahead at the front window.

"I thought I liked girls."

My eyes widen in shock. Do I feel hurt? Do I be happy? He used me to find out that he was gay?

Well shit.

"Oh my-" is all I could say.

"I thought going on a date would change how I feel towards my own gender but it doesn't." he sighed as he runs his hand through his hair.

"To be completely honest," I sighed, " I came on this date because I didn't want to admit the fact that I liked Aiden. But, as you can see...I really do. This just felt wrong you know?" I told him as I fiddled with my rings.

"Trust me I know." he chuckled.

I smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Am I the first one to know?" I ask him with a grin.

He nods in response.

"I'll keep it a secret I promise." I say with a small smile as I stick my pinky out.

"And I'll keep your fangirl for Aiden a secret too." he replies while sticking his pinky out.

"I'll break your finger if you ever call me a fangirl of Aiden again." I joke as we pinky promise.

We both drove home deciding on pretending like the date went well. We didn't want to tell anyone. I honestly enjoyed this, Mason was kind and sweet.

But Aiden. I just couldn't get my mind off of him.

And I know I wasn't on his mind and I'm fine with that. Feelings don't last long, I'll get over it.

Other then that it's 9:30. Gabe's going to be mad. I laugh in my head at that.

What a day.

I'm posting Chapter 33 tonight. This chapter will be my favorite ever : ). Y'all will see why mwahha.

Comment and vote!
