โžฏ ๐™›๐™š๐™ง๐™ค๐™˜๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ฎ

โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!




"they are TIGERS for your information!"

"it's still a cat DUMBASS!"

mari comes in between us, "guys, guys. i'm afraid you have to, every other room is full and y/n your room is the second biggest to mom and dad's."

ugh, i hate that she's right.

"can't i stay with victor??" for once, yurio has a decent idea.

"nope! i need room for all of my things and makkachin~!" victor says with a smile, "i guess you guys have to share a room then!" he has this mischievous smile... what's he trying to pull?


"fine. it's only for the next six days or so. but you better keep your distance you perv!" how am i going to share room with him after those... "encounters" we had earlier!?

"how am i a perv!?"

"you walked in on me showering!" as soon as i realize what i said out loud i slap my hand over my mouth.

i was really trying to not expose myself to victor, yuuri, and mari...

"it's your fault for not locking the door!"

"well you should knock before you just barge in!"

"ohhh so that's what all that yelling was earlier..." mari starts laughing at us. "you guys can figure it out, i'm going to sleep. there are extra mats and blankets in the closet y/n."

"ugh fine..." i stand up and walk out of the living room, "are you coming or not yurio?"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! and why should i?"

grr this russian can go SUCK MY FAT-

breathe... breathe...

"because i'm not making YOUR bed for you, you can do it yourself unless you want to sleep on the floor!" ugh i can't believe him. i'm sick of waiting on him so i just walk out to the closet.

i open the closet door and look for the stuff he needs, trying to do it as angrily as i can. i refuse to make his bed, but mari will probably beat my ass if i don't at least grab the things he needs.

i take a mat, a pillow, and then realize the blankets are no where to be found... what the hell?

then i look up. oh fuck.

they're on the top shelf... i could never each that shitty shelf...

i get on my tip toes, but it's no use. i try jumping up and down, i'm so closeeee... come onnnn you can do it y/n.

then i hear, "i thought doves and fairies could fly."

this russian bitch.

i turn to him, his over-confident self standing in the door frame to the hallway, with a smug smirk across his face. i try to maintain my pride. "and what the hell do you want? i'm trying to help YOU in case you hadn't noticed."

"it seems to me like you're the one in need of help here."

"hmph. i'm doing just fine. now if you'll please excuse me..."

i try again to jump for the blankets. god this is embarrassing. just how high is this shelf??

suddenly i feel someone reaching behind me. i freeze. if i move back at all i'll run completely into him again-

yuri's arm stretches above me and he grabs the blanket. tch, show off. he's not even that much taller than me...

his hair falls next to me... oh wow it really is that soft, it's so silky... i could just touch it...

NO don't do that y/n, don't be any weirder.

i stay frozen, and i notice his smell. he smells... really good.

like the mist over an ocean... it's refreshing and clear. i close my eyes trying to pick up more of his scent...

"ahem. uh, y/n?"

fuck. i must have looked like a crazy person... thank god he can't see my face right now, doesn't mean that i'm not still extremely embarrassed!

i slowly turn around on my heel. "uh, right. uhm, thanks..." i try to change the subject as fast as possible. "so my room is over here!" oh my god why did i shout that-

doesn't matter, let's just get through the night and tomorrow it's like it never happened.

i lead yurio to my room. i turn the light on. OH FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT ALL THE POSTERS!

i whip around to face him, "UH- UM- WHO SAID YOU COULD COME IN HERE?" i shove him back out of my room. hopefully he didn't see too much...

"Y/N!? what the hell!?" he starts banging on my door. "LET ME IN!"


i scramble to take down all these victor posters, posters of christophe that minako gave me, and old posters of lilia, one of my biggest inspirations. i also try to make my bed as fast as i can, pick up a bunch of laundry i have YET to do ever since we came back... and i take down anything cat themed.

after teasing him so much about cats he can't know that i like them too...

okay, i think it's safe.

i slowly crack open my door again, only to see a seriously pissed off kitten in front of me.

"heh heh... sorry about that..." i look down at my feet.

"JUST LET ME IN STUPID PIGLET!" he barges in, pushing the door open.

phew, that was a close one.


"wait isn't that-" i notice a faint blush slowly creeps on his face.

"ITS NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL." i practically leap across my room and slam my laptop closed on my desk. god my face must be so red right now after all of this embarrassment...

"HUH!? let me see you old hag!"

"i'm only one year older than you!"

"tch, whatever. that wasn't even my best performance anyways..." he mumbles the last part.

"what was that??"

"nothing! shut up!" i will never understand him...

suddenly mari swings my door open, "IF YOU TWO DON'T SHUT UP AND GO TO BED I WILL PERSONALLY TIE YOU TO A CHAIR AND TAPE YOUR MOUTHS CLOSED. good night~! love you y/n!"

god sometimes mari really scares me when she's tired...

i gulp as she leaves, giving us a final glare. i turn to yurio who is now sitting on the mat on the floor.

"yeesh, i guess the old hag trait runs in your family..." yurio shivers.

"shut. up!" i whisper yell in fear of mari coming back to kill us... "you can make your bed on your own, now go to sleep and don't wake me up!"

"fine! i wasn't planning on talking to a piglet anyways!"

i stand up from my bed, "WHY YOU-" the door creeks open, showing mari, victor, and yuuri's eyes staring us down...

we both freeze.ย 

"um.. i mean good night yurio~ sweet dreams~" he simply growls back.ย 

i jump back into bed and hide under the covers, trying to fall asleep as soon as possible.

before long i hear yurio finally settle down as well.

what a day... hopefully tomorrow i can just focus on the short program...


time skipppp


i wake up to the sound of a camera going of... then someone yells my name.


ah yes, the lovely angry kitten.

"ugh..." i roll out of bed. quite literally.

i roll over and fall onto the floor, but instead of hitting the hard floor i hit a mat... OH SHIT YURI'S MAT!

i immediately sit up, then look above me. yurio looks down at me.

"you drool in your sleep." he then just walks out of my room, off to god knows where.



another time skip just cause


we are now at the ice castle, and victor is giving us each more of the routines.

my entire program is pretty much all fast paced. this is by far the most exhausting routine i have ever done... but it'll definitely be worth it. this is without a doubt one of the most beautiful routines i've done.ย 

i guess i'm not really surprised, it is victor after all.

we go through a few days of this training, practicing, and finding ourselves in our themes. so far it seems like none of us have achieved the full feeling of our theme.

it's the third day now, three days until the competition... i have the entire thing down except for one jump, the triple axel. probably the hardest jump in figure skating... i'm so close, and i can land it in practice, but it was this jump that i seriously messed up last season, and it completely rattled my confidence.

i have a total of 8 jumps, 4 are in combinations of two and two. and of the 8, 5 of them are triple jumps. the rest are doubles, and there are a shit ton of spins. victor is trying to kill me. he really wanted to fit as many jumps as he could in these nearly 3 minutes of skating.

currently he's talking to all of us, saying how we're all missing something...

wait- did he just say WATERFALL!?


time skip againnn


yuuri, yurio and i are all at a temple now, standing under a waterfall. someone remind me the point of this again?

i turn to yurio, is he praying...?

i look up at yuuri, "do you have any idea what we're supposed to do here..?"

"i really don't know... think about our themes?"

i sigh and look down, before suddenly we're being dragged to another place with victor trying to get us all into our themes.

i will never understand him, i think i just don't understand russians...

moving on, throughout the rest of the day it's a bunch of practice, practice, practice. victor really has us each only focusing on ourselves, so now i barely talk to yuuri and yurio, and i've only seen small parts of each of their routines.ย 

now we are all back at the hot springs, completely dead.

"oh my gosh, i almost forgot! costumes~!" is victor always this giddy..?

i lift my head from the table, "oh right... i completely forgot about that.."

"yeah same here..." yuuri has his head on the table, not even touching his food, along with yurio next to him.

"good thing i shipped all of my costumes from all of my past competitions to here! you guys can choose!" suddenly mari comes in with a shit ton of luggages.

jesus, how many costumes did this guy have..?

"wait, victor," i sit up fully, "what am i supposed to wear..? i don't think i'll exactly fit in any of your costumes..." i look down at my chest.

"pfft, what are you looking down at? there's nothing there. with your flat chest you would fit just fine." yurio suddenly chimes in.

heat rises to my cheeks, "SHUT UP YOU STUPID KITTEN!" i immediately fold my arms over my chest, trying to cover myself.

"not to worry y/n, i got something made specially for you, here let me show you it's in my room." victor leads me out of the living room.

i glare at yurio as i follow victor to leave.

i walk into victor's room, and i see him rummaging around some boxes... how much stuff does this guy have?

suddenly he whips around, "TA DA~!"

he holds up the dress.

"oh wow victor... this is beautiful." i slowly go to take it from him.

"i know right? it's black, i thought it would really show how bold of a change you are making, and it sparkles so much on the ice! no one will be able to look away from you, trust me!"

"thank you so much, this is perfect!"

"of course, don't worry about it. but while you're here i actually wanted to talk to you about something..." he sits down and motions for me to take a seat next to him.

"yeah, what is it?" i've never seen victor so serious... should i be worried?

"i wanted to talk about yurio."

oh no what did i do?? did i call him an angry kitty too many times and now he's mad? did yurio say something to him!? what is it!??

"i don't know if you know this, but yurio actually admires you quite a lot. he's been a long time fan of yours."



i freeze. yuri... a fan of ME!? hahahah good joke victor! that ain't me, wrong bitch.

"it's true, you inspire him quite a lot. half the reason he came here was also to meet you, not only to get me back."

i can't believe my ears.

"i know he's a bit of a handful, and he can come off really cold and rude, but he genuinely looks up to you. you were someone close to his age making their senior division debut last year, and before that he always admired how graceful you could be. he was really excited to see you perform last season in the senior division. although i think after last season he's been holding kind of a grudge against you..."

WHAT!? a grudge against me?? i mean i know i did really bad last season but I'M the one who should be upset about it.

"it wasn't because of your performance, it was because he thought you had given up. that you had quit. he was crushed that he might never see you perform again, and he was disappointed to see you disappear after one bad performance."

that... was different than what i expected...

"oh... i didn't realize he felt this way..." are we talking about the same yuri victor? because this sounds like a yuri from another dimension.

"haha, yeah. the only reason i know is because i'm just so good at reading people!"

oh great, this is all based off of victor's intuition.

"but seriously, y/n, he admires you more than you could probably ever think. although he has a funny habit of pushing away the people he seems to care about. i think his grandpa is the only exception." victor looks up, thinking with his finger on his chin.

i look up at him, "um, so how come you wanted to tell me this..?"

"oh. i don't really know actually!" he has a goofy smile again, "just something to think about! now go, go, go! go eat and get some rest, you still have a few more days till the competition! and don't forget your dress!" he practically shoves me out of his room.

"woah wait- you can't just-" i try and stop him, trying to get him to explain more.

"sorry y/n, can't hear you you're already out the door~!" just as he says that he closes the door, leaving me in the hallways with the dress in my hands.

i will never understand these people...

well now that i know this i have no idea how i'm supposed to sleep now... but i'll do my best.

it seems like victor and i talked for more than i thought, almost every one is asleep.

i quietly make my way back to my room... once i'm in i try and avoid the sleeping yuri on the floor.ย 

i pause for a minute as i see him sleep so peacefully... wow he really is beautiful... maybe if i just take quick photo...

i pull out my phone and quietly take a photo of him.


i jump into bed, hiding in the covers pretending like i'm asleep. i only hear him move around a bit until it's quiet again... phew.

i look at the photo i took... it's a bit blurry, but there's no doubt about how cute he is... wait is that drool i see!? and he says I drool-!

ugh, snap out of it y/n, you have to go to sleep or you'll die of sleep deprivation.

i throw my dress on my desk chair, barely missing yurio's sleeping body, put my phone down, and i finally fall to sleep.


another time skip-


the next few days it was more of the same, i kept wanting to talk to victor more but he somehow always avoided the topic.

throughout these days it felt like i was just training, eating here and there, and getting restless sleep.

i hadn't talked to yurio or yuuri very much at all, despite sharing a room with yurio. it seemed like one of us was always asleep by the time the other went to bed, and so we hardly talked. i'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing anymore... i have no idea what i'd say to him after victor told me those things...

now, it's the night before the competition and i have never been more anxious in my entire life. i barely ate anything, i couldn't bring myself to. if i did i might've thrown up.

everyone had already gone to bed, and i was now laying in my own staring at the ceiling. i have the whole routine down, i've landed the triple axel more times now in practice... but it's always different in the performance.

i can't sleep at all like this.

i check the time, 11:32 pm. it's not too late... some night skating never hurt anybody either...

as quietly as i can, i crawl out of bed, careful not to step on yurio, although sometime's i really want to... BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

i grab my skates, grab my phone, and quietly walk out of my room, doing my best not to disturb yurio.

when i'm finally out, i creep along the hallway, all the way to the front door where i grab the keys to the ice castle that yuuko lent us.

finally i make it all the way out of the house and make my way to the ice castle.

a cold breeze stings my face, but i that's the least of my worries right now. my nerves are shot and i look down to see my hands starting to shake... i can't tell if it's from the cold or me being nervous.

i reach the ice castle. it's all dark inside, no surprise there.

as i unlock the door i make sure to close it behind me as quietly as i can. i'm not trying to wake up the whole block.

i keep the lights off until i reach the rink. then i only turn on the lights directly above the rink. the less light the better, i don't need someone coming in here thinking i'm some intruder...

i put on my skates, take out my phone, and get onto the ice.

alright y/n, this is just what you need. just skate out the nerves. no one is watching, no one expects anything from you, just you and the ice.

for some reason i find myself skating the free program from last season... the one that i messed up terribly.ย 

i have my phone start the music as i skate to the center of the rink. and then it begins, the routine i've avoided so much and resented so much... and here i am almost 7 months later.

the music starts. it's fast paced, but peaceful, and graceful.

exactly like i was a year ago...

i let the music wash over me, taking over my movements.

the tightness i held in my muscles slowly eases... i get to the first jump. a triple salchow, into a double toe loop.

i hold my breath.

i nail it.

after that i completely lose myself to the music, closing my eyes and letting the routine come back to me.

everything seems to muffle out around me. it's just me and the ice.ย 

every motion is fluid, one into the other. my spins are perfectly executed, and any tension from before is gone.

i don't even realize i land my next several jumps, my mind is somewhere else.ย 

i only hear the music, and the sound of my skates against the ice.ย 

i circle around the rink, preparing for one final jump, the triple axel. but this time i have no fear going into it. in fact i feel nothing at all, and before i know it i take off and it's like i fly through the air.

spinning once, twice... three times, and i land it.ย 

i finally start to wrap up the routine, circling around the rink as the music calms. i make my way back to the middle, and go from a standing spin, curling down, until i come back up again, and stop myself, ending with my right hand on my heart, and my left hand reaching out limply.ย 

i catch my breath, and finally flutter my eyes open. they adjust to the light again, and there i see the last person i expected, right out in front of me, my left hand seeming to point at him...

yuri plisetsky.

before i have a chance to react he starts yelling.


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" did he see that entire thing..?

"what am I doing here? what are YOU doing here!? i heard your loud ass footsteps leaving the room and i followed you."

"wait... so you've been here the whole time..."

"yes old hag. you have terrible observational skills."

"shut up! but seriously... you saw that whole thing..?" HE SAW ME SKATE WEHUIJGHSIJIG I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS.

"yes, what about it?" he stands there with his arms crossed.

"I THOUGHT NO ONE WAS WATCHING ARRHGHHH!! yurio what the hell!" i came here to skate alone, to try and make peace with myself before tomorrow...

"well it was perfect! why didn't you skate like that last year instead of giving up? you were perfect... that's what an ice fairy should look like!"

i can't believe him... "well sorry i can't just be perfect all the time. sorry i got nervous, and i couldn't take so much pressure. sorry i can't stay as confident as you, and i can't nail a triple axel or a quad every competition! i just... i just broke down... and i needed a break. my bad for not meeting YOUR standards! the least you could've done was support me, but i guess that's not really your style, is it?"

i'm sick of his remarks, his name calling. victor calls him such a fan... yeah right. my ass he's a fan.

"if you have nothing left to say, then get out of my way." i grab my phone and skate out of the rink, pushing past him as i walk out.ย 

he stays standing there. he can stand there all night for all i care.

i stop by the lockers to take of my skates, and i walk out as soon as i'm done. not turning back to check on yuri.

as i walk down the hill from the ice castle, i feel something wet on my cheeks... was i crying this whole time and i didn't even realize it..?

whatever, it doesn't matter now. maybe i lashed out too much at yuri, i really just let out everything i had been holding in at him... simple because he was the only one there.

but right now it doesn't matter, i just need to focus on sleeping and then the competition tomorrow, yeah. that's it. you can think about blonde russians later, now try not to wake the whole city up as you get back home y/n...


ใ€Ž๐™ฎ๐™ช๐™ง๐™ž '๐™จ (๐™ฎ๐™ช๐™ง๐™ž๐™ค) ๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ซย ใ€


watching her skate... she was beautiful. she was so graceful, it was like she skated on air... i had never seen such an enchanting performance.

i couldn't take my eyes off of her. every movement was flowing into the next, and every jump took my breath away.

i knew y/n was a great skater... but seeing her like this was jaw dropping.

but something was different from last time. and not just because she was skating alone.

i saw her tearing up as she walked past me after yelling at me. as much as i wanted to, i knew i couldn't go after her and comfort her.ย 

she needed to be alone, i think i understand that better than anyone... and if i need to be her punching bag for a bit, so be it.

i whisper as she walks off... "good luck, y/n." not that she needs it...

because after that performance, and after she let out her emotions, i now see what victor sees.

y/n had become fierce and powerful, and she could still maintain such graceful motions. everything she needed to win this year.

the dove we knew had turned into a black swan, and she was going to blow everyone away tomorrow.

i smile a bit to myself, still facing the rink. i hear her leave as the door opens and shuts.ย 

"can't wait to see what you have in store for us tomorrow. good night, y/n."


โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!



i am so sorry to whoever reads this. i'm gonna go die now... i swear the next chapter will be shorter though, it'll basically be all about the competition. i know the competition is in the third episode, and it should've been in this chapter, but if it was this chapter would have been WAYYY too long so yeah-

adiosย โœŒ
