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6:03 pm

finally back in russia... i can't believe this place is starting to feel more and more like home.

we just picked up our luggage after getting off our flight, and now we're exiting the airport.

unfortunately as we make our way through a shit ton of yuri's fans are waiting... the one down side of being back in russia.





i roll my eyes.ย 

"yUrI tAkE a piCtUrE! i LoVe yOu YuRi! yOu'Re tHe bEsT sKaTeR eVeR yURi! tch." i mumbled under my breath.

i look over at him. he has a glossy stare at the floor as we walk.

still looking dead as ever i see.

did i accidentally break him..?

suddenly he seems to come back to reality and stops in his tracks, as if he remembers something.

for the first time in almost a day i hear him speak up.

"yakov, can you take my bags to the hotel?" he looks... excited?

yakov nods, "yes, now go he's probably waiting for you."

"thank you!" and before i know it yuri runs off to god knows where.

what the fuck just happened?

i turn to yakov, "uhh, what was that about? how is yurio gonna get to the hotel?"

it's not that i care about him or worry about him i'm just... curious is all.

"he has family picking him up, his grandpa. which is his only family, really."

"his... only family..?"

"yeah, his mother left nearly right after he was born, and his father is unheard of."

"i... i had no idea..."


good going y/n! you gave no regard to what yurio might be going through! 12/10 job at ruining any future possibilities of building a good relationship with him! here's a gold fucking star you can choke on, dumbass!ย ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

i slap my hands on my face and sigh.

he really doesn't have parents either? how did i not know this? and his grandpa is his ONLY family? ughh... no wonder he has such trouble trusting and opening up to others...

well, shit.


time skip brought to you by gabi getting punched


6:23 pm

we finally pulled up to the hotel.

goddamn, all this travel is really wearing me out... not to mention i'm at complete war with myself right now for being so ignorant towards yurio.

i get out of the car and grab my bags, entering the hotel.

as i walk in i see a bunch of reporters talking to two people.

is that... victor!?

i keep walking to make sure, and see victor with his arm around yurio, facing the reporters away from me.


i pull my hood up, and practically run by the reporters.

phew, i made it and no one saw me. haha! spy kids has got nothin on me!

as i'm walking away i hear one reporter ask,

' yuri plisetsky, you were traveling with your two coaches as well as y/n katsuki. where is she now? she just made such a great comeback in skate canada, winning gold- '

"yes i know she won! but who cares where she is right now, i'm the star this year! not victor, not that katsudon yuuri, and not her! ME!"

i look down.

now i really wish i didn't hear that...

i wasn't looking where i was going and i bump into someone.


suddenly i'm wrapped into a familiar hug.

"oh my god yuuri! my favorite cousin!"

"hah! yeah right, more like your only cousin."

"you have no idea how glad i am to see you. let's just say it's been a rough couple of days."

"really? but you won first! i'm so proud!! you looked amazing, victor and i watched on tv."

"YOU DID!? oh no victor is gonna have so much to say about all my screw ups in the free skate program." i bury my face in my hands.

yuuri pats my head, "don't worry~ he's always like that, and lately he's too busy making everyone love him as a coach since he isn't on the ice this season!"

"pfft, no surprise there."

he starts leading me, "come on, let's check in and then head up to our rooms. i don't know about you, but i am DEAD tired and do not feel like meeting a bunch of new skaters tonight."

"well that makes two of us!"

we check in, then do our best to go unseen as we walk to the elevators.

we wait for an elevator with one other skater... i think he's from korea, he seems pretty reserved though so nothing to worry about right now.

suddenly the doors open, revealing emil, and the two italian skaters, sara and mickey.

oh great... i really don't want to meet my competition right now.

"if you want to date sara, you're gonna have to beat me first!" someone tell me why they act like a couple when they are siblings..?

"sorry sorry, we were just going to get dinner!" emil waves his hands frantically.

"come on~ mickey leave him alone!" sara hugs his arm.

suddenly she turns her attention to the three of us.

"hi yuuri and y/n!"

i give a small wave.

"hey seung-gil, do you want to-"


i have to hold my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.

this man right here... we stan.

seung-gil just pushes past them onto the elevator.

"HUHHH!?!" sara and mickey look at him in disbelief.


i turn to yuuri. we nod at each other before slowly backing away and finally running to the other elevator.

"i don't think i can handle anymore today..." i whine.

"you and me both. i'm not made for this." yuuri seems to melt next to me.

"amen to that."

thankfully the elevator opens and it's empty. we get in and choose our floor number.

the doors start to close until a leopard print shoe stops it.

y'know now would be a really great time for a train to just come and, oh i don't know... rUN ME OVER!?

"why are you two sneaking around?" yurio leans against the opening.

"yurio! it's good to see you again."


i stand behind yuuri stiffly, trying to avoid looking in his direction.

he gets on the elevator, and it starts to go up.

shit... he didn't choose a button... that means he's either on mine or yuuri's floor!

okay, okay, this is fine. we can get through this...




I CAN'T DO IT! this has got to be the worst minute of my life, can't this thing move any faster!?

"um... well, good luck to all of us in the rostelecom cup." yuuri, i love you, i really do, but please for god's sake shut the fuck up.

"huh!? you'll be suffering a terrible defeat in moscow. this is russia. and i plan on making victor stay."

the elevator reaches my floor. i hesitate to get off when i notice yurio start to walk out.

he pauses at the opened doors.

"and as for you y/n... i couldn't care less about what happens to you."ย 

and with that, he walks out, the doors closing behind him.

' ๐’„๐’“๐’‚๐’„๐’Œ! '

suddenly i feel strange pain in my chest. it gets tight and hard to breathe.

i feel my eyes tear up.

how am i ever going to fix this...

"y/n! y/n are you okay?? that was really harsh, even for him." yuuri starts to panic.

i quickly blink away any forming tears.

"yeah i'm all good yuuri, don't worry about it. that russian punk is always like that. after dealing with it for a few months in russia you get used to it!" i give him a small smile.

"y'know, you're good at a lot of things y/n, but lying is not one of them. do you want to stay in my room tonight?"

i look down. "yes please."

"come on, you don't have to tell me what's going on if you don't want to but it never hurt to eat snacks and watch movies."

"see? this is why you're my favorite cousin."

he laughs as we get off on his floor, "come on, i think we both need this."


time skip brought to you by kageyama dancing about meat


after crying over "a silent voice", yuuri is passed out on the couch next to me.

victor might kill me for making yuuri even more emotional and tired... whoops.ย 

i should probably set an alarm for him so he isn't late to his competition tomorrow.

i grab his phone and set an alarm.

luckily it's only 9:30, and there is no way in hell i can sleep right now.

i walk across the dark room and look out the window.

yuuri's on one of the top floors so i can see a lot of the city from here... it's beautiful.

but now all i can think about is yurio.

UGH stupid pussycat!ย 

i decide to go out for a walk, even if it is freezing.

i grab my coat from my luggage, and head out.

i make it to the first floor, and walk past the lobby, where surprisingly there are still a good amount of skaters socializing.

i ignore them and go outside, taking in the clear, cold air.

alright... where to go?


after about 20 minutes of walking, i still can't clear my head.

i make it to a bridge, and stop to look out at the river and the city.

"ugh... why did this have to happen now of all times?" i sigh and run my hands through my hair, leaning against the wall.

"i know that look, heartbreak?"

i jump at the voice, and turn to see an old man standing about 10 feet away from me.

he has grey hair and a beard, with a few brown streaks, as well as a dark brown hat and matching jacket, with a lighter brown scarf.

he looks kinda mean...

"uh- um... not exactly."

"really? because those sighs sound like it. i should know, my grandson was just doing the same thing earlier today."

"your grandson? oh i'm sorry about that."

"don't be sorry, it's not your doing. he just needs to figure himself out. i think it's the first time he's realizing life isn't just about winning. and the first time he's begun to let someone else into his little snowglobe."

i can't help but laugh, "pfft, his snowglobe? he sure sounds like a handful." i walk over to him and stick my hand out, "i'm y/n."

he shakes my hand, "you can call me nikolai."

"well, you sound like an expert on this stuff. any advice on how to turn back time and take back something you said?"

he chuckles, "even if that was possible, i wouldn't suggest it."

"why not?"

"sometimes we say harsh things to those we care about... but usually it's because they need to hear it, even if it ends up hurting them for a while."

"you really think so?"

"i know so. you shouldn't feel guilty about speaking from your heart. they say the most beautiful snowflakes are the hardest to melt, but once they do, their fire never goes out."

"yeah okay gramps, you've lost me."

"haha... you'll understand soon enough."

suddenly my stomach growls.

right... i didn't have dinner... this is embarrassing.

"you sound hungry, here i have some left over pirozhki if you'd like." he reveals a brown paper bag.


"yeah, it's my grandson's favorite. a classic russian food." he pulls one out for me.

i take it hesitantly.

"i promise it's not poisoned."

i laugh before finally taking a bite, "oh wow! this is really good! my coach has been making me live on a strict diet all this time, this is the best thing i've eaten in months!"

"haha glad you like it. in moscow we like to call it the epitome of love."

"hm, really? so will this heal all my problems?"

"it might, you never know until you try."ย 

"well if that's the case... you have to teach me how to make these! they're amazing!"

"ahahahah! i'll tell you what, come to my bakery tomorrow evening, around 7:30. i'll teach you."

he pulls out a pen and paper, "here is the address."

"thank you so much! this really means a lot." i take the paper.

"of course, it's my pleasure."

i look up at him, "so you really think this will work?"

"i have a good feeling it will all work out."

i smile at him, "alright, well i better get going. thank you again!"

i turn and walk back to the hotel, looking forward to tomorrow.


โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!


two chapters in one day wtf-

also i'm making nikolai own a bakery in moscow because it's fitting and it goes with the story so yuh

anyways, enjoy.
