โžฏ ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ข

(which yurio are you today? i'm probably frantic๐Ÿ˜)

โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ! ( pls๐ŸงŽโ€โ™€๏ธ)


i wake up to a pounding on my door.

"y/n let us in! we're here to get you ready for today!" minako's voice rings through loud and clear.

i yawn and rub my eyes, trying to wake myself up. looking around at my room, i suddenly remember something from last night.

'sweet dreams princess'

did yurio take me to my...? no there's no way, i must have just been dreaming.

"Y/N!!!" minako shouts again.

"COMING!" i shout.

i sigh and get myself out of bed, when i see i'm still in my clothes from last night...

oh my god... so maybe it wasn't a dream...

my face goes red, before i quickly shake it off and rush into the bathroom, changing out of my old clothes and into a bath robe. i then run over to open the door for minako.

"about time." mari says as i open the door.

lilia mari and minako all push themselves into my room.

"woah- what are you all doing here?"

minako pulls out a bag of countless hair products and makeup items, "we're here to get you ready of course! it's the finals, and today is the short program!"

"what she said." mari says, giving me a smile.

"precisely. when we're done you'll look like the star of the show." lilia says proudly.

i smile up at her in awe. i couldn't have asked for better coaching...

lilia then looks me up and down, furrowing her brow, "looks like we have a lot of work to do. you still have makeup from yesterday? get in the shower and then we start. you look terrible."

okay, ouch.

i sigh, and head to the bathroom to shower, as i hear mari and minako laugh.

well, it's still some of the best coaching...


time skip brought to you by my tears after rewatching assassination classroom


after 2 hours of shouting, laughing, hair pulling, and getting dressed up for the competition, i was ready.

my hair and makeup were done, and lilia, minako and mari all looked at me with pleased faces.

"our work here, is done." minako says.

"you look amazing y/n." mari says, smiling.

"you look beautiful." lilia says.

i smile at them all, "thank you guys, this was great! it's just what i needed."

lilia suddenly gasps, "one more thing. i had this customized for you." she reaches into her bag to pull something out.

"what is it?" we all look over curiously.

she pulls out a jacket and matching pants that say both "RUSSIA" and "JAPAN" on them.

"your family is now from both russia and japan, and you should be able to represent both." she hands the clothes to me and smiles softly.

i gently take it from her and look at them in awe. it looks like my family keeps growing...

"this is amazing, i love it! thank you so much lilia!" without thinking i go up and hug her. i feel her stiffen in shock for a second, before relaxing and hugging me back.

"lilia's right, we're all your family! and we're here to watch you kick some ass!" minako and mari cheer, before coming into a group hug.

we all laugh until we pull away.

"thank you guys, this was a huge help. i think i feel ready." i say looking up at them.

minako smirks, "well, you certainly look ready. no one will be taking their eyes off of you!"

"yeah and i know a special someone that might just be speechless~" mari gives me a knowing look and minako joins her.

i slowly back away, "haha... i have NO idea what you guys are talking about! ...hah..."

"sureee y/n, but anyways we should really get going." mari says checking her watch.

"she's right, the women are performing first and then the men right after. you're the last to perform, but we should already be on our way." lilia says, getting her things ready, "the car to pick us up should be here soon, yuri and yakov will be coming separately."

i nod, "alright, let me just change into these new clothes and then let's go!"

"yes, hurry! i don't wanna miss anything~!" minako says.

mari scoffs, "oh please, you just want to get extra time to see chris and JJ."

minako puts her finger to her lips, "SHH! she doesn't need to know that!"

i can't with those two...


time skip brought to you by more of my tears after rereading in another life...why am i doing this to myself


after a short car ride of minako and mari fangirling, and lilia giving me small pep talks and reassuring nods, we arrived at the rink.

we all step out of the car, and i take a big breath, seeing the crowds of people at the entrance.

just breathe... answer a few questions and just keep going, just stay focused and soon you'll be on the ice.

shit. soon i'll be on the ice.

if i wasn't nervous before, i sure as hell am now. it's like my whole body finally came to the realization that this is the grand prix final. this is it, and today i have to perform my short program that victor himself choreographed for me in front of millions of people. and most importantly, yurio.

well, i swore i would be getting gold this season, and i'm not about to back down now.

i push down my growing anxiety and stay determined, nodding to the three other woman with me as we face the crowds and enter the building.

"y/n! y/n! this is your second year in the senior women's division, and your second time making it to the finals! last time you seemed to be missing something, how do you feel this time around? who has influenced you this season?"

i stop with lilia to answer the news reporter's questions, while minako and mari go ahead to find seats.

"last time around i let my fears get to me and i caved into my nerves, but this time i'm determined to win. i've had some amazing coaching this season, from both victor, lilia, and yakov. and it seems i've even had some life coaches, giving a special thanks to nikolai plisetsky," i look to the camera and smile and wave, "i know you're watching! thank you all so much for your support!"ย 

the reporter seems satisfied with my answer and goes back to his camera. lilia and i keep walking before we're stopped once again.

"y/n, last time we talked to yuri plisetsky there seemed to be some tension between the two of you, how are things now? were the dating rumors true? if so, did you guys break up?"

i start to get annoyed, they're still on this dating rumor thing? ugh the nerve of some of these reporters...

the reporter keeps pressing, getting closer and shoving mics and cameras in my face, even pushing lilia out of the way.

i'm ready to tell them off, opening my mouth to speak, until i feel someone grab my wrist and step in front of me, blocking the reporters from view.

"she's not here to talk about her love life. our relationship is none of your business. why don't you quit harassing her and wish her luck instead?"

i stare at my wrist in yurio's hand, and then at his back shielding me from the crowd.

"o-of course. sorry about that ms. katsuki, good luck on your performance!" the reporter frantically responds.

yurio looks at me from over his shoulder, giving me a smirk, "that's more like it."

i look at him, feeling my cheeks go red. it's as if i'm stuck in a daze, and i can't seem to think clearly.

"y/n will not be taking any further questions." and with that yurio pulled me out of the crowd and back towards lilia, where she waited patiently at the entrance of the rink.

i finally snap back to reality, realizing how yurio is leading me, "i could have handled that!"

he glances at me, a small smile showing his amusement, "i know... but i couldn't stand one more second of that asshole talking to you."ย 

i feel my face getting red again.

is this yurio being... protective? but why? and why is it so cute...ย 

ugh! stop y/n! focus. you're performing in less than an hour, you can't keep getting distracted by him. stay focused on your program, you can worry about your feelings later...

i try to distract myself from him, giving a dry response, "um, thanks."

trying to avoid eye contact with him i look up at lilia, "we should really get going. i'll be on soon and we should watch the other performances."

i walk ahead and enter the stadium with lilia, letting my hand go from yuri's grip. he pauses behind me, watching us go, before catching up and walking with us. we see yakov already waiting in the sidelines with other coaches and skaters.

the loud noises of the crowds finally hit me, bouncing off the walls and echoing from everywhere.

i haven't been in a stadium this big in over a year... i forgot how nerve-wracking this is!

after a little while it seems like everyone has settled, and the announcer speaks: 'welcome to the women's senior division finals! today we are seeing the short program's, and our first competitor is mila babicheva from russia!'

oh shit mila is up first! i completely forgot, i never wished her luck properly!

she enters the rink, looking ready as ever. last minute i shout, "mila, davai!" she glances up at me and gives a smile and a nod.

i smile back, and she begins her routine.ย 

i watch for a bit but keep spacing in and out. after all, it's only 4 other girls and then me last... this is hell.

sighing, i look around. yakov and lilia are more focused on mila's performance, and yurio seems to be lost in thought about something. wonder what that's about...

i run my hands through my hair, and step back to lean against a wall.

feelings for yuri... making a comeback in the finals... trying to win gold... it's all so much.

i seem to space out completely and get lost in thought. a few more performances go by, and i hear from somewhere mila is currently in first.ย 

my theme is all about confidence... but how can i be confident when i can't even look yurio in the eyes right now?? i get so nervous about my feelings... UGH!ย 

suddenly i'm tapped on the shoulder, "y/n, you're on in 10 minutes, let's go over some warm ups and talks." lilia says.

i nod, and we exit the rink to warm up in a hallway. i start with some jogging in place, before going into stretches.

"let me see your split." lilia says.

leaning against the wall, i make a perfect split, "perfect, you're more than ready for today y/n."

i nod again,ย then how come i don't feel ready!

i look down at the ground, my nerves acting up, when i feel lilia grab my shoulders and i look up at her, "y/n, i know you're nervous. it's been a long time since the last final, but when i watched you then and i watch you now, you've grown so much. you've worked hard to get here, and whatever happens i'm proud to have coached you."

before i can say anything she wraps me in a hug. my eyes go wide, surprised by her more affectionate side.

"...thank you so much, lilia."

after a little while we pull apart, and she looks at me with a soft smile and watery eyes, "you're going to do amazing, no matter what. now show that to the world." i smile and nod, then we both head back into the rink.

when we get back i notice a lot more people showing up, specifically skaters and coaches from the men's division, since they're on right after.

i see yuuri and victor next to yakov and yurio.

they give me waves and thumbs up, saying good luck. i smile and wave back, before turning back to lilia.

"you have two minutes now."

a surge of adrenaline seems to shoot through my body, my stomach feels like it's in a knot and my heart rate starts to pick up. i notice my hand shake a little as i unzip my jacket.

(she's back)

i'm back in my dress gifted from victor, and start to walk towards the entrance of the rink, feeling far too many eyes on me.

i look to my right and see victor giving me a determined nod, giving a thousand words in one motion.

just breathe y/n...

but before i can make my first step onto the ice, i feel someone grab my shoulder and whisper from behind me into my ear, "listen, y/n, you have what it takes. you can do this. dance like the powerful swan you are. like i've seen you dance a thousand times. take my breath away."

just like before. just like a few months ago, when i skated this routine for the first time at the ice castle, yurio told me just what i needed to hear.

i nod, feeling myself become more focused and i stare straight ahead, determined.

i won't disappoint, and after this performance i'll face you again yuri, i'll tell you how i feel. i can do this.

i step onto the ice and make my way across, hearing the announcer introduce me. the crowd cheers, and i hear good lucks from my competitors and friends.

getting into my beginning pose, i close my eyes, taking a breath... before the music starts and they fly open as i take off.

(y'all rockin with vivaldi or whatย โ‰๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ฉ)

once again, i start to get lost with the music, feeling its intensity and power.

every stress about trying to beat my competitors and confessing get drowned out by the sheer speed and force of the song.

i quickly skate around the rink, making my first jump, a triple toe loop. i land it and continue on. the audience cheers but it's muffled, and i only hear the music and my skates on the ice.

ferocity, power, passion. this is it...

... flashback time ...ย 

"so... you want to learn a quad?" victor asks me, yawning.

i look at him determined, "yes! that's why i woke you up so early, i have pretty much every triple jump down consistently, and i know women don't usually do quads as much as men, but i think if i can even try one it'll help a lot!"

he seems to think for a minute, either that or he fell asleep... i mean it is 5 am...

suddenly he shoots his eyes up at me, "alright. we'll do it. we can do a bit of extra practice on it early in the morning for the next week, but i can't guarantee it'll be something you can actually use in competitions with this short amount of time to learn."

i nod, feeling happy that he's even willing to teach me, "i totally understand, but i want to get the most out of your coaching while i can, if you can help get me started i'll work on it on my own as well."

he nods, "you're bold y/n, i think this song choice is more fitting for you than you might think."

i laugh lightly, "yeah, maybe you're right..."

he claps his hands, "alright, we can start with the easiest type, a quad toe loop and work from there."


and throughout that week victor and i practiced extra early every morning to get me started on quads. by the end of the week i could land a quad toe loop about 60% of the time in practice, but i wasn't sure of it so i never used it in the competition.

but after that i worked twice as hard on my own to get it down, and within another week in russia i could land a solid quad toe loop a lot more consistently. so i kept working on it, and i tried other types. i never shared it with lilia or yakov... but i watched yuri practice carefully and picked up a lot from his jumps.

because of my nerves i never actually attempted a quad in a competition... but i know victor's been anticipating it, and so have i.

... flashback end ...ย 

now i'm about halfway through the song, and i don't feel nearly as tired as i should. i've landed all my jumps, having a few combos and several triples on their own.

i'm currently in a standing split spin when i make the decision.

i have a triple axel, a triple salchow, and a triple flip left... this is reckless, butย you said to take your breath away, right yurio?

the music picks up again and i prepare for the triple axel. before i know it i'm up in the air, i hold my breath as i spin.

one, two, three spins.

i land perfectly, and by now i've completely blocked out the noises from the crowd.

pay close attention, judges, minako, mari, lilia and yakov, yuuri and victor... and yurio.

this is the power of the black swan.

i prepare for the salchow, getting as much speed as i can. i've never felt more determined.

i take off into the air, and in my eyes i see yurio in front of me, i see his perfect quad salchow that i've watched a thousand times over.

one... two... three...

it's as if the air freezes for a moment, and i fly for just a second longer...


i land it. not as solidly as with a triple, but i make it well enough.

i did it... but it's not over yet... there's still one more jump.

the end is nearing, and i feel my body start to get tired, but my focus and determination are stronger than that at the moment.ย 

before making my way back to the center, i circle around and speed up for my last jump.

a flip, victor's signature jump...

i hear my heart rate pick up faster than ever, and suddenly i'm flying through the air.

with almost all of my remaining energy i lift myself higher than ever before, and spin. i suck in a breath.



three... four!

and with that i land, hearing the scratch of the ice. pure confidence and freedom takes over me, despite my tired state.

i circle back to the center, ending in a scratch spin to a sit spin and back to my finishing pose, spreading my arms like wings.

yurio... i can face you now.

i pant as my hearing and sight seems to come back to me, the roar of the crowd fills my eardrums.

i come out of my pose as i see flowers and gifts thrown from every side. i look around in awe, feeling my heart beating hard.

finally i look in front of me, and see yurio at the entrance. he looks at me with wide eyes, and his mouth slightly open in shock.

i smile and skate over to him, collapsing into his arms as soon as i reach him.

i sigh, "i did it."

i feel his heart beat, "y/n... you take my breath away..." he says, burying his head in my neck.

my face goes red, and my heart rate picks up again, "yuri i-"

suddenly we're both pulled apart and yuuri, victor, minako and lilia all come at me at once with teary eyes.

"Y/N THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL!" i get tackled by them all.

"guys! can't... breathe!" they loosen their grip a little but not by much.

"y/n i had no idea you made so much progress on those quads!! where were they before!?" victor ask, as yuuri just stares in shock.

"y/n that was amazing, you took us all by surprise... oh! the kiss and cry, they'll have lots of questions and we have to see your score!" lilia suddenly starts pulling me from the group.

"lilia's right, a performance like that had to get you in first!" yuuri finally shouts.

lilia pulls me with her to the kiss and cry, as i try to crane my neck looking for yurio.

"lilia, where's yurio?" i wanted more time with him...

she responds casually without looking back, "he must be preparing with yakov. the men's division starts now and he's up first, he'll be on in just a few minutes."ย 



โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!


oh shit that was long. now i'm exhausted yurio cause the sun is rising as i type this bUT ANYWAYS-

i also ended up making this part a lot longer than intended, so i kinda lied last chapter there should be like 4 more chapters at least LMAO we'll see.

i hope y'all are enjoying and tysm for reading! <3
