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(note: i'm changing up the order that they performed in btw cause it'll make more sense, these are the short programs from episode 8 in case you wanna compare.)

โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!


i snap open my eyes to hear my phone blasting.

i roll over and answer the call.

i hear minako's voice yell from the other side.

"Y/N!!! DID YOU SEE JJ's PERFORMANCE? oh my god he may be full of himself but he is FINE fine!"





what does she mean JJ's performance? what time is it?

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'HUH!?' oh god y/n... don't tell me you JUST WOKE UP!! it's almost noon in moscow right now! the italian guy, whatever his name is, just started his performance! and yurio is right after! then yuuri!"

i jolt out of bed.

i KNOW i did not just hear her correctly.

i check the time: 11:56 am

"WHAT!? how many people did i miss??"

"so far seung-gil, emil, JJ, and now ย you're missing michele."

"SHIT!" i hang up and leap out of bed, frantically getting ready.

why did no one wake me up?? i know i came back late, but not THAT late!! yuuri!! why didn't you wake me up? i will never forgive you for this!


ใ€Ž๐™ฎ๐™ช๐™ง๐™ž '๐™จ (๐™ฎ๐™ช๐™ง๐™ž๐™ค) ๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ซ ใ€


i stay out of everyone's sight, standing in an empty hallway.

ugh. i'm not feeling agape at all.

there were only two people i could dedicate this performance to...

and right now, neither of them are here.

fuck, how the hell am i supposed to figure out this 'unconditional love'?? cause right now it makes no fucking sense!

i punch the wall.


this is so confusing!

my eyes start to sting.

how am i supposed to understand when i'm all alone..?

i turn and slide my back down the wall, sitting on the floor.

i run my hands through my hair, putting my head between my knees.

y/n...ย where the hell are you?


"yuri?? where are you! you're on in 3 minutes!" i hear lilia calling for me.

i guess it's time. whether i'm ready or not.

i stand up and make my way to the rink.

maybe she came during that time..? maybe i just didn't see her, and she's hidden in the crowd.

UGH, what am i thinking? she's not gonna come. i basically told her i hated her, and i'm pretty sure she hates me now too, if she didn't already before.

so whatever, just skate the routine like you have a million times before.ย 

and here i thought i would be able to perfect it with her...

i get to the rink and look up at lilia and yakov waiting for me.

"there you are! are you ready? you're about to go next."

"tch. yes, whatever. i'm ready okay??" lilia and yakov give each other a knowing look.

i unzip my jacket and sigh.

why the hell are my hands shaking?? this never happens.

lilia and yakov start giving me last minute advice and pep talks, but their voices seem to muffle out.

my mind and eyes wander elsewhere as i start to scan the crowds looking for her.

dammit, you know she's not here!ย 

calm down...

calm down!

' ๐’„๐’“๐’‚๐’„๐’Œ! '


ใ€Ž๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ง ๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ซ ใ€


i run into the building, pushing past dozens of people and cameras.

i hear the announcer from the rink, slightly muffled.ย 

' and now welcoming 15 year old yuri plisetsky, performing in his old hometown! he is skating toย in regards to love: agape, choreographed by victor nikiforov! '

FUCK! he's about to start!

ugh, why am i even trying so hard to make it? i doubt he even cares if i'm watching or not, i mean he said it himself.

not that i blame him...

but after talking to nikolai yesterday, i have to see him!

i race down the hallway, and pull the doors open to the rink, just in time to hear the music start.


his appearance is beautiful... and his movements are graceful... but underneath it's obvious he isn't focused at all.

he looks frustrated... and sad...

yurio, hang in there...

his performance finishes, and the crowd goes wild. his fangirls cheering exceptionally loud.ย 

he exits the rink, and i'm about to run up to congratulate him, but i stop myself.

i'm the last person he wants to see right now... remember?

i pull my hood up and try to sneak my way past to yuuri, since he's performing next.

not to mention i'll also give him an earful about letting me sleep in...

i see JJ go up to talk to yurio.


i use him as a shield and walk behind him, and as i pass by i hear their conversation.

"wow~! that was great." JJ claps mockingly, "oh! here, ladies first." he starts making fun of yurio.

does he have nothing better to do besides be an asshole to everyone?

i kick the back of his leg as i walk by, and he collapses to the floor.


"the hell??" before they can figure out it was me i already blend into the surrounding people.

that felt good. 12/10, would recommend.

i smile to myself and find victor and yuuri.

"YUURI!! VICTOR! i had to rush over here, and run all the way to this rink thanks to you not waking me up! you have 30 seconds to explain yourself!"

victor cracks up laughing and yuuri panics.

oy vey...


time skip cause good god i need it


finally, it's almost 7. luckily the address nikolai gave me is just a bus ride away.

i haven't seen yurio since his performance... at this point i can't even tell if i'm avoiding him, or if he's avoiding me.

regardless, i'm sick of it.

so, let's make pirozhki and hope all our problems fix themselves!ย ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘

i grab my key card, phone and coat, and head out.

after the performances i had come back with yuuri and victor and moved my stuff into my actual room in the floor below.

right now everyone else is mainly relaxing, i heard sara and michele kept taking a bunch of people out to dinner.

luckily my performance is in two days, and tomorrow is the free skate for men's.

hopefully i can fix some of this before tomorrow... if not i think both yurio and i will absolutely bomb our performances. he barely held it together today, but somehow managed to keep up 3rd place so far.

stupid pussycat... it's time we both learn about unconditional love.


i hop off the bus, thanking the driver, and look at the charming bakery in front of me.

yup, this is it.

i walk in to be greeted with great smells and warmth.

"ah, y/n. you made it!" nikolai walks out from the kitchen in the back in an apron.

"here, you'll need this." he throws an apron at me.

"gee thanks."

"haha, come on let's get to work. these pirozhki won't make themselves!"


3 hours and a mess of flour later... we pull out the perfect, steaming pirozhki.

"oh my god they smell amazing."

"not bad for your first time! better than my grandson that's for sure. the first time he tried, he almost started a fire." nikolai sweat drops.

"ahahah! y'know you talk about your grandson a lot, he must be very special to you."

"of course he is, he's my world."

"what's he like?"

"actually, you remind me a lot of him." he laughs, "you both can be pretty stubborn, and he can have a temper. but he means well, he just has a funny way of showing his love to people he cares about."

"hah! really? that reminds me of someone i know..." i trail off, thinking about yurio again.

nikolai seems to notice this.

"come on, i can show you his old room. he used to live with me here before he moved and started traveling to pursue his passion."

i follow him up some stairs to his apartment, located above the bakery.

"oh wow, your bakery and apartment are both so nice!" i look around at everything.

"here, his old room is just as he left it about 3 years ago."

i walk in and see myself on the wall.

wait, hUH??

there are several posters of me skating... and then ones of victor, and lots of tigers.

"wait... so you've known i'm a skater this whole time!?"

"HAHA! yeah, sorry about that. i'm not the huge fan though, my grandson is."

"that's so cool!" an idea comes to me, "wait! i could totally get you both tickets to see the rostelecom cup going on right now! men's and women's! there are some really amazing skaters, victor nikiforov will even be there. although he's coaching this season."

"that's really kind of you, but unfortunately my grandson isn't here right now, so it would probably be a waste."

"are you sure? there's a russian skater there as well. he's a year younger than me, and it's his first time competing in the senior division! he's... well he's amazing. i've never seen anyone skate quite like him, he just takes your breath away... maybe you've heard of him? yuri plisetsky?"

he seems to stop for a minute, his eyes wander off.

"yuri plisetsky, you say?"

"that's the one. you should seriously watch him, will you please come?"

"haha alright, i'll think about it. my grandson has been asking me to watch some skating as well, so we'll see..."

"great! i'll be looking for you then! the competition starts at 3 pm tomorrow! it's at the ice rink down the street from the star hotel."

he snaps out of his days and chuckles, "don't worry, i know."


"come on you better get going before the pirozhki are cold! they are best delivered fresh! so chop chop, let's go!" he starts ushering me out.

"wha- wait! alright alright, you're right i'm going."


i hang up the apron and grab the paper bag and my coat.

"thanks again! i'll be looking for you tomorrow!" i open the door to leave.

"my pleasure, i hope your problems all work out."

i hop on the last bus back to the hotel.

damn these smell so good... i might just eat them for myself if i wasn't giving them to that angry kitten.

i get back to the hotel and lobby, only to see it completely empty.

oh shit... how late is it?

i check my phone.

11:25 pm?? i guess everyone is asleep then...

wait how am i supposed to drop these off then? i don't know yurio's room number! did i even think this through? shit.

i go up to the main desk.

"hi, i was just wondering if i could get a room number? i... uh... forgot it." wow, great lying there.

"of course, your name?" she starts typing on her computer.

"uhm... it's under 'yuri plisetsky'."

she pauses.

"look, i know you're a big fan but i can't give out his room number, it's a violation of privacy. you wouldn't believe how many fangirls have tried this same thing today."

SHE THINKS I'M A FANGIRL!?ย this is the lowest of lows.

alright, think. i need to get his room number... i guess i could lie and say that...ย but will she believe it?

i sigh, it's worth a shot.ย "*ahem* i'm actually his uh... his girlfriend."ย yeah right, if only... wait what-

she looks me in the eyes, "oh really? why don't you call him for the room number then?"

i gulp, "i would, but he's probably sleeping right now so i don't want to disturb him."

"well i can't give you his room number, unless you call him now for proof."

SHIT.ย i never got yuri's number!

come on y/n, just play it off cool...

"alright, fine. i'll call him."

i hesitantly open my phone, taking my time to scroll through contacts.


y'know what, fuck it.

i choose a number randomly and it starts ringing.

"put it on speaker."

what is this woman's problem???

i glare at her as i put it on speaker.

the phone keeps ringing...

and ringing...

and ringing. it seems like no one is going to pick up, until-


" ย  ย . ย . ย .ย  ย  "

ah. so i called otabek.

the desk lady looks mortified.

note to self: never call otabek when he's sleeping...

i put on a painful smile, "hi yuri~! sorry for waking you sweetie, could you remind me what your room number is again? this receptionist is giving me a hard time."


there's a few silent seconds before he responds.

"y/n! babe!" he has a cheerful voice now with a shitty russian accent, "you can tell that receptionist i am on my last fucking nerve! i can't remember the room number right now, but if they don't tell you, i will personally come down there and shove an ice skate SO FAR UP THEIR A--" i frantically hang up.


i slowly look back up at the receptionist to be met with a pale face.

is her soul leaving..?

"uhm... so about that room number..?"

"...here...his number...is 736..." she gives me the number and all but melts behind the desk.

well, that worked out. otabek i owe you one.

i quickly walk to the elevator.

right, yurio is on my floor. surprised i haven't run into him...

i get to the floor and walk down the hall.


736! well whatta ya know... my room number is right across the hall at 737...

i raise my hand to knock on his door, but freeze.

' you must feel so good about yourself, getting first in your opening competition. '

' but who cares where she is right now, i'm the star this year! '

' and as for you y/n... i couldn't care less about what happens to you. '

...maybe it's best to just leave these outside...

but then again, i worked damn hard on these he better appreciate them fresh!

i stop and think for a minute, when i get an idea.

alright, that can work.

my room is right across, i'll just knock on his door, leave the food, and bolt into my room! no biggie.

alright... on 3.




i leave the bag, knock, and frantically open the door to my room.

come on key card!!

it finally unlocks and rush in.


as soon as i close the door behind me, i hear his door open across the hall.

that... was close.


โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!


okAY so i swear this story is going somewhere, even if it feels like a mess - i mean it is- but that's not the point-

LMFAO i'm realizing now i kinda made y/n like marinette in this chapter with being blind to the similarities between yurio and 'nikolai's grandson'-

ANYWAYS, more of the story will get explained once y/n and yurio fix their bitch asses (get it together guys, godย ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคš) but rn y'all WERE mad at each other, butย NOWย you're both more mad at yourselves... iDK just stick with me here, there's a lot to get throughย ๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธ

also the ' cracks ' are like the ice breaking/heart breaking and melting, cause ik it's kinda random- okay bye enjoy.๐Ÿ˜ƒ
