โžฏ ๐™™๐™–๐™ฃ๐™˜๐™š, ๐™™๐™–๐™ฃ๐™˜๐™š, ๐™™๐™–๐™ฃ๐™˜๐™š

โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!


i check the time on my phone.

5:06 pm

oh shit it's almost time for dinner-

i lay on my back staring at the ceiling. without realizing i sniff his shirt again.

I CANT HELP IT OKAY? like seriously why does he smell so good??ย 

i stand up and look down at myself. well fuck i hope this isn't some fancy dinner or whatever... cause all i have are clothes that AREN'T EVEN MY OWN-

curse those traveling agencies. although his clothes are extremely comfy...

but that isn't the point. i'm hungry as hell right now, and i swear if they don't say dinner is ready in the next 2 minutes-

it won't be pretty.

luckily the gods have heard my prayers, and i hear a knock on my door from yakov.

"y/n, dinner is ready."

"okay! thank you, i'll be there in a minute!"

i wait for a few minutes till i'm sure he's gone, then grab my phone and head out.ย 

goddamn... lilia's house is HUGE.

she gave us a quick tour when we got here but i don't think i'll ever get used to this...

i walk down the hallway, and after making a wrong turn about 3 times, i make it to the main staircase.ย 

finally... now the dining room is just ahead i think...

i keep walking, and finally i hear people's voices. i peek behind the wall from the kitchen and see yakov, lilia, and yurio sitting and eating at the table.

"y/n, there you are. come sit down and eat, you must be hungry." lilia immediately notices me and gestures me to sit next to her, across from yurio.

"yeah, sorry i came so late i got kinda lost..." my stomach growls a bit. DEAR LORD THIS IS EMBARRASSING-

i walk over to the table and take my seat, yakov eyes me for a bit.

"y/n, why are you wearing yuri's clothes?"


"OH- UH- this is just temporary! it's only because don't have any clothes so i asked if i could borrow some of his because i needed a change of clothes just for tonight because there was this whole thing with the traveling agency and they lost my-" i start rambling until i'm cut off.

"relax old man, i let her borrow some cause she has none." yurio just keeps eating his food like nothing happened.

"yeah... that."

"well, alright then." yakov finally moves on from the topic.

"we were just talking about how the assignments will be released in a couple of weeks, and how you both will train and work on choreography for these next few weeks. you will start the day with dance practice in my studio as well as normal training from 7 am to 11 am, then skate from 12 to 5, of course with respective breaks. and then depending on what you need to work on you may have more practice after dinner."

alright, so lilia is trying to kill me.

yuri suddenly looks up, "huh!? dancing for 4 or more hours a day?? i'm not a ballerina i'm a figure skater old hag!"ย 

"dancing is key. and by the end of this you both will skate with the grace of a prima ballerina, this is what will make you win."

"she's right kitty boy, maybe if you danced more you would've won that competition against yuuri..." i keep eating my food acting innocent.

he looks up at me, "and maybe if you danced less and focused more on skating you wouldn't have screwed up last season."

i grit my teeth, "we don't speak of that...."

"y'know what they say about swans is true, they're all born as ugly ducklings!"


i subtly kick his chair leg underneath the table, making him fall over.

"yuri, what is wrong with you?" yakov looks down at him on the floor.

he quickly stands up, "tch, nothing! i guess some doves aren't as graceful as they seem. turns out they can just be a flightless bird!"

i finally look up at him, "hm, and i guess some tigers aren't as fierce as they seem, turns out they're really just stupid little kittens!"

he slams his hands on the table, "says the one wearing a tiger shirt!"

i sit up and do the same, "says the one who owns this shirt!" we stare each other down, leaning across the table.

"well then you know what? give it back now! i'm done letting you borrow it!"

"fine then! come and get it from me!" i realize what i just said.


lilia clears her throat, "well if you two are done flirting-"

we both whip our heads to look at her, "WE ARE NOT FLIRTING!"ย 

"right... well y/n, the agency contacted and your luggage will be here around 4 am tomorrow morning, so you'll have everything you need for practice."

"oh really? that's great thank you so much!" my mood completely flips from yelling at yurio to being polite.

"HUHH!? you don't get to act all innocent now!"

"i have no idea what you're talking about yurio." i stick my tongue out at him and walk past him back to my room.


ใ€Ž๐™ฃ๐™ค ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™จ ๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ซย ใ€


yuri grits his teeth as y/n walks away.

lilia sighs, "you both have such a funny way of showing affection."

"what!? are you crazy and old?"

"oh yuri... get to your room or you can do calf raises for the next half hour."

"grr... whatever old hag!" yuri turns away from the table and all but stomps out of the dining room.

yakov watches him walk away, "those two are really something else... i've never seen yuri argue so much with someone, but i've also never seen him so passionate with someone."

"hm, you're right." lilia sits in thought.

"kind of reminds me of-"

she snaps towards yakov, "were you about to say us old man? don't tell me you're here to get back with me."

"WHA-!? UH- NO! of course not lilia!"




ใ€Ž๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ง ๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ซ ใ€


i close my door and lean against it, breathing out.


lilia, i love you but NO.

yurio might have great hair, great style, smell amazing, and he's an incredible skater...

but he's... i could never... i mean he's just too... well...

UGH! i can't think about this right now.

i walk across my room and throw myself onto my bed. i check the time.

6:21 pm

it's really only 6:21?? ugh what am i supposed to do for the next 4 or 5 hours...

oh wait! i have my laptop in my backpack, thank god i didn't put this in my luggage.

i pull out my laptop and sit on my bed. time to catch up on all the anime i've missed out on.


time skippp


for fuck's sake, why is levi so damn fine? like seriously!?

i just finished another episode of attack on titan and check the time.

10:48 pm

oh shit time really flies...

i shut my laptop and get under the covers. i set my alarm for 6 am and start scrolling through instagram.

suddenly i see thousands of comments asking about what i'm doing on a plane.

right... i never told my fans what i was doing... whoops.

i decide to post another image on my story, this time exposing where i actually am.


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there, that should be enough for now. i took that earlier from the plane.

i move on to scroll through other people's feed... until i find myself looking at yurio's again.

how do i always end up here?

i start stalking his page. damn he posts a lot, usually about cats and cat print if it's not about skating.

i find a picture of him really young and start laughing, until i accidentally like it.


i immediately unlike it and throw my phone across my bed. yeah like that'll do anything...

i've refrained from following him or liking ANY of his posts! and now i like one out of NO WHERE from almost TWO YEARS AGO??

don't mind me as i jump off of wall maria.

great now he's gonna hold this against me and think i'm a creep. stupid russian fairy...

y'know what y/n? just try not to think about it and sleep. that's it, ignore your problems...

i finally drift off to sleep.





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time skip brought to you by hinata missing his serve


it's been about two weeks now, and ever since lilia started this training schedule it's been non-stop routine.ย 

some days i honestly feel like i'll collapse, but i know i have to be as ready as i can be if i want to win this season...

yuuri and victor have kept checking in on me, they practically harass my phone with calls and texts. not that i'm complaining though.

i've nearly got my entire routine ready, and i think yurio does as well. although we get trained by the same coaches and live together i still don't see him often.

still debating if that's good or bad. i mean it's definitely more boring without him...

i'm currently in the dance studio stretching, when i check my email.


i rush to yakov, lilia, and yurio, "the assignments! they're out!"

since i did *ahem* not my best last year... and it was my first year, i'll probably be placed pretty low.

yakov reads the assignments, "yuri it looks like you start in canada, then you would move up to the rostelecom cup, and finally the grand prix in barcelona."

(i'm not sure if this is his entire order of competitions, but it's the only ones yurio was in that were shown, at least i think, so yeah. but if you know of another one pleaseee let me know k thanks bye-)

makes sense, this is yurio's first year.

"and what about this piglet? where is she??" he tries and acts uninterested.

"y/n follows the same order."

wait- i do?ย 

"hmph..." yurio faces away from me, but before he does i notice a... was that a smile!? no way, i must be as drunk as victor or something.

"and what about that katsudon? where is he?"ย 

"yuuri actually has a qualifying competition today. i was going to watch it during lunch." this, i already know. only cause victor didn't hesitate to call me about it since he knew yuuri wouldn't.

"HE HAS A WHAT?" yurio turns to me.

"wow, i didn't know russian fairies were deaf. are you sure you're not the old one here?"

"shut up piglet! i'm watching the competition too! so... tell me when it's happening." he looks to the side.

"hmm, i don't know. can i get a 'please' maybe?" i smirk at him.

he looks pissed, as per usual, but suddenly he smirks.

"you can get a 'please' when you stop stalking my instagram." HE- I KNOW HE DID NOT JUST-

"AHHH! I FORGOT ABOUT THAT- i thought you wouldn't notice!" i look down in embarrassment.

"ugh, fine you stupid kitten! i'll let you know when to watch the competition with me. happy?"

"hmph, i'll only be happy when i win gold."

"right back at ya."


time skip brought to you by tanaka ripping his shirt off


i step into the living room and turn on the TV, if i'm right yuuri's competition should start right about now...


i hear him walk in, "QUIT SHOUTING YOU STUPID PIGLET!"

"you're the one shouting!"

"shut up!"

i will never understand him...

i sit down and he sits on the other side. i throw a pillow his way, it hits him right in the face.

i try to hold my laugh in as i focus on the screen, acting like nothing happened.

"why you little..."

"and here now we have katsuki yuuri from japan, performing yuri on ice!"

the commentator announces yuuri, and now yurio and i focus on the screen.

yuuri's free skate is beautiful, it's so different from things he's done before. the song is perfect for what he is trying to say in his routine. even though he messes up, even hitting the wall once, you can't look away...

it ends and we see victor and yuuri hug and celebrate.

i look over to yurio, and boy does he looks pissed.

"stupid pork cutlet bowl! it doesn't matter, cause i'll be the one winning!"ย 

i stare up at him, and as much as i love yuuri, him being my cousin and all, i can't help but really believe that yurio will win this. and i find myself really wanting him to win...

"what are you looking at katsudon 2.0?"

oh shit i was staring a little too long...

i sit up, "hmph, nothing. just don't forget that you won't be the only one who wins. i'll be the one on the podium as well. so..." i make direct eye contact, "keep your eyes... on me."

i walk out of the living room without looking back.

but if i had, i would've been met with a completely speechless yuri.


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this turned out longer than expected... whoops.

but uhhh yeah, this would be episode 5 of the showww, i can't believe i'm already that far.

almost halfway through this fanfic... damn. well adios.
