Chapter 3: Spit out water

Chapter 3: Spit our water

As we got out of the car a lady with brown hair ran over to us slowly making sure she doesn't trip over her heels. She had tan skin and crystal blue eyes. She was wearing a black dress that wrapped tightly around her lower thighs and wore black heels.

Probably trying to make a good impression.

A man followed behind her, he was wearing a black buttoned-up shirt with black dress pants.

Is this a funeral or something?

He had brown dress shoes and dark black hair. His hands were stuffed into his jeans pockets and he smiled as he saw us.

"You made it! We were afraid you guys wouldn't come." the lady said smiling as she went to give my parents warm hugs, "Oh my god is this your daughter. She's gorgeous, god you look just like your mother. I'm Welma," she said introducing herself before she draped her arms around me, I hugged her back smiling at her kindness. Her delicate scent of daisies filled in the air and pleased my brain.

After separating from her, the man also hugged both my parents and shook my hand firmly, "I'm Lane," he said introducing myself. I ended up, of course, telling them my name but it was truly awkward. I felt uncomfortable having 4 adults smiling at me, I hate attention. They ended up helping us carry in the luggage as we walked inside the highly detailed lake house. The scent of vanilla filled the air and I smiled at the sound of the music that was played. Jazz wasn't something I would listen to normally but it also wasn't something I despised.

"Oh Heaven, my sons out getting wood from the forest so you're not the only one here. His friends are coming over next week also," she said interrupting me from my thoughts. She held a big smile on her face and rubbed my shoulder before walking off.

At least there was another kid here. I walked to my room that Welma led me to and awed when I opened the door. The room was designed so neatly. The bedsheets were white and the walls had pictures that added much flavor. If I had to live here for my whole life then I would redo the room my way but since we're only staying here for 2 months I'm completely fine with this.

I placed my luggage on the room's carpet and gazed at it once more, touching and observing everything. Sadly there was no bathroom in my room but I still enjoyed it. After a while, I walked down the black steps and walked into the living room with the adults. I sat on one end of the couch next to mom and observed the living room also. White couches look stunning in any area but are always the easiest to stain.

"Water?" Welma asked me, offering a glass cup filled with water.

"Sure, thanks," I said as I grabbed the cup of water from her hand and started slowly sipping out of it. I wasn't honestly thirsty but I didn't want to be rude. I could just finish it quickly and get it over with. I took a big gulp of water and found it very hard to swallow.

We all heard a door opened and I guess the adults already knew it was their son because they didn't show any emotion and continued talking.

A sudden husky voice started speaking and all of our attention was led to the door, I tried my best to swallow the water in my mouth but I put too much.

"I put the wood in the back-" he started as he walked in before making eye contact with me.

Before I knew it the water that was held in my mouth forced its way out and showered all over the living room. I covered my hand over my mouth shocked at what happened and I felt myself start to get embarrassed. Lane looked at me in shock and worried and my dad looked grossed out, my mom was in full shock and disgust and Welma held no emotion on her face.

"HEAVEN!" mom yelled after a while of silence, looking at me angrily.

"I'm so- I'm- I didn't mean too," I said as I started to drop onto my knees and grab a napkin from the class table. I started to wipe her shoe that was covered with water and cringed.

"It's fine honey," Welma said smiling at me as she grabbed both of my arms and stood me up from the floor. I gulped nervously and looked at her in remorse.

"Heaven, this is Aiden and Aiden, this is Heaven," Welma said "introducing" us. I looked over towards where Aiden was standing and he held no emotion on his face.

We both made eye contact and I couldn't understand how I didn't realize it before. He had the same pierce blue eyes as his mom and the same dark black hair as his dad. He had tattoos tracing his whole arm and one on his neck, the ink kindly making his looks even hotter.

"We've met," he announced as he leaned his body on the side of the doorway.

"Oh? Oh Lord, how silly of me I forgot you both go to the same school." Welma said laughing as she patted my back. I looked at her and fake laughed also.

"You know it's kind of late," I said yawning, "I'm just gonna go to sleep," I lied while quickly backing up from everyone.

"Oh, well night honey," dad said as he looked at me confused, I slowly but also very quickly stormed out of the living room and up the stairs.

I walked to my room and closed the door behind me, I tried to pace my breathing. I am not spending 2 months with this guy! I shouldn't have to come. Layla why didn't you just take me, I thought as I opened the bag on my bed looking for my phone.

Before I know it my door opens and I turn around to see Aiden standing there both his muscular tatted arms holding the top of my door frame. He glared at me mysteriously and I looked at him with a confused face.

"So what, you're stalking me now?" he asked annoyed as he glared at me.

I felt the evilness of insecurity peek at me and I started to play with the rings that were placed on my fingers.

"Don't flatter yourself. If I knew you were coming I wouldn't have wanted to come," I replied not making eye contact with him. I made sure to give him a harsh tone so he thought of me as rude. I honestly wasn't rude I just was defensive.

"Yeah right. Stay out of my way Hayley," he demanded as he removed his hands from the top of my door frame. His shirt lowered back down so his waist wasn't shown and I quickly was able to breathe again.

"My name is Heaven," I replied slightly intimidated as I started to play with my white skirt. I made no contact with him and glared at the floor.

God Heaven think of a comeback.

"And I care because?" he asked as he stared at me. His blue eyes were scanning me, I could see them from the corner of my eye. They started from the top of my head to the bottom of my shoe.

Thanks to whoever invented insecurity, no need to wonder if it works. It does.

"You know for someone who's all big and bad you sure seem a little scared of me, both at school and here," I replied with a fake smile as I crossed my arms over each other and raised a brow.

There you go girl.

I would do anything to make this boy boil, I mean he practically deserved it. He treated me like total sh*t in front of everyone and if it wasn't for his stupid drink I wouldn't be embarrassed or even looking at boys at our school anymore. Even my chem teacher gave me an odd look on Friday and I couldn't take it.

Before I knew it he shut the door which shut me out of my thoughts and I saw him walk over towards me, his footsteps echoing after each step he took. I suddenly couldn't move and he lightly wrapped his arms around my neck and forcibly pushed me against one of the walls. I could smell his cologne linger in the air, his arms fit nicely around my neck. Our faces only about an inch apart.

"Don't ever, ever mess with me. I'm warning you," he whispered into my ear with a harsh tone, I felt his minty breath against my skin which made me form goosebumps.

He backed away from me after he realized I had no response and walked out of the room triumphantly. I stood there in horror and felt my throat clog up after he left, a quick second of realizing what happened, I stepped away from the wall and walked to the bed.

I hate this guy with all my life.

That's Chapter 3! Ahaha I kind of imagined the water scene in my mind. What do you guys think about Aiden so far?

Comment and vote!
