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i get woken up by minako shoving her way into the house yelling at the top of her lungs. "DO YOU MIND?? SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!"

i decide to get up since there's no way i'm going back to sleep now. i check the time, 9:35, not bad.

i lazily make my way to the living room while rubbing my eyes and yawning. "minako, free speech is nice but like also shut the fuck up sometimes."

"Y/N! are you trying to give yourself more punishments in ballet??"

"guys! shhh! he's sleeping right now..." yuuri looks panicked. then i look at victor laying with makkachin passed out on the floor.

"wow." i go kneel on the floor with yuuri.

suddenly victor starts to stir... "he's awake." me and yuuri both stare in awe.

he sits up and stretches, "good morning!"

minako immediately starts bombarding him with questions. "VICTOR NIKIFOROV! i can't believe you came down here because of yuuri?! so you're really gonna coach him huh? i can't believe you're taking off an entire season! how are you going to continue? what did your coach say? have you ever coached before? are you-"

"MINAKO. how about you come help me with ballet practice at your studio..." before she gets a chance to say anything more i grab her wrist and head outside.

"Y/N~! i wasn't done interrogating victor~" she starts whining while i drag her.

"minako let the man BREATHE. he's gonna leave if you keep this up. him and yuuri have just started their coaching."

"ugh alright fine. is he coaching you as well? didn't your old coach retire?"

"well, he's kind of subbing as coach for me. and he's not a full time coach, at this point i'm more on my own more or less ever since ukai retired last season." ukai, my old grouchy coach. still the best coaching i've ever gotten though. he really is like the father i could never have...

"wow... well y/n we've gotta find you a real full-time coach! but before that, do you really want to go to the ballet studio in your pajamas..?"

"SHIT I FORGOT-" oh my god victor saw me in these embarrassing ass pajamas- not to mention REVEALING!

i am currently outside in the cold with baggy gray sweatpants, but that's not the bad part. i am also wearing i VERY cropped tank top with little cats and cat paws all over it... saying "MEOW~" on the front...

don't mind me as i dig my own grave now.

i run inside with my arms trying to cover as much as i can, leaving minako outside without another word.


le time skip


after a quick breakfast and changing... *ahem* i am currently in minakos ballet studio stretching in a standing split as i scroll through instagram.

yuuri and victor started some training to get yuuri back to his old weight, and for me victor just suggested i look at music that will surprise people, and think of a new theme.

so far, i've got nothing.

in the past i had themes that were like "innocence" or "peace" and my least favorite, "beauty and grace." that one earned me the title of the white dove. it was awfully painful.

basically i've been doing a lot of themes with this sweet innocence, and i'm over it. and everyone else is too. my last competition was boring, not to mention an overall mess. people weren't surprised or impressed as they once were... and i want that back.

but right now my mind is completely blank. i guess that's what i get for dropping school and pursuing ice skating...

i focus back on my screen, skipping through people's stories until i come across yuri plisetsky once again... the lowkey-highkey fine ass russian ice skating prodigy. yeah, him.

i view his story.

WHAT!? he's already here?? in japan? it's barely even been a few days... he doesn't waste any time does he?

i wonder if he knows that victor is here at our hot springs... WAIT. does this mean he'll be staying with us? HOLD ON-

cute blonde russian being one of the best skaters in the world AND victor staying with us!? how the hell am i suppose to even SHOW MY FACE??

"y/n~ time to start practicing!" minako walks in with an evil look in her eye, completely distracting me from yuri.ย 

oh god what is she going to make me do now...

"hey... maybe instead of doing any of your "fun" work outs i can go and skate for a bit... yeah? okaysoundsgreatgottagobye!"

before i can even get to the door minako grabs my arm.

"oh no you don't y/n. you've been on break and need to fix your technique again. i bet you've gotten all sloppy now."

well, she's not wrong.

"ugh fine, where do we begin then?"


another time skip dw about it


after a painful practice with minako for almost 5 hours i decided to go to the ice castle and see what yuuri and victor were up to.ย 

i am so tired after dancing for so long, but i know i should still practice on the ice some more...

as i walk up the hill i see a crowd of cameras and news broadcasters... not really surprising i guess since victor nikiforov himself showed up here out of no where.

unfortunately for me, this means i have to get past all of these cameras and people... dear god help me now.

i sigh and slowly make my way up, trying my best to keep my head down and just act like i'm some random person going to skate.

of course my half assed attempt didn't work.

as soon as i go to the first line of people standing at the doorway, someone recognizes me and says and little too damn loudly, "guys! isn't that katsuki y/n?? japan's ice fairy?" "oh my god it is, she's also katsuki yuuri's cousin!" "wow i haven't seen her in a while, didn't she take a break after having a bad season?"

shit. there it is. my awful senior division debut being brought up. i swear that's all people know me by now...

well this season, i'll change that.

"y/n! over here!" fuck not the interviewers-ย 

"are you returning this season? what would be your theme? is victor coaching you as well? why did you take a break? what are your plans moving forward? is it true your old coach ukai retired after last season?"

i sigh as they bombard me with questions, might as well just get this over with as quickly as i can... "yes i am returning. no i have not chosen a theme. no, victor is only acting as a sub. no comment. no comment again. and yes he did."

i answer all their questions and before they can ask any follow-ups, i push the doors open, greeting the triplets as i do so who are currently trying to manage the crowds.

as soon as i step inside i see the most ridiculous scene playing out in front of me.

i can barely keep my laugh in as i see yuuri on the floor, and an angry blonde russian standing over him with his foot on his face.

"i... i have no words."ย 

"y/n! help me!"

the blondy turns to me with a sour face, "and who are you!? what do you want? did victor agree to coach you too!??" he's wearing a black mask, a black hoodie with cheetah print, and a familiar tiger shirt...ย 

"woah, calm down kitty boy i'm only here to practice."

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING KITTY BOY!?" he pulls his mask down and takes off his hood in a fit of anger.

oh shit. i did not just do that.

i really do end up meeting russians in the worst ways possible.

"oh uh... i mean heyyy yuri plisetsky..?"


"PIG?? WHO ARE YOU CALLING PIG PUSSYCAT!?" i was NOT about to be bullied by some angsty teen obsessed with cats.

at this point yuri and i are in each other's faces, and yuuri is now standing and staring at us argue.

woah this up close you can really see how blue his eyes are... NOT THE TIME Y/N.

"ah! yuri you're here!" victor comes in just before yuri can yell something back, breaking the tension.

"victor, you forgetful old man, do you not remember your promise to me?" yuri turns away from me and immediately goes to interrogate victor.

"oh right... i did promise something didn't i?"


small time skip


after things settle down a bit, we are now all on the ice discussing how to go about this.

"well, since i can't coach you both i've got an idea. how about a competition?" victor says with a smile. "i will choreograph a short program for each of you and the winner is who i coach!"

"YES YES YES!" the triplets suddenly appear out of no where. "let us organize it! you can use this rink of course! it can all be ready in week!"

yuuko comes in with nishigori, "yeah this is such a great idea! of course you can use this rink as well!"

"well then it's settled."

"well what music will we use?" yuri still looks relatively unhappy, i'm starting to think his only mood is annoyance-

"i will choreograph something for each of you to the same music! the music has different arrangements, one is agape and the other is eros. this is agape." victor plays a very melodic piece... full of sweet and innocent love. something i would have skated to a year ago...

yuri looks in disgust at this piece.

"this next one is eros." a much more exciting and passionate song plays, giving almost the complete opposite feel of the other song, but still about love.

"i want to skate this song victor." yuri says and glares at yuuri, no surprise there.

"actually i was thinking... japanese yuuri skates eros! and russian yuri skates agape!"

"WHAT!?" we all shout at once.

after things settle down a little more, and victor shows the beginning of each of their routines as they accept the fact they will be skating completely opposite songs, victor turns to me.

"so y/n, have you come up with a theme yet?"

"uh- yeah about that..."

"of course she hasn't. what do you expect from someone who went and hid for half a year after messing up?" yuri scoffs.

great, he knows me in the worst way possible. and he's an asshole. figures.

i just bite my tongue and stay quiet, there's no point in arguing with him right now...

"no worries y/n, but i want you to skate in this competition as well. even if i'm not coaching you, it will be good practice to get you back into competing again. here i have a song ready for you, i can play it now."

i listen to the song. it starts out strong, more exciting than anything i've ever skated to. but i like it, it's passionate and fierce, this is exactly what i need.ย 

"this is 'Storm,' or Vivaldi's Four Seasons: Summer. i know in your past routines you have used more songs similar to agape, this will be a big change but i'm sure you can do it y/n!" victor looks down at me with a smile, "so don't disappoint me!" there it is. well better not screw this up now...

"that's not fair why does she get a powerful piece and i'm stuck with unconditional love?? this innocence shit makes me want to puke." yuri doesn't hesitate to speak his mind.ย 

but wait, that's it. powerful.

"power!" i shout out randomly. that's embarrassing...

"uh, yes y/n?" yuuri looks at me like i'm crazy.

"um, i mean power, i want that to be my theme. being powerful and fierce."

"I LOVE IT! i couldn't have come up with a better theme for you! it's perfect." well i finally did something right for victor...

"yeah right like she can pull that off." i'm getting real fed up with this blonde's attitude.

"says you. good luck pulling that innocence theme off, the only thing unconditional about you is your obsession with cats, old man."


before yuri and i start arguing again victor claps his hands together.

"it's settled! everyone has their music, i'll show you the beginnings of the dances in an hour after some training. and on top of that, i want y/n to help yuri with his agape feeling! and i want yuri to help y/n with feeling fierce, powerful, and strong!"

you've gotta be kidding me. i have to HELP the ASSHOLE of a russian prodigy??

"no." we both say at the same time. "stop it." it happens again, "I SAID STOP. STOP COPYING ME!"ย 

i turn to victor, "alright fine. but i'll only help him if he asks me himself."

"HAH. like hell. i don't need your help anyways." he skates out of the rink and starts walking to the locker room, "and don't come crying to me when you can't figure yourself out."

now it's just me, yuuri, and victor on the ice.

"well uh... that was interesting.." yuuri stands there awkwardly.

"right! well then, start warming up and i'll show you the routines in a bit, i'm going to go talk to yuri." victor walks off to the locker room, following yuri.

"ugh what an asshole. he's so talented but it's so hard to admire that when he's so rude 98% of the time." i turn to yuuri.

"yeah... but don't worry y/n. i know that as soon as you get on that ice to perform, you'll blow everyone away, just be patient." he puts his arm on my shoulders and i look up at him.

"yeah you're right... same with you y'know, i can already tell you're a completely different person from last season." i give him a small smile, before a devilish idea gets into my head.

"y'know you're a really great cousin yuuri..."

"aw thanks y/n-"

"sohopefullyyouwon'tkillmeforthis." ย before he can respond i punch him in the armย and speed off around the rink. " HAHA! you're it!"

"OW! you're gonna pay for that y/n!"

"hahahaha! you've gotta catch me first!"

we chase each other for at least 10 minutes. by the end we're exhausted, but i mean what a great way to warm up, am i right?

little did i know someone was watching in frustration...


time skip brought to you by hinata missing a serve


after several hours of training, i was so fucking tired... i swear i don't know how i didn't collapse. after ballet and then this, i won't be able to walk tomorrow.

throughout practice both yuri's and i all mainly kept to ourselves on the ice... working on the beginnings of what victor gave us.ย 

so far my routine isn't too difficult to get the hang of, and it's definitely different from anything else i've done before... although this is also the first 30 seconds or so, knowing victor it will be anything but easy and even fiercer. he already told me to start working on my triple salchow, and triple axel. he wants to work these jumps into the routine... i swear this man is trying to kill me.

after practice we all went back to the hot springs. good lord was i ready to take a hot ass shower and eat something. i completely forgot to eat lunch and i'm starving.

as soon as i got through the door i dropped my skates and my bag, took off my shoes, and headed straight to the shower without even greeting anyone.

"yuuri! did i do anything to make y/n mad~? i feel like she's mad at meee!" victor starts harassing yuuri with his worries, grabbing onto his arm making him blush.

"uH- ahem. um no, she's not mad, she just gets like this when she's tired and hungry. after a shower and some food she'll be fine, just try not to talk to her now. she's basically like how yuri is 24/7."


i enter the bathroom, closing the door behind me as the voices from the living room muffle out.

i strip and enter the glass shower, oh sweet jesus whoever invented these is a godsend.ย 


"i'm going to go take a shower, i'm not about to bathe with other people, now leave me alone!" yuri storms out of the living room down the hallway.

"i see what you mean now yuuri, i think y/n and yuratchka are as similar as they are different..."

"VICTOR STOP CALLING ME THAT!" yuri yells from across the house.

"victor that doesn't even make any sense." yuuri looks up at him.

"you'll see what i mean, in time."

yuri continues down the hall, confused as to where everything is. he starts checking random rooms for the bathroom.

back to you

i'm humming with my eyes closed as i wash my hair, when i hear the door open.ย 

SHIT! i forgot to lock it... whatever it's probably mari grabbing something from the bathroom.

i continue washing my hair, "mari can you grab a towel for me?"

no response.


i open my eyes and turn around to see a blushing yuri plisetsky.

"AHHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET THE HELL OUT!" i instinctually try to cover what i can with my hands.

"what are YOU doing!? this is your fault for not locking the door!!" yuri is now covering his eyes.

"I DON'T CARE JUST GET OUTTT!!" he rushes out, almost hitting the door since he can't see.

jesus christ. note to self, remember to lock the door.

outside i hear victor and yuri.

"yuri~ why do you have a bloody nose? did you hit yourself?"


oh boy...

i finally finish my shower, still embarrassed about earlier...

i dry off, but then realize i forgot my clothes. shit.ย 

okay, come on y/n, let's plan this out. from the bathroom to your room it's only about 20 feet. just down the hall to the left... you can totally do this! yeah, you got this!ย 

i am speed...

i quickly bolt out of the bathroom in my towel, and make a mad dash to my room.

i'm about to make it when i run into someone's bare chest. the hell?

i look up. fuck. this has got to stop happening.



"YOU TELL ME! I'M TRYING TO GET TO MY ROOM! and why are you only in a towel!?" i suddenly notice his entire bare top half in front of me... woah-

"I JUST CAME BACK FROM THE HOT SPRINGS- never mind, just get out of my way piglet!"

i start blushing. wait shit he's still yelling at me. "w-well, you're the one in my way! just shut up, dumbass!" i push past him before anything worse can happen and slam the door closed as i enter my room.

did i just... did i just fucking STUTTER??? what the hell is wrong with me...


i change as fast as i can, wearing baggy grey sweats and a fitted black long sleeve. i walk back to the bathroom and brush my hair, locking the door this time. i'm not taking any chances...

after i'm all done, i go back to the living room as i smell food~

"mmm... what did you guys make?" i ask toshiya and hiroko.

"pork cutlet bowls of course! victor insisted we make them for yuri! the russian one, that is."

"well i'm not complaining!"

yuri, yuuri, victor and i all sit to eat.

i try to avoid any eye contact with yuri for as long as i can. how the hell am i supposed to even face him now...

i just focus on eating, i mean i am starving so i just dig in.

"wow, eating like the piglet you are." says yuri with his mouth full.

this hoe really has to say something right now!? i just want to avoid himmmm... ugh.

"says you! you can't even properly chew!" i finally look up from my food at him.

"SHUT UP! so much for being the beauty and grace everyone talks about! not much of a white dove to me!" wow he really knows all my nicknames? kinda impressive not gonna lie...

"whatever! at least i'm not obsessed with cats and tigers!"

"hm, then how come you were wearing that kitty pajama top earlier y/n?" suddenly victor joins in.ย 

shit. i forgot about this morning! my pajamas... my top... oh god kill me now.

"uh- i don't know what you're talking about."

"right~ whatever you say..."

victor why'd you have to do me like that...

"alright guys! let's just enjoy our food, okay?" yuuri tries to make peace with everyone.

suddenly mari walks in to ask us something, but stops when she sees yuri.

"yuuri, y/n, you have another skater friend staying here? does he need a room?"

"not a friend." i say flatly.ย 

"haha.. yeah this is yuri plisetsky. and he'll be staying with us." yuuri introduces him.

"two yuri's?? that's too confusing, blondie you're yurio now." mari walks off to fix up a room for yuri. or should i say... yurio~

"WHAT!? YURIO!? that is not my name!" i burst out laughing at the new nickname.

"aw, is little yurio upset~?" i immediately take advantage of this.

"shut up! i am not going by that stupid name!" all of us start laughing, except yurio, until mari walks back in.

"hey bad news, we don't have space for another room, the storage is too filled. so yurio is going to have to share a room with y/n."



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oh my god... this chapter is so long. i am so sorry, i should really start making these shorter... this took me like 4 days to do-

uh- anyways, i guess these chapters are kinda long because i'm going by episode, or as close to each episode as i can while making y/n the MC, and since there are only 12 eps the chapters have to be kinda long... cause y'know, character developmentย ๐Ÿ‘บ

because of that i'll probably make some shorter chapters that focus strictly on yuri and y/n, but that'll be later. till then, adios.

it's like 2:30 am now, why do i always write these so late...
