โžฏ ๐™ข๐™–๐™ ๐™ ๐™–๐™˜๐™๐™ž๐™ฃ..?

โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!


yuuri and i had just gotten off the plane, it was a pretty silent trip. i went with him to this competition not to compete, but to support him because i knew he needed it, but he cracked under pressure at the last minute... i feel awful, i suck at comforting people like this.

so throughout the trip i did the one thing i knew how to do, offer and buy food for him! although minako might kill me for eating all of that junk food...ย 

speak of the devil-

"YUURI~! Y/N~!" minako is at our terminal waiting for us being loud as all hell. shit.

i try to hide behind yuuri but he notices and pulls me forward, "you are not leaving me to deal with this woman alone!"

"ughhh fine, but you owe me." i glare at him before plastering a cheery smile to minako, "minako! hey... how's it goin'?" i give her finger guns. what the hell is wrong with me.

"y/n dear, i love you, but you are such a bad liar. what are you hiding you two."

"what?! me?! hiding something? i've never heard something so absurd."

"right... i'll find out soon enough, now come on we have a taxi waiting for us and some people might want photos! SMILE~!"

"please kill me now-" yuuri looks about ready to jump off of tokyo tower as minako basically forces him to meet a fan.

we finally get out of the airport, and into the taxi. it's a pretty silent ride once again, or rather me and yuuri are silent, minako has plenty to talk about as always. i keep spacing in and out but i'm pretty she is talking about how hot christophe giacometti's performance was.

finally after what seems like days of minako talking about chris' tight spandex outfit we reach the hot springs.

suddenly i feel the whole mood shift to an even duller one. right... the main reason we came back.

we step inside and he almost immediately goes to visit vicchan, i figure we should probably leave him alone for a bit right now. vicchan's death hit him the hardest out of everyone, it's even worse that he couldn't be there when he passed.

vicchan was always such a sweet dog, i don't know how yuuri is going to be without him...

after letting yuuri go i hug my aunt and uncle, "hey toshiya, hey hiroko. how are you guys?"

"well a lot better now that you guys are back home! i'm getting worried about yuuri though..." hiroko sighs.

"so am i, but i think he just needs a break."

"yeah you're probably right. how about you y/n? you just recently had a 6 month break." toshiya comes out of the kitchen.

"yeah, i did it mainly to support yuuri and to find myself again... but now i think i know exactly what i want, and i'm more than ready to start competing again!"

last year, my first year in the women's senior division, i basically pulled a yuuri. yeah the embarrassment i know- we don't speak of it.

i was so nervous and unsure of myself, basically any previous confidence i had was all lost. it was a real low point for me, so i decided to take a long ass break cause no way was i facing anyone until they forgot about it-

but these days we're all good, cause we a bad bitch and own that rink luvs.

not me breaking the 4th wall the first chapter in- uhh anyways-

"hey y/n!"

"OH MY GOD MARI! i missed you~" i go run up to mari and hug her.

"hahaha, wow was yuuri really that bad?"

"well... i can't really say much cause that was me about a year ago-"


"yeah. but anyways how about some food!"

yuuri comes back into the living room.

"HOLD IT! yuuri do a spin." minako is suddenly on high alert again. shit, she figured it out didn't she.

"uh- uhm..." yuuri just stands there awkwardly.


"AH okay okay!" yuuri does as told and as soon as he does minako explodes.



"i'm just gonna...." yuuri tries to make an escape but minako grabs him by his collar and yanks him back.


"look minako we'll go to the rink right now and train for a bit there to get back into it, okay?"

"hmm, fine. but the dieting starts now! i'm looking at you yuuri!"

"ahah... yeah we're just gonna go now okaygreatbyeseeya-" yuuri grabs me and our skates, then just takes off to the rink. "i just had to get out of there, sorry." we can hear minako yelling from the house as we leave.

"nah i totally get it, i figured you wanted to get out, plus what's better than letting out some pent up emotions through skating?"

"wow since when did you become some inspirational coach?"

"oh cousin, ever since you became a sad little piggy on ice."

"okay that was uncalled for-"

i just run up to the doors of the rink laughing, leaving yuuri behind before he gets annoyed at me. i open the doors and see yuuko putting away skates.

"sorry we're closed now..." she turns to look at me, "Y/N I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!"

"hey! sorry, didn't know you were closed, could we still skate for a bit though?"

"are you kidding? of course! it's not everyday japan's best female skater comes by y'know!"

"haha yeah..." japan's best huh? i guess i still never lost that title no matter how shitty i felt... still debating if that's a good or bad thing.

"OH MY GOD YUURI!" suddenly yuuko is practically leaping over the counter as yuuri comes in after me.

"hey yuuko!"

"you guys are totally free to use the rink! anytime you want! now go! skate! i wanna see~"

"ahahah alright alright!" she basically pushes us into the rink.

yuuri and i lace up our skates, and then warm up for a bit on the ice. yikes the jet lag is starting to hit me now...

i do a few laps, practice a few single jumps, and then i let yuuri have the ice as i watch with yuuko.

the music starts playing, and it's almost like he channels his inner victor as he performs victor's free skate almost perfectly.

suddenly three identical girls pop up in front of us. what the hell?! where did these little devils even come from!?

"ohmygod japan's famous whitedoveandfairyyou'rethebestfemaleskater THE Y/N."

they all talk in unison and it's so fast i can barely keep up.

"uhh- yeah."

"oh sorry about that y/n. these are my triplets axel, lutz, and loop!"ย 

"yuuko... i love you... but you named your kids after jumps- you're something else."

"hahaha! yeah, they LOVE figure skating though! so it fits perfect."

the triplets all have phones out recording yuuri. wow isn't one phone enough..?


yuuri just blushes, "ahah yeah i kinda started practicing it recently."

suddenly nishigori comes out of no where.

"HAHAH HEY YUURI! you've haven't changed a bit! except now i think you're fatter than me!"

he starts hitting yuuri's stomach like he's playing the bongos- oh to see without my eyes.

suddenly their attention is on me for some reason.

"hey so y/n... you aren't on a break anymore right..?"

"uhh no... why do you ask..?" yuuko and her triplets start closing in on me.

"SHOW US SOMETHING!! come on you have to have been working on something!"

fuck. "UH- UHM- y'know what? i gotta go walk my fish soooo... byeseeyouneverdon'twaitup!" i bolt out of there so fast- i haven't ran that fast since i ran out of the rink after my embarrassing ass performance last year-


we all relax for a day after traveling, and it's already the next day. i swear time goes by so fast at the worst times...

since the day of rest was over i had gone to the rink again, and i tried my best to avoid any long conversations with yuuko and her triplets in fear of them asking about a program again.

i had just gotten back from the rink, yuuri decided to stay longer, and i entered our house only to be welcomed with the smell of food~

to be specific, delicious pork cutlet bowls.

i walk into the kitchen, "mmm oh my god you guys make the best food."

"ahahah yeah just for tonight, don't tell minako about this or she'll kill us." toshiya whispers.

i walk out of the kitchen and into my room, it's probably a good time to start unpacking... so i play some music, and start unpacking this mess. it's one luggage how can it get so messy-

i've been cleaning and putting away stuff for about half an hour now, until someone yanks an earbud from my ear.


"y/n i'm sorry and i love you, but if you don't go answer the door RIGHT NOW-" so mari is the one who chose violence.

"what why couldn't someone else do it?" then i look at her. "AHAHAH MARI WHAT KIND OF FACE MASK IS THAT-" she has cucumbers, and a green clay mask on.


"alright alright i'm going!" i open the door and see no one. then i get run over by vicchan. wait vicchan? did i really just ascend to heaven- no, no way.ย 

the strange dog, which looks exactly like vicchan, is on top of me and starts liking my face.

"oh, sorry about that! makkachin come here!"


is that-


no way.

but that voice is definitely not someone from japan...

i slowly lift my head up.

"VICTOR NIKIFOROV!?" i must be hallucinating.


i rub eyes to make sure i'm not crazy. i look up again. i can't fucking believe it. victor nikiforov is really standing in front of me like it's no big deal... and i'm on the floor covered in dog saliva. this is not how i planned on meeting one of my idols.

"here let me help you up!" he offers his hand, but i fear if i take it my hand will just pass through cause he's not real-

i take his hand, staring in awe. wow i must look like an absolute idiot right now.

"victor nikiforov?? here? in hasetsu!?"

"yes! japan is so beautiful!"

"um- uh-" y/n GET IT TOGETHER! "it's so nice to meet you! come in! i'm katsuki y/n."

"oh i know who you are! you're a great skater i can tell, too bad last year didn't show that." ouch. not the way i wanted him to know of me.ย 

"i'm hoping you surprise me this year though y/n! you already have so much potential." well at least he has some positive words.

"hah... yeah... um let me introduce you to my aunt and uncle, they can show you your room."

i guide victor into our house, and when i get to the living room toshiya and hiroko are there and i see a part of their soul leave them.

"oh my god..."

"hello! i'm victor nikiforov and i'm here to coach yuuri!"

oh boy. can't wait till yuuri comes back from the rink...


small time skip...


yuuri enters the house, "hey i'm back... vicchan?? what- wait- no."

i see yuuri at the doorway, "you have a visitor by the way..."

"what? who? and where did this dog come from? he looks exactly like vicchan..."

"yeah... you'll see~" i shove him towards the hot springs.

"oh y/n you are evil..." hiroko comes up behind me with her hands on her hips.

"whaaatt? i just want to see his reaction."

"HUUUHHHH!??!?" we all hear yuuri from the hot springs.

"there it is~!"


another small time skip...


"so let me get this straight... axel, lutz, and loop posted the video of yuuri skating victor's program... and he saw it? so he decided to come down and coach yuuri?"

"exactly~!" victor says as he continues eating his pork cutlet bowl, "mmm, vkusno!"

"i can't believe this is real." yuuri stares at victor from across the table like (โ€ข_โ€ข)

i stare with him, "neither can i."

"y/n i would also love to give you some advice on how you can better your performances, you have the skills you really just need the right emotion you are trying to achieve."

ohmygodohmygod NOT VICTOR COACHING ME-

i really just sit there and nod, i don't even know what to say.

"tomorrow we will start training and building trust~" he looks at yuuri while he says that. interesting...

"yuuri you won't start training on the ice until you are back to your old weight after a few weeks of training. y/n you can continue using the rink, but mainly focus on finding a song for your theme."

i nod again. y/n you dumbass if you don't say something soon-

"i think you guys can both win gold at the grand prix final this year, especially with me here now!" he keeps smiling with his pork bowl.

it's hard to ever get annoyed at him when he's so precious most of the time... although he has a habit of saying blunt truths which really catch you off-guard sometimes.

"y'know y/n" victor looks up at me.


"you don't only have fans in japan... i know a few who are pretty fond of you in russia!"

"oh wow really? i didn't think i was that popular... i figured most people who knew me were just from my area."

"it's true! you inspire a lot of people, so i hope you come back this year ready!"

"of course, i'll do everything i can."

"great to hear! now we should all get some rest, sleep is just as important as training!"

we all say our good nights, and turn in for the night.

i go to my room and lay on bed. wow. victor nikiforov is my substitute coach, yuuri's official coach, and he wants us to win gold.

not to mention he said more people know me than i thought... which is exactly what i didn't want after last year's mess... well fuck how am i supposed to sleep now.

so i make the next best choice, scroll through instagram.

i check my feed and look at victor's most recent post of the ice castle. i check the comments and see a "yuri_the_tiger" saying "i found you, just bought a plane ticket."

is this a fan account for yuuri..? i click on it and boy was i wrong. YURI PLISETSKY? wait wait wait. he's coming HERE TOO!? to be honest i don't know much about him... mainly cause he was in the junior division the year i was in the senior division. i know that he is really good though and he's pretty cute not gonna lie...

most of his page is about ice skating, and he's fucking amazing... great another russian prodigy coming to hasetsu. i don't think we have enough hot springs for this.

i scroll through his posts.ย he also really likes cats and tigers...

i click on one video of him skating, it's a quad toe loop in slow motion... holy shit. if i could skate like that i don't even know what i would do with myself.ย 

i keep going through his feed and i can't stop obsessing over his hair. it looks so fucking soft and smooth. what conditioner does he use?? like seriously? maybe if i DM him he'll tell me..? no, what?! y/n that's fucking weird don't do that.

besides he's coming here anyways so just ask him in person-

yeah no. not gonna do that either.

i feel my eyes getting heavy, oh shit it's almost 3 am. i finally turn off my phone as my eyes are struggling to stay open, and i fall asleep almost instantly.


โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!

not me finishing this at 4 am and it's school in 5 hours-

i seriously need help.

also this is kinda hella long, i'll try to summarize the episodes in the future as it gets less focused on the original storyline, also it's written in first person cause why not, it makes more sense for me.

newayz i actually need sleep soyeahbyenow-
