โžฏ ๊œฑแด˜แด‡แด„ษชแด€สŸ !! ๐™ฅ๐™ž๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฏ๐™๐™ ๐™ž... ๐˜…๐Ÿฏ!

(the first special ๐Ÿ˜ณ)

โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!



i groan, rolling to my side and peeking one eye open. i'm met with victor banging on a pot and strutting around our room as yuuri peeks through the doorway.

"NO. SHUT UP OLD MAN!" yurio yells and throws a pillow at him, before falling back down to bed next to me.

"victorrrr! we just got back from barcelona yesterday and we're jet lagged. let us sleep innn!" i cry into my pillow.

he shakes his head, "not a chance. besides, there's a surprise coming today~!"

i sigh, "yuuri, please... take the pot away from this man."

he gives me a sheepish look before slowly backing away "suddenly i'm deaf..."

"YUURIII!!" (on ice! :D ๐Ÿ‘)

i drop my head to my pillow again in frustration, "victor i beg you, get out of my room!"

"OUR room!" yurio suddenly shouts.

i lift my head to look at him, "hey! you're only staying here for the next couple of weeks while we visit on break before going back to russia. i can always kick you back to the floor!"

suddenly i'm hit in the face with a pillow.

as it drops i'm met with a smirking yurio, "you love me too much to do that."

"oh yeah? you wanna test that theory? cause i think the floor is calling your name." i glare at him as i sit up.

i grab a pillow and slowly raise it above my head, ready to wack yurio.

he looks at me with wide eyes.

suddenly i smirk and drop the pillow, kissing him on the cheek instead.

he blushes before backing up and falling off the side of the bed. i burst out laughing.

victor stifles a laugh and walks out, "i think that's my cue to leave and get the surprise ready."

yurio groans, "you'll pay for that piglet!"

"what was that? can't hear you over the sound of my victory." i say smugly.

he scoffs, "oh really? then i'll just have to bring you down to my level."

he grabs the edge of the comforter that i was sitting on, and drags it off. i'm dragged with it and land in a heap of blankets on the ground on top of him.

i slowly lift my head to be met with yuri looking at me with a smile as he props himself up on his elbows.

"was this your plan all along?" i question.

"now what makes you think that?"

suddenly the light from our doorway is blocked out by a large figure. i look up past yurio to see who it is.

"ahem... am i interrupting something?"

no way.

"nikolai!!" i quickly stand up and run over to him, leaving yurio tangled in the covers.

i give nikolai a hug and he chuckles as he notices yurio on the floor.

yurio's head peeks out from the blanket and his eyes light up when they land on nikolai. he runs up to hug him.


"yuratchkaaa-! aH! my back!"


time skip brought to you by a 1 hour loop of history maker that's fueling me rn


"alright we'll be back later! we're going to site see and shop, try not to burn the house down yurio~!" victor calls as him, yuuri, and the rest of my family leave the house.

"THAT WAS ONE TIME!" yurio shouts as he now aggressively ties his apron around his waist. it says 'kiss the cook' on it, courtesy of nikolai.

i stifle a laugh, but yurio hears me.

"what are you laughing at??"

i play dumb, "oh nothing, let's just hope a certain blonde kitten doesn't go smoking up the entire house with burned pirozhki..."ย 

yurio grumbles, "it's getting old!"

i snicker and pat him on the head, "oh don't be silly kitty boy, it'll never get old." i smile sweetly at him.

if fumes could come out of his ears they 100% would be right about now.

"i'll show you! my pirozhki will be 10x better than anything you or my grandpa could make-!"

suddenly nikolai comes back into the kitchen after being in the bathroom.

he looms over yurio's back with a dark look, "what was that yuratchka..? you think... you think you'll be able to make better pirozhki than me? your grandpa?"

yurio gulps and slowly turns around to face nikolai, "what?? of course not grandpa! you make the best pirozhki!"

"too late!" nikolai says, "that settles it. this is officially a three way pirozhki competition! when everyone else gets back they'll taste them each without knowing which is which, and then vote which one they liked best!"

i cheer, "yes! sounds great to me!"

yurio rolls his eyes, "no problem. i'll crush both of you easily."

"yeah maybe when pigs fly." i snicker.

"what was that!?" he turns to look at me.

i smirk, "easy there tiger, might wanna cool it or you'll burn your pirozhki again~"

he grits his teeth, "alright that's it! game on!"

nikolai chuckles at the two of us, "very well. let's start with the ingredients. ready, go!"

we all rush into the kitchen, and enter the large pantry.

hah! i have a head start since i know where everything is in this kitchen. this should be a piece of cake-

just as i reach for the bag of flour, a hand snatches it right from in front of me. i whip around to see a smirking yurio.

i glare at him before quickly going to look for more.

nevermind that. just because he gets his ingredients faster doesn't mean his will be better!

i quickly grab the other few items i need from the pantry, before heading to the large fridge.

let's see... i think i'll make the traditional pirozhki that nikolai taught me, with a bit of a twist.

instead of grabbing the savory items, like beef, onions and potatoes, i grab jars of jam and fruit preserves, along with sugar and cinnamon and ginger spices.

from the fridge i grab eggs and butter, fresh berries, lemon, and other fruits like cherries and peaches and apples.

this is going to be sweet pirozhki! like a dessert!ย 

i just know yuuri is gonna love me for this. gotta keep up the title of favorite cousin, y'know?

i quickly set my ingredients out, taking up a space in the large kitchen to work.

alright, just follow the steps nikolai taught you before, except make the stuffing fruity and sweet... maybe i should make a glaze too?ย 

too much? nahhh

as i'm thinking suddenly a large bag of flour is dropped next to me on the counter, making me jump.

i look up to see yurio with a competitive smirk splayed across his face, challenging me. i mentally accept his challenge and return his smirk. we keep a fierce, but playful eye contact, and in the background i hear nikolai announce;

"alright timer for 3 hours starts in 3!"

our eyes narrow into slits.


we take our stances, ready to start our pirozhki as soon as he says 1...


and with that we finally break our eye contact and the three of us each quickly get to baking.

already in the beginning i can see the clear difference between yurio and his grandpa. while his grandpa takes a calm and methodical approach, yurio is much more aggressive and brash, and he somehow already has flour on his face when we're only a minute in.

i sweat drop, this might not have been the best idea...

i'm just praying that yurio doesn't burn down our kitchen or i fear my aunt and uncle will never allow him back into japan.


time skip brought to you by i bet on losing dogs by mitski on BLAST. FUCK YEAH! CRY WITH ME YALL


i wash and dry my hands before wiping sweat from my brow and sighing.

that was way harder than it should have been.

i glance up at the timer on nikolai's phone, 30 minutes left, i put the pirozhki in the oven just in time. 20 minutes to bake and that gives me 10 minutes to decorate.

nikolai sits at our small table sipping a coffee and reading the newspaper. he's really showing off how fast he is huh.

he put his pirozhki to bake about 20 minutes ago so they should be ready any minute now.

i lean against the counter giving myself a second to rest. while everyone was working on their baking there wasn't much talking, we were all incredibly focused.

who knew nikolai was this competitive? i see where yuri gets it from now...

yurio is currently very focused on putting his together so that they can go in the oven, yet he seems to be struggling with getting them to stay closed...

his back is to me and he's working at the counter opposite mine. since i have nothing to do, i decide to peek over at what he's doing.

i quietly creep up behind him, not that i really have to be sneaky since he's so focused, and his hair is blocking some of his vision.

i think for a minute, before taking a hairband off my wrist and reaching up to carefully grab half of his hair.

he freezes, but says nothing as i tie his hair half up.

i quietly say in his ear, "there, better?"

he just nods, and i catch a small smile creep to his face.

after watching him fail at closing another pirozhki, i smirk.ย 

"need any help kitty boy? you seem to be struggling just a bit."

he finally turns to me and glares, "i know what i'm doing! i don't need your help!"

"okay~! whatever you say chef yurio!" i give him a salute, and he just grumbles before turning back to his... work in progress.

suddenly nikolai's alarm for his pirozhki goes off, and i watch as he carefully sets his coffee and newspaper down. he gets up to go get his pirozhki.

hm... he left his in for a few minutes longer. should i do that with mine? i can't remember how long we left them in when he showed me back in russia... and the instructions i referenced said 20 minutes.

too late now, i only have time for 20 minutes so it is what it is, plus this one has fruit instead of... whatever nikolai put in his.

but as nikolai pulls his pirozhki out, yurio and i watch.

the smell hits us first, and it smells amazing, like nothing i've ever been around before. it smells like comfort, and we finally see the perfectly golden brown crusts.

oh my god...

i swear i feel my mouth water. how does he get it that perfect!?

yurio seems to feel the same, then looks back at his work on the counter.


i snap out of my daze and glance at him, "yeah?"

he turns to me, but his gaze shifts side to side.

"i need your help..."

my eyes widen for a second, before i smile at him and nod, "just tell me what to do chef yurio~!"


time skip again cause i actually suck at cooking and i'm ngl this is hard to write when i have no idea what i'm doing ๐Ÿคฉ


exactly 29 minutes later, and all three of us have our plates of pirozhki out.

in exactly one minute, yuuri, victor, and the rest of the family should be walking in to judge our pirozhki.

i helped yurio put his pirozhki tgoether and in ten minutes they were ready to be in the oven, just in time for 20 minutes of baking, and guess what... they didn't burn! i've never been prouder of this kitty boy.

my pirozhki came out better than i thought, they were almost the perfect golden brown and after covering them in a sugar water glaze they quite literally sparkled.

even nikolai gave the shortest look of amazement.

i also melted and made a chocolate sauce to go with them, as well as a strawberry one, and in the end i made strawberry pirozhki, apple, peach, and cherry.

i haven't seen yuri's pirozhki yet since they just came out in time and he immediately covered them in a towel to keep the warm, but they definitely smell good.

"i have to say all three of ours smell amazing. this might be a close competition..." i glance at yurio to my left and nikolai to my right. we all stand in front of the dining table with our plates in front of us covered in towels as we wait for everyone else to get back.

nikolai chuckles, "you might be right, i'm just impressed yuratchka didn't burn the kitchen down."

he ย leans over to look at his grandpa and glares, "ONE TIME! and i didn't even burn it down, it was just smokey!"

i stifle a laugh, "i don't know, nikolai showed me the pan you almost melted when i was there..."

"what!? grandpa quit embarrassing me!!"

nikolai bursts out laughing and just like that victor yuuri and everyone else walk in.

victor announces, "we're home-! WOW something smells good!"

yuuri's eyes widen at the three of us with plates in front of us, all wearing aprons, "what's this y/n??"

"we decided to make a baking competition! you guys are the judges, and you'll all try our different pirozhki. then you'll vote which one you think is best, and the one with the most votes wins!"

"this sounds awesome! so which one should we try first?" mari says.

nikolai speaks up, "well, whichever one you want."

the three of us lift the towels off the plates, presenting them.

"woah! these looks so good i don't know which to choose first!" yuuri says.

minako speaks up, "hey training starts again in a couple weeks don't pig out too much!"

yuuri grumbles, but ignores her and reaches out for yurio's pirozhki first. victor takes nikolai's, and mari takes mine.

they all try the different ones at the same time, and their eyes light up.

"wow this one is really good! it tastes like the original." yuuri says.

"this one... this one has pork cutlet in it! VKUSNO!" victor says.

"oh my god- this one is sweet! and it has sauces too! it's the perfect dessert!" mari says, going in to take a second bite with chocolate sauce.

minako sighs, "okay fine! i'll try one!"

she reaches for the sweet ones i made, and takes a bite.ย 

her eyes widen, "wow... that's really good..."

"alright now let us try some!" my aunt and uncle, hiroko and toshiya, push their way to the front and grab one from yurio's plate, and one from nikolai's.

everyone loves every plate as they try each one, constantly exclaiming how good they are. after about ten minutes of trying them all, they all sit back, full.

"they're all so good... i don't know how i'll ever choose!" mari says.

yuuri seems to think for a minute, before nodding to himself, "i've made my decision."

victor nods as well, "mine too."

minako, with her mouth full says, "same!"

hiroko and toshiya both nod, "we each have our decisions."

mari sighs, "alright, i've made up my mind."

"alright then, everyone have their votes ready?" i ask.

they all nod, and sit up to give their votes.

"okay, write down which type of pirozhki you liked the most, the options are original, sweet, or pork, and then fold the paper and put them in this bowl."

they all write them down and put them in the bowl, i mix up the papers and then start pulling them out.

"okay, 1 for sweet!"

i rummage around for the second, "1 for pork."

"1 for pork."

"1 for original."

"1 for sweet."

"final one..."

i slowly pull out the last paper and unfold it, revealing...

"1 for pork! pork wins with 3 votes, sweet gets 2, and original gets 1!"

nikolai smiles and cheers, "pork was mine! yurio was right, these are the best pirozhki i've ever made."

yurio grumbles, "why did i tell him that! and that's unfair he's a baker! original is always the best!"

i roll my eyes, "oh please, sweet is obviously better! everyone loves dessert!"

"i call a revote!" yurio shouts.

"me too!" i say.

mari and yuuri suddenly speak up, "y/n's right, sweet is the best."

minako rolls her eyes, "what do you mean? original obviously is."

victor turns to yuuri, "my love, i hate to disagree with you... but pork is obviously the best!"

yuuri looks at him like he's crazy, "but the sweet ones came with sauces!"

mari echoes him, "THE SAUCESSS!"

minako argues, "the other ones are too complicated original is best! you're all crazy!"

i sigh as i watch them all start fighting at the table. i turn to my left to look at yurio, looking down at his plate annoyed.

i suddenly decide to grab one of his final pirozhki on the plate, and give it a try.

as soon as i take a bite, i feel my eyes widen at how good it is.

"woah... yurio..."

he sighs, "yeah yeah i know! yours or my grandpa's is probably better-"

before he can finish i cut him off with a kiss, grabbing the collar of his shirt.

his eyes widen before shutting closed and returning the kiss. he puts his hands on my waist, almost automatically.

after a few seconds we finally pull away, and i smile at him.

"what the hell was that for??" he goes back to being confused.

i laugh, before pointing to his 'kiss the cook' apron.

"i mean, i had to thank the cook some how for this amazing food."

he glances down to read it, before looking up and smiling, "you're so stupid some times y/n."

"hey! that's it i'm taking my kiss back."

he smirks, "well come get it." and pulls me in for another kiss.

i feel butterflies in my stomach...

when suddenly i hear a camera shutter go off.

we quickly pull away to see victor smirking mischievously while holding his phone up to us, with everyone behind him. mari and minako both have a knowing look with their hands over their mouths, yuuri stifles a laugh as he looks over victor's shoulder, nikolai looks at us sweetly, and my aunt and uncle smile brightly.

"say cheese~" mari teases.

yurio and i go red from embarrassment, "you're all perverts!" i shout

minako laughs, "pfft, we're not the ones kissing in the middle of the dining room."

i sigh, defeated, "point taken."

yurio grumbles, "remind me to never kiss you around victor again..."

"noted and agreed." i say, nodding.

"this ones going on the story~!" victor says as he waves his phone in the air.


"YEAH LET ME SEE FIRST!" yurio says, scrambling over to victor.

yurio starts chasing him, and i facepalm at the two idiots.


this isn't exactly how i planned on spending my break from skating, but i'm not mad about it.

"not a chance~!" victor says, teasing yurio by holding his phone in the air.

i smile to myself.


this is way better than anything i ever could have planned.


โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!


AHHH! i love this special i'm ngl. i hope you all do too!!ย 

this is the first special out of 3! so look forward to a final 2-part one that may or may not have something to do with Welcome to Madness...ย 

stay tuned! ;)
