โžฏ แด˜ส€แด‡-ษขส€แด€ษดแด… แด˜ส€ษชโ…น ๊œฐษชษดแด€สŸ !! ๐™œ๐™ž๐™ง๐™ก -๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ก๐™ 

(OHMYGOD HES SO FINE AND HE KNOWS IT I NEED AIR-ย welcome to madness was aย blessingย from the animeย gods.ย also btw translations are at the end of the chapterย ๐Ÿ˜—)

โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!


yuuri and i got out of the elevator and walked to the front desk to get a new key card.

i check my phone, 6:36 am

my eyes widen, "shit... yuuri we gotta hurry our flight leaves in no more than two hours!"ย 

"well maybe if you weren't so busy cuddling with-"

"we weren't cuddling!! we just slept, that's all." i cross my arms and huff.

yuuri rolls his eyes, "right, and that's why you're wearing his clothes and smell like him."

i glare up at him, "i didn't have anything else to wear!" do i reallyย smell like him..? not the time y/n!

"mhmm... whatever you say." he doesn't sound convinced.

"oh yeah? and what about you and victor? don't think i didn't see that little kiss you guys had in your performance~"

yuuri rubs the back of his neck nervously, "uh... HAHA- yeah okay, so about that key card?" he ignores my question and fast walks to the front desk.

i chase after him, "don't ignore me, you're not off the hook! you can't avoid these questions forever."

"well- neither can you! at least i got a kiss!" he lifts his chin up proudly.

"HEY! we're FRIENDS!"

"yeah? keep telling yourself that." yuuri stifles a laugh.

i frown, "it's times like this when i question why you're my favorite cousin."

he pretends to think, "hm, maybe it's because i'm the nicest cousin!"

i smirk, "yeah? keep telling yourself that."

"hey! don't steal my lines!" we both laugh and go to get my keycard from the main desk.


time skip brought to you by catboy yurio:

ha ha he's cute- anyways back to the storyย ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


i grab my luggage from the taxi and roll it over next to yakov and lilia, who are at the entrance of the airport.

lilia looks down at me, "ready?"

i nod, "yeah. where's yuri?"

yakov speaks up, "he drove over with his grandpa. i think that's him now."

a car pulls up, revealing nikolai and yurio as they step out.

they pull out his luggage and say their goodbyes. yurio hugs his grandpa before stepping back and smiling softly at him.

wow... i really love his smile...

i'm snapped out of my stare when nikolai looks up at me and calls my name.

i look back up at lilia, "give me a minute, i'll be right back!" and i run over to him.

i give him a big hug, "i can't thank you enough! your support means a lot, and so did your advice!"

he chuckles, "no worries y/n," we step out of the hug and he puts his hand on my shoulder, "you're an incredible skater, don't forget it. and i should be thanking you for helping yuratchka understand unconditional love for me and others."

i look at him confused, "others?"

"don't worry about it y/n, all in good time." he chuckles, "now i can't wait to see both you and yura perform in the finals. dasvidaniya y/n."

i smile at him, "spasibo!"

lilia calls me, "y/n! we've got to get going, you guys were already running late this morning!"

"i mean, you can always walk to barcelona!" yakov shouts, with yurio waiting impatiently next to him in a hoodie and his hands in his pockets.

i look at them behind me and laugh, before running to catch up, turning back to wave at nikolai.

i shout, "dasvidaniya!" and he waves back, smiling.

grabbing my luggage, i start walking with them through the airport.

yurio scoffs, "and since when did you learn some russian?"

i shrug, "kinda just picked it up from you i guess. y'know maybe if you talked to me more in russian i could learn more."

"ะดะฐ ะฝะตัƒะถะตะปะธ (da neuzheli)?" he smirks, "so you're saying you like it when i talk to you in russian?"

i blush, "wha-! it's not like that..." i avoid any eye contact.

why am i so flustered? that damn russian fairy.

yuri continues, "i don't mind, but how will you know what i say?"

"well i could learn, but just forget i said anything! it's embarrassing now..."

i feel him staring at me, "ะขั‹ ะผะธะปะฐั, ะบะพะณะดะฐ ัะผัƒั‰ะฐะตัˆัŒัั.ย (ty milaya, kogda smushchayesh'sya.)."

"what was that??" i turn to look at him.

"what was what?" he tries to hide a smirk, looking up at the ceiling innocently.

"what you just said! say it again, lemme get google translate." i pull out my phone.

he starts walking ahead of me, "too late, you missed your chance piglet. i guess you'll just have to learn the language."

"oh come on!" he ignores me, "ugh, stupid pussycat."


time skip brought to you by my 15 missing english assignments... uh anyways-


the plane ride was shorter than our others, taking about 4.5 hours, so i wasn't really able to sleep and just listened to music.

well maybe i could've slept if i sat next to yurio... but my seat was with lilia this time.

we all got out of the taxi and walked into the hotel, and i can already spot some other skaters, news-reporters, and fans... specifically yurio's fans...

i sigh, great, this'll be fun to get through.

we enter the hotel and are once again bombarded by questions.

but before the news-reporters can even stick their cameras in our face, yuri's fangirls surround us.


i think my eardrums bursted.

lilia and yakov are pushed out of the way, leaving me and yurio in the center of countless ravenous fangirls.

i groan, this is not what i signed up for.

"he's so cute!"

"such a hottie!"

"and amazing style!!"

"you did so good yuri~!"

i glance at yurio next to me, watching his fangirls constantly try to touch him and put cat ears on him, completely ignoring me.

i roll my eyes, this is stupid.ย 

annoyed, i duck down and try to navigate my way out of the crowd, when i feel a hand grab mine and pull me back.

"and where do you think you're going?" yurio pulls my wrist to him, and wraps his arm around my waist.

i scoff, "i'm trying to leave dumbass. i'm sure your fangirls can take care of you, so if you'll excuse me-"

"are you jealous y/n~?"

my face goes red, "wha- jealous!? of what?? let me go!"

"you didn't answer my question y/n."

i look down at his chest, avoiding his gaze, whenย i notice the noise from the fangirls stops and they're all staring at me...

oh god. i'm really about to be killed by this russian punk's fangirls aren't i?

i stare at them, still stuck to yurio. i gulp.

"uhh... 'sup?"

suddenly their eyes light up, "y/n katsuki AND yuri plisetsky!? AHHH!! Y/N YOU'RE AMAZING! we are all totally rooting for you in the women's final!!"

they quickly put cat ears on yuri and i.ย 

i freeze and look at them dumbfounded,ย "uh- w-what..?"

"Y/N WE LOVE YOU! when we heard about dating rumors between you and yuri first we were annoyed, but we realized you're perfect for him! we wouldn't want him to date anyone else!!"

yurio and i stare at each other, and our faces go red. his grip loosens and i take the chance to put some distance between us.

"you've got the wrong idea! w-we aren't dating! we're just friends!" i quickly try to recover, "don't get me wrong, i really appreciate your support! but yurio and i aren't dating..."

how could they think we were dating!?

i slowly look back up at yurio to see him staring at me.

"those cat ears really suit you..." he softly smiles at me.

that damned smile...

but i see a slight hurt behind his eyes, before both that and his smile are gone, replaced with his signature glare.

"but the stupid piglet here is right, we're friends. now leave us alone."

suddenly a new voice introduces themselves, "y/n what's up? weren't you two dating?"

"otabek?? no way!" i run over to him and hug him, "i've missed you dude! i saw your last performance and you were awesome! congrats on making finals!"

"hah thanks y/n, you too. now wanna explain what's up with the phone call i got at 4 am a week ago, saying you and yuri were-"

my eyes widen and i quickly slap my hand over his mouth, "i have NO IDEA what you're talking about otabek. sounds like some CRAZY DREAM you had! HA HA!"

he sighs, "alright then."

yurio clears his throat, glaring at otabek as he steps in between us, "and who might you be?"

i look over his shoulder, "yurio you don't know otabek? i could've sworn he told me you two-"

otabek raises his hand, telling me to stop, "come with me." before yurio can respond otabek starts walking out the door.


otabek stops and turns, "well, are you coming?"

i sigh. yuri doesn't seem to be moving, so i finally push him out to go with otabek.

"hey what are you doing piglet!?"

"look, i've known otabek for 6 years now. if he wants to talk to you then you should listen. so GO! i bet this is important. thank me later~" i shove him out the door before he can refuse, and watch them walk off.

"ah, that's better."

i then turn around to head up to my room, by now lilia and yakov have probably checked us all in.ย 

but instead i turn and see the fangirls, mila, and sara all staring at me creepily.

"uh- what's up guys? great to see you all made it to finals... haha... what're you doing?" i slowly back up.

suddenly mila shouts, "grab her!" they all pounce on me.



time skip brought to you by OTABEK LOOKING DAMN FINE HOLY SHIT- fr fr i wanna write a short fanfic about him bUT NOW'S NOT THE TIME-

the JAWLINE BYE- ight i gotta stop this i'm sorry y'all


mila and sara each drag me by an arm and the fangirls pushed me all the way to mila's room.

mila shouts, "alright thanks yurio's fangirls~! we got it from here!"ย 

they all wave, "no problem~!"

i try to escape, "WAIT NO DON'T LEAVE ME-" but before i can leave sara slams the door in front of me.

fuck. this can't be good...

i turn to slowly see them with dark looks in their eyes.

"alright y/n... INTERROGATION TIME!!" they both shout.


"just kidding~ that's later!" mila says.

"oh, how comforting." i sweat drop.

sara speaks up, "it's girl time!! we have movies, snacks, bath robes, face masks, cucumbers- y'know, the works!" she walks over to the rather large living room area, presenting everything they have.

i take a look at it all, "oh wow, this is really impressive," i hesitate, "but what's the catch?"

mila smirks, "i have no idea what you're talking about... just enjoy yourself y/n~ i'm sure we all had long flights and could use something like this."

i reluctantly pick up a bath robe and a bag of (favorite candy), "alright fine. i'll relax for a little, but i'm keeping a close eye on you two!"

"haha! come on, let's watch a movie!" sara waves us over.


time skip~


"popcorn me." mila says to me, opening her mouth.

i take a piece of popcorn and throw it at her, she catches it in her mouth, "perfect!" we all laugh.

we had been sitting on the couch and floor watching a movie in bath robes, with sara laying down with cucumbers on her eyes.

i snicker, "hey sara, what if seung-gil saw you now?" i wave my phone teasingly.

she gasps and sits up, the cucumbers falling off her, "you wouldn't!"

"oh, but i could."

she sighs, "it wouldn't really matter though, he always leaves me on read!" she groans, checking her phone before throwing it on the couch.

mila snickers, snacking on more popcorn, "maybe y/n can help you with that. she seems to have a few skaters with their eyes on her~"

"wha- i don't know what you're talking about." i scoff.

"oh really? then what's up with you and otabek hugging earlier?" sara asks.

i roll my eyes, "oh my god you guys... i've known him for forever, he's literally like my brother."

"alright fine. but JJ seems to pay extra attention to you." sarah says.

"you did not just say that!" i exaggerate a gasp, "i've never been so insulted!"

we all laugh, "JJ is just annoying. hopefully one day he won't be such an asshole, i bet if he wasn't so narcissistic he'd be fun to be around." i say before grabbing popcorn.

"i guess i just feel kinda bad for him sometimes." i shrug.

sara and mila look at me with wide eyes, "that's impressive y/n, you can really see the best in people... no wonder these guys like you~"

i roll my eyes, "oh please. you guys are crazy."

"okay fine you dodged those two, but this next one you can't deny." mila says.

"there's another one..?" i ask, opening my water bottle and taking a sip.

"yurio." they both say.

i nearly choke on my water, and start coughing.

"uh- *ahem* what about him?" i feel my cheeks turn red, either from the lack of oxygen or something else...

they give me knowing looks, "come on y/n, you know what we mean." sara says.

"don't think we haven't noticed the two of you and your interactions." mila says.

they start to close in on me.

"i don't know what you're talking about! i've told everyone, we're friends! i'm sick of repeating myself!"

"are you sure? even if you call yourselves 'friends'," mila makes quotation marks with her hands, "are you sure you don't feel something more about him?"

something... more? like romance..?

"i..." i look down at my hands, embarrassed, "well... maybe?"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'MAYBE'??" sara yells.

"I DON'T KNOW STOP INTERROGATING ME! i knew there was a catch to this!" i bury my face in a nearby pillow.

"so... you don't like him?" sara asks.

"...no..." i say into the pillow.

"so... you do like him?" mila asks.


"THAT'S A LIE AND YOU KNOW IT!" mila yells.

i lift my head from the pillow, "I'M CONFUSED OKAY?? i've never done this before..." i hug the pillow.

mila sighs and slumps into the couch next to me, "well say you did like him, hypothetically, what would stop you from telling him?"

"yeah, what would stop you from asking him out or something? he doesn't have a girlfriend." sara says, sitting on my other side.

"..." i think for a minute, "well, if i did like him, i probably wouldn't tell him because i'd be afraid... i'd be afraid of him not feeling the same, and ultimately ruining any relationship we had built previously..."

we're all silent for a minute.

after a while mila speaks up, "i've known yurio for years, and i can tell you this much about him. i've never seen him look at someone like he looks at you. we all see it y/n, yurio looks at you like you're an angel."

"mila's right. i don't know yurio well, but i saw you skate, and i saw him watching you. his eyes sparkled as you performed." sara adds.

"i've only seen one other person look at someone like that, and that was victor watching yuuri. and well, they're practically a couple now..." mila says.

i suck in a breath, and feel butterflies in my stomach.

he really looks at me like that..?

"...are you sure we're talking about the same yurio here?" i ask them.

they both groan, "oh my god y/n!! yes! we're talking about yuri plisetsky!"

"just admit it y/n, we see how you look at him too!" sara says.

"wha-! what do you mean!?"

mila huffs and stands up, "alright that's it, speed round! you have to answer these next questions in 3 seconds or less for a minute straight!" she says, whipping out flashcards.

"wait-!" when did they even make these??

she starts a timer and reads the first card, "were you or were you not jealous when yurio was surrounded by fangirls?"

"i- uh.."

"NO HESITATING!" sara shouts.

"okay! yes! yes i was!"

sara reads the next card, "have you stalked his instagram?"

my face turns red, "how did you know?"

"i'll take that as a yes. do you get lost in his eyes?" mila says.

"what the hell kind of question is that-"

"do you??" sara asks.

"UGH! fine, yes! he has gorgeous blue fucking eyes, okay?"

sara giggles, "do you like hugging him?"

i roll my eyes, "yes."

"more than otabek??" mila asks.

"yes! of course i do dammit!"

"do you like the way he smells?" sara asks.


"do you get butterflies around him?" mila asks.

"all the time." i blurt out.

sara laughs, "if he dated someone else, would you be jealous, and/or sad?"

"i would be heartbroken..." i feel my heart squeeze just hearing the question.

sara and mila look at each other, "are you okay with staying just friends with yurio for the rest of your life?"

"no..." the pressure on my chest gets heavier.

"do you wish it would turn into something more?" sara asks.


"last question, do you like yuri plisetsky?" mila says.

i bury my face into the pillow again, giving a muffled, "yes. i do."

"what was that?" sara teases.

i sigh and lift my head, "yes! i like him! I LIKE YURI PLISETSKY! and i want us to be more than friends!! there, i said it!"

my heart suddenly feels lighter, and beats rapidly. i like yurio. i really, really like him... and so much more than a friend.ย 

sara and mila cheer, high-fiving, "we did it, we did it!!"

"now that wasn't so hard, was it?" mila smirks.

i groan, "easy for you to say. you weren't the one being interrogated."

they both laugh, "well now you just have to tell him everything you told us!" sara says.

"hah! yeah right, like it's that simple." i scoff.

"well you'll have to do it eventually, you can't wait around forever." mila says.

"i know, i know... just give me some time to think about it."

"alright, but chances are yurio feels the same way~" she continues.

i sigh, i sure hope so...ย 

i check my phone, "oh! look at the time! it's 7:30! we should probably get ready for dinner and never talk about this again!"

they laugh, "fine. we'll be keeping an eye on you though..." mila says.ย 

"but for now, let's get ready for dinner! in the bathroom we have curlers, straighteners, perfumes, make-up, anything you need!" sara says.

"wow, you guys are prepared for anything..."

sara chuckles, "of course!"ย 

i smirk, "...except for getting a reply from seung-gil." mila and i stifle our laughter.

"HEY! i'm working on it!" sara huffs.

sara and mila start getting ready in the bathroom mirror, doing their hair and makeup.

my mind wanders as i think about what yurio and otabek are doing right now...

otabek doesn't usually talk much, so i was surprised when he wanted to talk to yurio.ย he must have something really important to say to him...ย 

...well let's just hope otabek doesn't bring up that time i called him as "yuri plisetsky's girlfriend", i sweat drop,ย yurio would never let me live that down.


โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!


translations:ย "ะดะฐ ะฝะตัƒะถะตะปะธ (da neuzheli)?"ย โžฏ "oh really?"

"ั‚ั‹ ะผะธะปั‹ะน, ะบะพะณะดะฐ ั‚ะตะฑะต ะฝะตะปะพะฒะบะพ (ty milyy, kogda tebe nelovko)."ย โžฏ "you're cute when you're embarrassed."

i'm not even gonna lie this chapter was so fun to write

-anyways, i don't know any russian so please bear with me, if the translations don't make much sense (which they probably don't) pls lmk~

hope you enjoyed! ;)
